Author Topic: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.  (Read 11993 times)


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Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« on: March 03, 2009, 10:25:36 am »
Tim finally agreed our house was ready for another big paw. I have been looking on Petfinder and other local shelters and haven't found anything yet. A lot of the rescue groups won't adopt to me because I don't have a completely fenced in yard, even though I have the acreage. I understand why they do this, but I think they should at least come out and see the place. So, this limits my options considerably to Humane Societies and Volunteer Shelters. If any of you hear of something in my area (Southern Ohio) let me know. Tink cannot wait for a new brother or sister. Her new sibling will have to accept her as queen of the castle (she is a dominant girl)and must like cats, but other than that I am pretty open. They would need to meet the energy level and temperment of my big girl. Tim would prefer a pup, but I would prefer a young adult dog. Anyway, wish me luck, we are taking our time and want to find the right dog. I will keep you posted.

P.S. I have an email into a girl who is trying to rehome her 4 year old Great Dane. I will let you know how it goes.
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)


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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 12:42:55 pm »
They are sooo adorable, especially Aza and Kari. I can't wait till Tim gets home and sees them. How is momma doing?
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)

Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 03:12:00 pm »
Cooper and Sasha are holding up invisible signs that only I can see and they say that I need to adopt them!

No more looking at clickable links.

COngrats to Tink and I hope you guys get your new family member soon.
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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 01:16:40 pm »
Sooo...What's the verdict, is he home yet?  Has he seen them??  Curious minds need to know!!  ;) :D
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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2009, 02:17:43 pm »
Congrats on getting a new pup, it's SO fun! And yes, dying to know, have you, the hubby and Tink decided on a new family member yet? :D
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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2009, 04:17:12 am »
google "save a dane" they are in SW PA and don't require a fence if you prove they will be safe. I'm fairly sure they would go to your area.
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
Aurora 5 yr Blue Merle Great Dane
Baby Tux cat-RIP 6/9/09
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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 04:39:49 am »
Sorry I haven't posted with any updates. I have been in turmoil over who to adopt. I have been emailing back and forth with Lori because Tim and I really like Aza (TX). The person looking to rehome the Great Dane never emailed back and I don't have a number so either it is alreday taken care of or she changed her mind. I got a call last night from a rescue near Columbus that my application had been approved and they have a Newfy/Saint mix named Ellie who is 14 weeks old and she is mine if I want her. What to do, what to do????????

Her photo is attached along with Aza's. Lori is supposed to be sending me updated ones of Aza now that she is old enough to be adopted.

Opinons? Any advice on how to make my decision easier? I look at them both and they both call to me. How do you decide?
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)


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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 05:20:53 am »
I think the Pyr mix would be most like Tink's dominanat breed the komondor being that they are both livestock guard dogs. However, I think either a Pyr or Newf would fit with our family and lifestyle. I was leaning toward another female because of Tink's dominant streak. She is not aggresssive, she just has to be first, all the toys are hers, etc. So I thought a young female would mesh well. The other males in our obedience class tend to "posture" alot around Tink if she gets too bossy, though maybe it is because of her size, I was thinking a male would create a power play eventually. Those of you in multiple dog households, what is your experience?
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2009, 05:44:02 am »
Well, first of all, I have to say Woooooo! on getting a new pup!  Congrats!

In my experience, if Tink is a dominant female, you do probably want to go with a male.  What would happen if the female pup you got also turned out to be dominant?  That would not be a good match.  However, even if a male were dominant, the two of them would mesh much better.

2 females can live together just fine, provided there is only 1 dominant dog b/t the two of them. I know some people who only have same sex dogs and have multiples and they get along fine (for the most part).  But overall, male/female pairs tend to get along better and are more tolerant of one another.

Age difference can also play a part.  Tink is still young and their ages won't be that far apart.  Sometimes that can cause conflict b/t dogs vyying to be leader.  The same goes if there were a huge age difference.

So it can be done with no problems.  It just depends on your personal preference.  If you want to get a female, it should work fine.  Just make sure the new pup is not a dominant or alpha dog and there should be no problems.

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2009, 06:15:10 am »
That's awesome! Choosing a new addition is so exciting!

I would definitely agree with the others and choose a male; especially with the Komondor breed that are so strong-willed, independent, and can be quite protective, they are the intenser version of Pyrs to an extent. I would definitely recommend a male. My girls get along okay but Zoey adores the boys; she flirts with them like crazy! lol! Good luck on finding the right one! You must be so excited!

