Author Topic: Our office visit confrontation today and a "1 year check-up"update on Gunner  (Read 11937 times)

Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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I brought Gunner in for his weigh in and 1 year check-up and this woman asked what breed he was. 
Her question was more of a statment,"He looks like a mastiff, maybe bullmastiff mixed with something, maybe pitbull."
I respond with, "he is a mastiff....(didnt get to finish my sentence and she replies) He looks to be a bit poorly bred because he is awful small for a mastiff, maybe he is mixed with a lab.
I reply with he is a mastiff mix, english/bullmastiff.
Her, "oh, goodness, your poor baby.  his parents must have awful conformation. 
I hope you didnt pay too much for him.
I asked her what makes her say that, she says he doesnt have a full black mask, he is small(his mother,bully, only weighes between 100-125 lbs) his nose is too long, his ears are too long and arent black.  He just doesnt have the stock to be a beautiful majestic mastiff.
I then replied with....we actually picked him because he didnt have a full mask, it set him apart from his siblings, his mom is small, but dad is huge 200+lbs and if he stays small, Im ok with that,  just as long as he is healthy and happy.   I dont care if you dont think he is beautiful or majestic, he loves me and I love him.
 We didnt get him to be a show dog or arm candy, he is a companion and family member.  I dont pick my pets for others approval.
She says,  you should care because you dont know what health issues may come up with him being mixed.  WHAT???
I told her, unless she was an expert and a reputable breeder of mastiffs, she need not speak to me any longer.
I was PI$$ed and surprised I didnt tell her to ram it!
The nerve of some people!!!!

On another note, my small mastiff mix at 1 year old weighs in at 110lbs...down 5 since we have started him on raw feeding.  Vet says for the next month, to bring him in for weekly weigh ins so we can adjust his food to support his growth.
Vet says he is perfect where he is, losing t he 5 lbs was ok since he is only 1 year old and still growing.  he doesnt want him to be overweight at all, not even by 5 lbs. but doesnt want him losing any more weight either.
I was totally surprised that he supported raw feeding as one of the other vets there doesnt and is very against it,
He says, as long as the pup and parents are healthy and happy and getting the proper nutrution he doesnt like to butt heads.  He says to keep on doing everything we are doing with Gunner, that he is a healthy, well mannered and trained boy with a wonderful personality.
I think I like this!
Kira- Akita
cockateils-Peanut Butter & Jelly
Beta fish-Mak

Offline marinafb

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How rude some people should learn to keep there thoughts to themselves! When i first brought Bryce home i had this woman tell me i never saw a Brindle Mastiff before there aren't any mastiffs that are Brindle he can't be a Mastiff! Whatever
Freya-9 years collie shepard mix
Milo-6 years Pitt Bull
Bryce-3 years English Mastiff
Mab and Angus cool cats

Offline Moni

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What a nasty lady!   ::)  I guess there will always be rotten over opinionated people in the world, unfortunately.

At least Gunner was doing well otherwise!  :)
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Offline NewfFan

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Wow, Michelle, you shoulda let her have it, what a nosey old bag! BUT I am glad to hear that Mr Gunner is doing so wonderful!
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Daisy, AKC Black Lab
Max 3 year old AQHA gelding

Offline MagicM3

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Michelle..I comend you on your *calm and assertive energy*
that probably pi$$ed off that ol busy body more than if you responded otherwise....

So happy to hear great news instead of sad..sounds like you have a great VET..

Gunner has a great MOM and you showed him that in a place where lots of dogs get very stressed out..

We at our house are proud of you..and you can vent any time with us..


Offline Ursa

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I give you credit.  If someone had said that to me about Sadie (not the newfiest looking newf out there) well....let's just say that I learned a lot of colorful language when I worked for the Army! 
Ruthanna - the Triplets' mom

Ursa, CGC -  11 month old Great Pyrenees
Fargo, CGC - 9 month old Newfoundland
Sadie, CGC - 8 month old Newfoundland

What Now!? -


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Some people think they are being helpful, some people are just know-it-alls and some people don't even have a clue they are being rude.

