Author Topic: Veli and the Alarm Clock  (Read 30545 times)

Offline boxermama

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Veli and the Alarm Clock
« on: February 18, 2009, 12:24:15 pm »
So this happened a few years ago but I thought some of you could appreciate it; I hate when people try to tell me that boxers are stupid because I swear this animal is brilliant!

Anyhow… back before I got married, I used to share my king-sized bed with my Boxer (a.k.a “Veli”) (well “share” I use loosely since she dominated more than ¾ of it!).

I am a very heavy sleeper and have an extremely loud alarm clock. This alarm clock had a huge snooze button on the top and you could literally smack down with your hand to get it to stop.

I eventually had to move it from my bedside table to the vanity across my room so I would actually have to get up to hit it because I kept oversleeping. 

Veli loves to sleep as much as mama and we don’t do mornings well.

One morning the alarm went off and I really didn’t want to get up so I was lying there for a minute or so, eyes wide open and trying to motivate myself to get up.  Well apparently this wasn’t acceptable because my dog who was curled into a ball next to me lifted her head looked at me (like to say “you are not going to turn that thing off?!”) and when I didn’t budge she let out a sigh and got up, jumped off the bed and ran over to the alarm.  She put her two front paws on the surface of the counter (so she was “standing” on the two hind ones) and stood there looking at the alarm.

I would have gotten up by now but I kind of wanted to see if she was going to bark at it. She didn’t but what she did do was much better…. She tilted her head to the side at it and then with one swat of her paw hit the snooze button (I kid you not, anyone who has watched boxers play know they use their paws like cats and hit things hence the name boxer!)

The alarm stopped making noise…. she stared at it then when she was sure it was quiet got off the counter and marched back to bed and jumped back up and curled into a ball and sighed again and went back to sleep!!! (While I am sure she learned this behavior from me, it was amazing to see her apply that knowledge)

I thought I was going to die of laughter, but I got out of bed and went to the alarm and turned it off then grabbed my phone and went into the living room…. Only after shutting the door and calling my mom to tell her the story did I let myself laugh, I figured she deserved at least another 15 minutes of sleep in peace for that one…..

If only I could have caught it on tape……and she has never done it since!!!!

That’s my girl!!!

Have a good evening!

Steph and “Veli”

P.S. once I learn how to put pictures up I will properly introduce “Veli”


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Re: Veli and the Alarm Clock
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 01:09:01 pm »
that is  too funny. 

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Re: Veli and the Alarm Clock
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 01:56:48 pm »
Ha, I enjoyed that one!
Owned by:
Daisy, AKC Black Lab
Max 3 year old AQHA gelding

Offline boxermama

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Re: Veli and the Alarm Clock
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 04:08:47 am »
i know she could have made me some money...lord knows I'd end up spending it all on spoiling her!!!

Offline boxermama

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Re: Veli and the Alarm Clock
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 04:21:58 am »
awww poor lil pup. I love irish setters, when i was like 3 my parents had a friend whom breed them and the woman adored me because i had red hair like her dogs and so one year for my birthday she gave me a puppy (shelby)!

Offline boxermama

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Re: Veli and the Alarm Clock
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 04:49:49 am »
how funny that cat must have hated the noise! yeah she is definitely me in dog form!!! a mini-me lol!! she probably hasnt done it again because she is probably still angry that my husband makes her sleep in a dog bed since he moved in (he has sleep apnea and has to sleep with a breathing machine so it makes it difficult with a dog taking up 90% of the bed!)