Author Topic: Leonberger As Service Dog  (Read 26662 times)

Offline wallja99

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Leonberger As Service Dog
« on: April 06, 2005, 12:59:13 pm »

I will be getting a Leonberger puppy to train as my service dog. I am hard of hearing and have trouble walking. I wold love tohear from others who have Leo's, so I can leanr about them.


Offline nickleschef

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2005, 02:45:46 pm »
I want to tell you the very first thing is they are oh so very loyal!!!!  They will learn to adapt around you.  I had a Leonberger who was killed this past summer trying to help some homeless pups.  He was the best dog I had ever had!  You will absolutely love having this dog as a service dog and he will be completely and utterly yours and no one else!

Offline pgrant

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2005, 03:28:31 pm »
There is a person named Samantha Fogg on the leolist who has trained two leos for service dogs. She has fibromyalgia and has trained them to pull her wheelchair pick up keys etc.

Offline leosrossnick

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2005, 09:35:37 am »
A number of leonbergers are used in U.K. as support dogs for the disabled. Cassie went with her owner Helen Tyres to 10 Downing St.
Cassie is about to retire as Helens support dog at 8years old but Helen already has Cherry, another leonbeger in training to take over when Cassie finaly fully retires. Guide dogs for the blind also use leonbergers.
The physical strength and easy trainability of the leonberger make them ideal partners for people in wheelchairs but remember they are slow maturing in mind and body so patience is needed when training.
Bye the way Hello to all the leo owners on this site. I am a newcomer to the site but not leonbergers, having owned them since 1978.
Thought you might like to see my two girls sharing their latest litters so have added a picture. Goes to show what sweet natures our breed have doesn't it.

Offline leosrme

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2005, 04:01:36 pm »
Hi, I am from the Uk and I have a 4 yr old Leo called Max. Leos in this country are often used as guide dogs for the blind and I have seen others used as service dogs for disasbled. 
Leos are a breed apart.  They are wonderful dogs, and if you have one you will enjoy it. They also have the added advantage of being a good hot water bottle when it's cold, as they like to lean on people, its quite nice on a cold day to have a Leo lean onyou and keep you warm!!!

Offline leotrio

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2005, 10:31:46 am »
Hi, to serve people in any kind of way is what a "real leonberger" (with the typical desired character) suits most. Leos have been known as rescue dogs (now a bit too giant, too heavy - but very good in tracing work), in Italy Leos are trained together with Newfies in water rescue, they make good "kindergarden dogs", and as leos usually (if well socialized from puppy hood) LOVE people of any gender and age, they make good "service dogs for disabled people, for children, for the elderly people".
you should EXPOSE already your puppy to as many various situations as possible - and always reassure the pup and each POSITIVE reaction. I don't know who easy or not easy it is at your place, to take a dog

e.g. to supermarket, to restaurant, to kindergarden, to school etc. etc. etc.

I anyway know (as my very first own leo was attending the rescue-dog-traning-course) that this is the way we are doing it - strange surface (which glitters and makes noise), noisy places, other animals (horses, cats and what could come along in everydays' life), the vacuum cleaner, the tumbler, the washmashine, loud music, all the stuff used for working in household and repairing things - everything.... as if familiar with as many things and situations as possible, the leonberger is a relatively "easy-to-be-trained" breed (as the majority just wants to PLEASE their humans).
A selfconfident but not overly dominant character would suit best for a service dog.

if you email me privately ( I could give you a link to a script about "how to train your leo-pup in daily life" (with text and pictures).

Good luck and ENJOY the company of a Leonberger !

Edith & leos

Offline poncho95

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2005, 06:18:56 am »
Leo's are the most wonderful dogs ever breed! And the most intelligent! You are going to fall soooo in love! I just lost my Leo after 10 years, and I miss him every waking minute. Your Leo will fill every need you have and some. You will be so happy with your Leo. Words cannot describe how wonderful this breed is.

Offline wallja99

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2005, 12:04:26 pm »

Thanks for hte kind words. We can't for the puppy. I all ready have puppy training books and i bought the latest book    Leonberger (Comprehensive Owners Guides Series)
Madeline Lusby.

Very informinating book.


Jewl and Soon to be Nash

Offline wallja99

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2005, 12:05:04 pm »

Where do I find this leo list?


Offline wallja99

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Re: Leonberger As Service Dog
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2005, 12:10:00 pm »

I want to Thank all of you for your kind reply. I just know that the leo's are going to work great for me. I am tall and just can't walk very well. I stumble and fall quit a bit without help. I miss that my lab can no longer work as a service dog and we are looking forward to our Leo.
