Author Topic: Bloat-Please know warnings signs and have an action plan  (Read 4501 times)

Offline Moore1125

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Bloat-Please know warnings signs and have an action plan
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:15:40 am »
Hi everyone..I usually don't post too much...but I am thankful that we knew the signs and had a plan.

Friday night, my 3 year old newf, Rudder went into Bloat.
It was horrifying to say the least.
He ate his normal dinner of 2 1/2 cups of food with yogurt and cottage
cheese at 4:15. At 8pm we were watching TV and he came into the living
room stumbling and retching I got up and took him outside where he
continued to have trouble. I felt his stomach and it felt like he
swallowed a boulder. We immediately got in the car and drove up to the
emergency animal hospital in Nashua, NH. The wisked him away and
x-rayed. his stomach was twisted 180 degrees. They were preparing for
emergency surgery and he thru up! BUCKETS...poor clean up team. She
xrayed again and his stomach untwisted. but his intestines were still
filled. they watched him for a few more hours hoping that the gas would
go down it did not. They xrrayed again and he went into full bloat
again. this time they did the sug
ery and also did a gastropexy. He made
it through!!!!!!! His spleen was not damaged and he was able to come
home last night because he was recovery so well.
All I can say is that you just need to be aware of the signs. I am
thankful that I did and he is alive and well. I love my boy!
Meredith and Rudder

Offline vmimom2006

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Re: Bloat-Please know warnings signs and have an action plan
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 03:27:12 am »
Oh my goodness. So glad he is OK and you are right, it's knowing the signs and acting quickly that saved his life for sure. Rudder is one lucky boy to have such an alert momma!! Athena had gstroplexy during her spay but Aurora almost died during her spay by rescue so she did not have the tummy tacked. I am not sure what to do about it. I hate to put her at risk either way.
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
Aurora 5 yr Blue Merle Great Dane
Baby Tux cat-RIP 6/9/09
Mandy & Millie 10 yr sisters tabbys
Wheet 9 yr black shorthair devil cat
Lucy Lu & Buckley 8 month kitties

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Re: Bloat-Please know warnings signs and have an action plan
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2009, 04:25:03 am »
Anyone familiar with this? It's an accupressure point to relieve bloat. NOT an instead of, but something to do while you are on your way to the vet. At emergency speed!!
& The George Saints