Author Topic: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)  (Read 18195 times)

Offline Anniekins

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Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« on: January 25, 2009, 01:28:00 pm »
Hi, I already posted somewhere else but I realized I should introduce myself and my dogs too. I have a border collie/ Australian cattle dog mix (Ralph) and a new pup( Charlie) that is said to be a Great Pyr/collie mix. He is really starting to look like that is what he is too. When he was adopted I was told Pyr/Jack russell..Ralph is my service dog and Charlie is in training to someday hopefully take over for him. I also have a 16 year old Yorkie (Rippy)who thinks he is a big paws ,does that count? lol Rippy is now deaf and almost blind but he is still alpha in this house. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for me about how big Charlie might get? He is 7 or 8 months old (vet thinks 7) and almost 80 pounds so I am getting a bit worried. We had decided no more huge dogs but he just keeps growing. Last year we lost our 15 year old Great Dane/ Blood hound and swore no more big dogs. Charlie is really smart and loves training. He has a really good attentions span. Its longer than my energy will last that is for sure. I don't really know much about Pyrs other than what I have read here. I will try to figure out how to post a pic of the boys. There is another dog on this board that looks a lot like Charlie ,I think his or her name is Rollie. I was hoping to get some idea of how Pyrs grow. Will he likely slow down his growth soon? He is not going anywhere regardless, I just tend to obsess on things like this. Also it might be helpful in deciding which crate to get. We have a giant one but I am hoping to get away with one that will fit in my living room.

Anne, Ralph and Charlie
Anne and the crew

Ralph,(service dog) BC/ACD (7 yrs)
Abby, Pyr/collie (14 months)
Rippy, lil old blind deaf yorkie (16 yrs) RIP
Izzy, gray tabby (10 yrs)
Fred, Black and white cat (10 years)
Wally, gray tabby (10 onths)
Charlie, RIP (2/20/09)(Abby's brother)

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2009, 02:06:54 pm »
Hello and welcome!  Hope you enjoy it here.
I don't own a pyr but if I had to take a guess, b/c of his age and where he is now, I'd think he would top out around 100lbs, maybe a bit more.  Dont' think he'll make it to 120.

My name is Chris, and my crew is Keiko (10), husky/shep mix, Gunther (4), great dane, and Nigel and Posey (both 3), rat terriers.

Offline Amy (guffer)

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 03:03:59 am »
Welcome Anne!  Your boys are gorgeous!  But where are the pictures of Rippy?  Please don't leave him out just 'cause he's a little paw.  Alot of us have soft spots for the little guys, too.   :)

Offline Anniekins

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2009, 09:19:23 am »
Hi, yes he has the double dews in back. He is changing so fast lately and his coat just looks awful like its fighting to grow one way then changing its mind. And th shedding, OMG! lol We adopted him at 5 months (or 4 according to my vet) and then he was so calm and unflappable then he started reacting to lots of things especially really little kids. Now he seems to be getting back to the calm boy he was in the beginning.I dont know if you can see his eyes in the pics but they are gold like his coat which as far as I can tell isn't a pyr or a collie trait but I am finally getting used to them. I am color blind and light colored eyes look kind of evil to me but I have gotten so I see his as beautiful like most other people.

We love him a lot and hopefully I will be able to get him to meet lots of nice kids so he wont be afraid of them. He is fine with older kids but the really little ones are scary. He needs to be good with kids to be a service dog because kids are always grabbing,petting,jumping on Ralph while he is working. Thank goodness he LOVES kids especially girls and old ladies too. Charlie is here to stay anyway, he is already a great service dog at home and will retrieve just about anything.

When I saw your pics of Rollie I thought he looked so much like Charlie. :)

Anne and the crew

Ralph,(service dog) BC/ACD (7 yrs)
Abby, Pyr/collie (14 months)
Rippy, lil old blind deaf yorkie (16 yrs) RIP
Izzy, gray tabby (10 yrs)
Fred, Black and white cat (10 years)
Wally, gray tabby (10 onths)
Charlie, RIP (2/20/09)(Abby's brother)


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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 10:34:11 am »
Hi Anne! Your pups are awesome...just wanted to say welcome!  :)

I'm Audrey, and my pups are below... Cant wait to see more pix!

Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2009, 11:57:23 am »
Shedding, what shedding??  LMAO!  With 2 Pyrs and a Golden mix (her coat is allll Golden) here, it's more like tumble weeds than just fur.  I have to vacuum every other day or so, and we're still deadly to vacuums.  We finally decided that if we kill another poor vacuum, we're going to try to  spring for a Dyson, so I do sympathize. 