Then there are those with ulterior motives. I'll never forget a comment given to me many years ago. I was assisting a client at work at the main counter. I turned profile to type out her check. She said, "From the front you are very pretty. Too bad about that big bump on your nose that shows on that side." :o She then proceeded to reach in her purse and hand me her husband's business card. Dr Lloyd Patterson, Plastic surgeon.

I walked around the rest of the day feeling like the ugly witch of the north. :-\ By the way, that huge bump was a small pimple.

Better bring Gunner's petite self out west to visit and soothe his hurt feelings. He can play with Chili. :D

Offline filafan

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Obviously this woman had no clue what she is talking about since bulls are not huge mastiffs at all. Gunner is a very handsome boy, I love that picture in your other post, where he found a stick, sort of silly but majestic all at once. Congratulation s on your fine looking boy and your unbelievable restraint, I would have slammed that rude b*tch into next week.
Beloved Caislean-chasing squirrels on the other side.

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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I'm with Holly, I get mad, and quiet.  Then I think up some awesome witty comeback hours later.  Good for you for putting that witch in her place without stooping down to her level.  ;)  As for the vet and Gunners weigh in.  Awesome!  Sounds like you're on the right track, keep it up!  Kisses for Mr. Gunner!  :-* :-* :-*  And don't worry Gunner, I don't care what anybody says, I'd steal you in a heartbeat!  ;)
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Offline specialkdanemom

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So sorry about your encounter with an insulting witch.  >:( It's people like her that decide a dog doesn't fit there idea of perfect "arm candy" or doesn't go with the furniture, etc. and needs to discard them. That's why I have three rescues!
I wonder if she discarded any of her kids because the had faults?
Gunner is so very handsome and it sounds like he is a wonderful family member.... that's what ultimately counts! BE PROUD!  8)  BE VERY, VERY PROUD!   8)
Big to love'em!!

Karen, mom to:
Mika (GD)
Sera (GD/Greyhound X)
Shasta (Lab/Newf X)

Appollos (GD) RIP 2001-2005


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You are way cooler than I would have been. The vet would have definately lost my business if that happened. I guess I am lucky, I have a great AND staff. Lugene even came in on her day off for Tink's first visit because she had never seen a kom before. I love her. She wrote me a reference letter for a local rescue (Tim and I are looking to adopt). If you like your vet - great, but he should know about what this lady said and how it offended you.

Gunner is a handsome man, gee what would she have said about Tink. She is a big hairy cookie monster???????? I have to admit, I would have decked her (or wanted to) if she insulted my baby.

She has no business in a vet's office.
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)

Offline chanceNcooper

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you are a stronger woman then I am..I would have told her where she could put her nosy and overly opinionated thoughts! That's crazy to tell someone that. I agree with you..he is healthy and loving what more could you want? As long as you don't plan on showing him who cares! A few people have noted that cooper has more black then he probably should (on his back and face) but I honestly don't care..he is healthy and full of energy and loves our family.
Good news on the is always nice to find a vet that you click with.
Chance - yellow lab 6 years old
Cooper - Mastiff 10 weeks old

Offline Morweena

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the woman was a dork
your kid is still growing and with a mix you never really know what size you are going to get and the markings can be almost anything (check out my mostly white mal/bullmastiff mix).
 I've been told (and it makes sense) that mixes tend to be closer in size to their dam rather than the sire.
But whatever, you had manners, she did not
Ruby - bullmastiff/malamute

Offline K9ldy00

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If you ever see her again, tell her opinions are like *ssh*les everybody has one and if I wanted any sh*t out of you I would have squeezed your head!!!
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Offline vmimom2006

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Dang! I could have not held my mouth on that. I even get pissed at Petsmart if someone asks what wrong with Athena's eyes. The one time I was asked that question 5 times in the same visit and I finally said she was out drinking and was hung over!

I think Gunner is beautiful and so glad to hear he is so very healthy!
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
Aurora 5 yr Blue Merle Great Dane
Baby Tux cat-RIP 6/9/09
Mandy & Millie 10 yr sisters tabbys
Wheet 9 yr black shorthair devil cat
Lucy Lu & Buckley 8 month kitties