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
Foster mom to Clarence- Basset Hound, 5 years

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2009, 07:36:51 am »
I was told Ellie was the runt of the litter and quite shy. She is 40lbs at 14 weeks where her older brother is is in the 50's. There are actually 2 females and three males of the newfy/saint litter I just really liked Ellie. The Pyr litter in TX had males but not sure who all is still available. Maybe I shouldn't adopt unless I can see how Tink interacts with them first. She really loves other dogs, just doesn't have an opportunity to interact with them much. Even though she may get along with them as a pup, no guarantee she will get along with them as an adult though. If I start with a shy submissive female pup I thought Tink would just show her her place from the begining. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am putting way too much thought into this and I can't control the future just train them, love them and deal with whatever happens.

This is so not like me to be so indecisive, I am one of the most decisive people I know. I must just be off today.

I am just waiting for a sign ... anytime now... hello up there... waiting for a sign here........
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)

Offline kathryn

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2009, 10:04:36 am »
I have had male and female dogs coexist beautifully together and have had issues with females together.  I think I will stick to all males or male/female combo from now on.  I do know that as long as Kaila lives that there will not be another female in the house without separation for the girls.  I will say that inter-bitch fights seem to be way worse than male fights.  The males always just seem content to fight out pack heirarchy and stop but the females seem bent on death for their opponent.  I have also found through my experience with Kaila and Cinder that once the females start fighting it's just a matter of time before another fight breaks out between them and then separation is the only way to keep both dogs safe.
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2009, 01:35:09 am »
OK, so here is where we stand. I have decided not to decide. Hubby is going to pick this one. Aza has been adopted but her brother Cam is still available (updated pict below). TIm is currently in route to go and see Ellie, unfortunately we can't "visit" Cam because we live in Ohio and he is in Texas but either way we should have a decision by noon today. This is absolutely killing me.

I realized something strange last night. When I got my first dog, Tater Marie (basset) she was not the original pup I was supposed to get (long story) I was supposed to get a male from the litter. When I got Tink, I was actually going to go look at her brother but he had been adopted before I got to the shelter and I picked her. I was interested in Aza and she got adopted and now I am looking at Cam. There is kinda of pattern here ....

Anyway, I chose Tink so I told hubby he could make this choice, either way I should know who my new big paw will be by noon today.

I will post back then.
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 01:54:09 am »
I think it is a great idea to have hubby decide!!  Takes the pressure off of you and when puppy does anything wrong you can remind him that it was his choice (just kidding!!)

DH picked our springer and they were soooo close she is gone now but we jokingly call her St. Stoli because he only remembers the good.

I picked Harley and he just thinks he is such a dork!!
We are also considering a second dog but I Know he has to be the one to pick it - it will probably be a rescue, probably a mixed breed.

I have to say if I were to go look at Ellie she would be in my car on the way home (actually we are coming to Ohio this weekend so she may be anyway where exactly do you live???)

I know if and when I bring a dog home Harley will have to meet it but that said I would adopt from Paige's rescue in a heartbeat, no question!!!  She offered to pull a dog for me a couple of years ago and even though I didn't do it I am eternally grateful and know how much she loves and cares for animals!!

Best of luck and if  you get Ellie have her waiting outside for me on sunday as I drive back to Rochester.



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Re: Tim said "Yes" new big paw on the way.
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2009, 02:05:37 am »
I live equal distance between Dayton and Cincinnati (southern Ohio) The rescue where Ellie is at is north of Columbus so Tim is on a 2 hour drive right now. He doesn't mind and likes the road trip.

Paige and Lori have been awesome to think of me and deal with me through this self-induced stress I am going through.

Cam is so flippin cute I can't stand it. If the other shelter had not called, I would have taken him with out hesitation and never logged on to Petfinder again. However, there were several people on the list to adopt Ellie and I was kinda surprised when they called. I have always loved the Newfys and just had to check her out. Honestly, Ellie's picture is kind of vague and probably does not do her justice.

Tim is more reasonable about these things and I am more emotional. If a saw a puppy any puppy I would bring it home for guilt of leaving it. If he decides not to get Ellie, she has lots of other families waiting to adopt her and that gives me comfort with our decision.

I am just happy knowing the decision is almost over and I should know who Tink's new brother or sister will be soon.

Needless to say I am not going to get anything done at work today!
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)