Author Topic: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....  (Read 9774 times)

Offline Butts Mom

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Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« on: March 13, 2009, 06:54:10 am »
Sorry this is long, but I really need help.I posted about a month ago about adding Pogo( mixed breed 80-90lbs) to our family, but was worried about how to introduce him and Butt since Butt isn't found of other dogs, besides Tub.We have worked on and off with them and Butt is better then he was, but not where I was comfortable enough to bring Pogo here. Well fast forward to yesterday and now life is so messed up.

John was at his house having some work done around there and the people working left the gate to the back yard open and Pogo got out and bit a 7 yr old in the face, she had to have 22 stitches. Nobody saw exactly what happened, but this came out of the blue. Never would we have ever expected this from him. My 6 & 2 yr old nephews and 4 yr old niece play with him all the time, never any problems. If they do something he doesn't like he has always gave them a little growl to say that's enough. I have taken him for lots of walks and have never had any issues with anyone we have met. I've taken him to the pet store and no issues there either. I'm dumbfounded that this happened. The dog warden has not been out to see him yet, but John went to their office. The lady there said he wouldn't be out to sleep for at least 10 days if they were going to do it. For now he is home until the dog warden comes, then we will see if they take him to their facility. The lady also told him that if they decide he doesn't need to be put to sleep, that he should still think about it, because once they bite like that they are more likely to again. Needless to say we are very concerned about my nephews and nieces and what could happen. So please any advice, thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie


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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2009, 07:03:21 am »
Wow, this REALLY sucks. If the dog has never shown any aggression to anyone, I'd guess that he was somehow super freaked out to bite like this.

I'd talk to the warden, to the girl who got bit, and if the city isn't going to put Pogo down, to a behaviorist/trainer (if the city wants to put him down, I'd try and broker a reprieve if you consult with a professional).

Best of luck!

Offline vmimom2006

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2009, 07:11:29 am »
Ugh! If he is good around you nieces etc and on walks you just have to wonder what happened that would be different. Was the girl alone or was someone with her? And it makes me think she might have been trying to catch him to "return him" it really is hard to say. Really hoping some sort of answers come out of this so Pogo can stay with you guys.
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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2009, 07:31:45 am »
Had the people working been told to keep the gate closed. If you are not at fault I doubt you will have to put Pogo down. Poor little girl, that's a lot of stitches. I probably wouldn't ever trust Pogo around children again. It doesn't mean he needs to be put down, just kept around adults only.

Offline VdogLover

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2009, 10:38:16 am »
I'm sorry this has happened and I hope the best for the child.

I do need to point out stated:

but this came out of the blue. Never would we have ever expected this from him. My 6 & 2 yr old nephews and 4 yr old niece play with him all the time, never any problems. If they do something he doesn't like he has always gave them a little growl to say that's enough.
 Although you may not have seen it coming, there was signs. He had already growled at children, therefore he had already shown aggression. Dogs have 2 option when being bothered by a child (unless cornered with no escape route). They can walk away or they can show aggression be that growling, snapping, to a full out bite its still aggression. While I feel dogs have the right to growl and tell a child to back off I also know that if one of my dogs display this behavior I am not going to be shocked if one day they did bite. It becomes a management issue and unfortunately mistakes by humans do happen.

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Offline MagicM3

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2009, 12:42:58 pm »
DAMMMMMM  this is terrible..
for the girl and you guys and Pogo..

Unfortunately BP of any breed can do lots of damage in a bite and usually have to pay a dreadful price for it..whether  its thier fault or not..

In my rule book growls are not allowed by big or little paws in my least not growls directed at humans..

It is just not allowed under any circumstances. .even if it is the child or human"s fault..

That may sound extreme..but so are the conquences in circumstances like this..

I hope that you can keep Pogo..but he needs to be taught the rules about children...
simply put..tollerate it or get up and move away from them..

Please know that I am aware that kids can and usually do cause the problem and should not be unsupervised with dogs of any size..I know that it doesn't apply in your situation since he was let loose by workers..

If Pogo stays with you, you can use your neices and nephews not only to teach them..but also Pogo..if neccessary get a professional to help you..

So so sorry to hear of this happening..and while it may be helpful to find out the exact circumstances. .at least in answering your won't prevent it in the future..

Keep us posted on what happens in all this..


Offline Butts Mom

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2009, 01:03:45 pm »
First off thank you all for your replies. Right now we still don't have any answers from the dog warden, they still haven't come out.All we can do now is wait and see what they say and go from there.

We did find out there were actually 4 kids total outside playing in the yard next door. Two of the kids knew Pogo so they actually called him over to them.From there we don't know what happened.

As far as him growling at the kids before, it was never what I would call a mean growl.Both times I witnessed it happened Pogo was sleeping and one of the kids stood on his tail.He tried to get up and couldn't so he turned and growled at them.
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie

Offline Moni

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2009, 02:11:23 pm »
Michelle, I'm so sorry.  I hope that the little girl will be ok.  What a scary predicament to be in. 

Some dogs don't like kids.  Some dogs can safely be rehomed to child-free families.  However, the thing that really worries me is the fact that not only did Pogo bite, but he gave the kid 22 stitches.  So this doesn't sound like just a nip or a snap.  If it was then it shows that he doesn't have very good bite inhibition and that can be very dangerous. 

I wish you the best of luck.  Hopefully a behaviorist will be able to evaluate the situation.
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Offline MagicM3

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 02:34:43 pm »
As far as him growling at the kids before, it was never what I would call a mean growl.Both times I witnessed it happened Pogo was sleeping and one of the kids stood on his tail.He tried to get up and couldn't so he turned and growled at them.

As I said before..and this is just my oppinion..
*tollerate it or move away*
Sounds like poor Pogo needs some kid well as the kids ..

The fact that he turned to look at them and then growled..I would not consider him safe around kids at present..

Growls don't need to sound mean to MEAN business..
but any growl DIRECTED at a human is a concern..

I hope that you find out news soon and you can get Pogo the needed professional help he needs..


Offline patrick

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Re: Advice, thoughts, opinions, anything....
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 02:35:39 pm »
Children inadvertantly usually do provoke a bite- at least in the dogs mind.  An unfortunate incident for sure.  The only disturbing thing is that Pogo has growled at children before  There is no such thing as 'not a mean growl'  A growl is a warning - bites don't just come out of the blue and Pogo has warned of intolerance.  Although well behaved with adults this is a dog that cannot be trusted around children.  22 stitches is not a nip - the next time it could be even worse.