Author Topic: What I love most about my Big Paw!  (Read 10494 times)

Offline Amy (guffer)

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Re: What I love most about my Big Paw!
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2009, 06:16:47 pm »
I love that when I wrap my arms around their necks and bury my face in all of that glorious white, soft, fluffy fur the entire world seems to disappear and I feel only pure joy. 

And as therapy dogs, they can provide this comfort for countless sick kids and their families at the hospital.

Offline macnmsc

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Re: What I love most about my Big Paw!
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2009, 07:03:29 pm »
hmm how about the fact that one big WET kiss can slime your whole face... hahaha.
I especially love how my big guy follows me everywhere.. and when he follows me in the bathroom he backs out...cause he thinks he too big to turn around.. you almost expect a beep like a dump truck. BEEP BEEP BEEP

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: What I love most about my Big Paw!
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2009, 03:35:16 pm »
I love to see the size difference when she's got her big butt up in the air trying to play with Moo or other tiny pawed dogs!  ;D

Or when it's snowing out, and she's outside you can barely see her until she smiles at you!   :-* :-* :-*
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Offline MommaBear

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Re: What I love most about my Big Paw!
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2009, 04:01:37 pm »
I love that when Bear sleeps in my bed she pushes right up against me, she loves to give hugs (put her paw on me when laying on her side) and puts her paws on my shoulders to lick my face when I get home :)....basically all her amazing love!

Offline chanceNcooper

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Re: What I love most about my Big Paw!
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2009, 08:15:21 am »
I like this topic :)

I love that I ALWAYS feel safe with Chance around. He is very good about letting me know when people I can't see/hear are around..and love that Cooper has already picked up on that protective trait and wants to let me know when people are at the door.
I love that when I'm on the bed Chances head rests on the mattress so I can pet him.
Mostly I love how sensitive Chance is - he knows when I'm sad or mad and when I cry he practically sits on me and licks away the tears till I stop.
I love that Cooper HAS to sit on or up against me or he isn't happy. (That will be interesting when he isn't a 20lb puppy and he is 150+ :) )
Chance - yellow lab 6 years old
Cooper - Mastiff 10 weeks old