Seriously though, welcome to you and your pups! I've had a big crush on Rollie for quite some time now (my childhood dog was a collie  :-*), so I especially can't wait to hear more about your Charlie.  Maybe someday I'll find my very own Pyr/Collie mix on Petfinders.   :)   8)

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees


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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 12:18:40 pm »
We finally decided that if we kill another poor vacuum, we're going to try to  spring for a Dyson, so I do sympathize. 

Just FYI: I thought the Dyson was crap (esp on dog hair). I swear by Rainbow though. It's a water filtration vacuum and it freaken ROCKS! It costs more than the Dyson, but you can sometimes find them used for cheap (got mine for $130 on Craigslist). And they last forever . . .

Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2009, 12:55:51 pm »
We finally decided that if we kill another poor vacuum, we're going to try to  spring for a Dyson, so I do sympathize. 

Just FYI: I thought the Dyson was crap (esp on dog hair). I swear by Rainbow though. It's a water filtration vacuum and it freaken ROCKS! It costs more than the Dyson, but you can sometimes find them used for cheap (got mine for $130 on Craigslist). And they last forever . . .

Hmmm good info, thanks!  We've had central vac in our last few houses and loved it.  Unfortunately, it would cost ~2K to retrofit into this house, so that's not happening and the ~$500 for a Dyson isn't in the budget right now either.  If we kill this poor vac, I'll look into used Rainbows, thanks.  (Tee hee, that sounds funny...where can you buy a used rainbow, anyway!  :D  ;))

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees

Offline truckerdave

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2009, 03:32:17 pm »
I have a Pyr/Artic Wolf hybrid. He's about 14 months old now and hasn't shed any hair yet. His hair looks almost like sheep's wool. How big will your dog get? Anyones guess.

Offline Anniekins

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2009, 02:03:56 am »
Oh my gosh, I would loe to see a picture of your wolfie Pyr. I have wondered if Charlie had some wolf in him because of his eyes.

Anne and the crew

Ralph,(service dog) BC/ACD (7 yrs)
Abby, Pyr/collie (14 months)
Rippy, lil old blind deaf yorkie (16 yrs) RIP
Izzy, gray tabby (10 yrs)
Fred, Black and white cat (10 years)
Wally, gray tabby (10 onths)
Charlie, RIP (2/20/09)(Abby's brother)

Offline lucyswoman

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2009, 07:58:39 pm »
Oh my gosh we have one!  I rescued him in TN he was 4 and had never been an inside dog and chased cats. Gus now lives with my mother and all her pyrs, cats and to many other critters  to list.  He's wonderful and really beautiful. I think I might have some pictures saved on my other computer. He is a beautiful red color - so pretty that we would get stopped all the time by people who wanted to know what kind of bread he was. He's around 10 years old now, weighs about 80 pounds. Still loves to play for hours with the younger dogs and smcaaarrrrt oh my goodness he is smart and the only dog I've had that really knows how to kill rats!! ;D have fun!!

Offline Anniekins

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2009, 07:57:05 am »
We lost Charlie but we have his sister Abby now and she is just a wonderful dog. I don't see anything Wolfie about her but who knows. Please do post pics if you have them, I would love to see Gus! I tried to attach a picture of Abby and her best friend Wally, hopefully it works

Anne and the crew

Ralph,(service dog) BC/ACD (7 yrs)
Abby, Pyr/collie (14 months)
Rippy, lil old blind deaf yorkie (16 yrs) RIP
Izzy, gray tabby (10 yrs)
Fred, Black and white cat (10 years)
Wally, gray tabby (10 onths)
Charlie, RIP (2/20/09)(Abby's brother)

Offline waffles717

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2009, 02:21:33 pm »

Hello the best way to tell would be is to look at the two breeds and see at what age they stop growing,then if u know the parents see how big they are by that u will could tell,our are saint Bernards they Don't stop till three,and on the parents we could tell ours where be Big and they Where!!
This Beethoven, he went to vet yesterday, he is 36 pound and only 9 weeks old!

Offline lucyswoman

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2009, 11:53:57 am »
Thought I would send you some pix of our pyr/collie. Don't ask me why he looks so depressed, he is around 10 and can still play hard with the young ones.  I think he was being dramatic.
Not sure this will work.

Offline lucyswoman

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Re: Pyr/collie mix wondering how big he might get?And intro :)
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2009, 12:01:57 pm »
Here are a pic of our pyr/collie.