Author Topic: Annoying Roommates - Minor rant  (Read 4601 times)

Offline Vapidfire

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Annoying Roommates - Minor rant
« on: May 07, 2009, 06:45:28 am »
Hello Everyone,

  This is sort of on and off topic but I just needed to rant a little.

About six weeks ago we started to watch a dog for some people, a Shepherd mix named Remus. It was only suppose to be for about ten days. I didn't really know the people but they came over several times that first week to visit the puppy. In that week we became friends so I didn't say anything when ten days turned into two weeks and two weeks turned into three.

A couple of weeks ago they moved in with us since they still hadn't found another place to live and could no longer bunk on the floor of a mutual friends apartment.

So far they themselves have actually been really easy to deal with. The annoying situation is the dogs and other animals. Now I don't care what someone brings into the house as long as they take care of them.

They ended up with a bloodhound puppy from a breeder here in Arizona. About a week after that the breeder contacted us again. She still had one female puppy left that she could not find a home for so she offered to just give her to us. Since I'm involved with search and rescue and drug detection work I thought it would be a good opportunity.

So for a few days we had Cassandra (Roommates) and Tabitha (Ours). Yesterday Jared (one of the roommates) decided that
he'd really rather have a German Shepherd than a bloodhound.

So enter a 7wk old Male black and tan German Shepherd puppy. His parents are both AKC registered but the litter isn't. I didn't see the parents but according to the roommates dad is around 100-110lbs and Mom is around 80 so he should be a good sized shepherd. They've named him "Sfera Di Rumore" or "Rum" for short. The phrase itself is Italian for "Noise ball" since he doesn't seem to ever want to be quiet.

So this leaves me having to find a home for Cassandra since I don't want two bloodhounds. I didn't even want a bloodhound in the first place but well... Tabitha needed a home and the ears suckered me in.

I'm just a little annoyed at the musical dogs though. This is the forth puppy they have tried for a sibling for "Remus." They tried a boxer/beagle mix, a husky/lab mix, a beagle/doberman mix, the bloodhound and now the pure shepherd. I've put my foot down about the shepherd though, is long as they live here this is the last of the musical puppies.

I mean gesh no dog (except for my Kaylee of course) is perfect! you get some traits in any dog you don't like and you just work around them. You get the dog that you get and you learn to live with it. I don't particularly like the fact that my newfie pees everywhere including on himself all the time but I deal.

I'm not a shepherd person personally because I've never met one that wasn't high strung and neurotic but maybe this will be a learning experience for me too.

Serenity: Fila Brasileiro Female
Kaylee: Fila Brasileiro Female
Lincoln: Newfoundland Male
Keegan: Fila Brasileiro Male
Cathen: Fila Brasileiro Male
Bug & Ger: Devon Rex Cats
Remus: Roommates Mutt
Rescues of all sorts

Offline vmimom2006

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Re: Annoying Roommates - Minor rant
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 07:42:19 am »
I would agree, it's your place therefore your rules. Time to set some I think!
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
Aurora 5 yr Blue Merle Great Dane
Baby Tux cat-RIP 6/9/09
Mandy & Millie 10 yr sisters tabbys
Wheet 9 yr black shorthair devil cat
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Re: Annoying Roommates - Minor rant
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 07:51:00 am »
I agree too... personally I don't think I would be so kind after a while  ;). The whole parade of puppies is horrible  :'( and they need to take care of the dogs.  I would write  a contract of things they need to follow or else they would need to find a new place to live. and ask for some $$ help to, I can't comprehend taking advantage of someone like that. I hope it all works out for the best!


Offline Vapidfire

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Re: Annoying Roommates - Minor rant
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 08:46:52 am »
I wish I was better at telling people off! because it's not just the musical puppies. They also brought in briefly two pet rats, they lost interest in them in less than a week. They've also brought in a ball python that they were interested in for less than a day and two kittens. The kittens are still here but I'm doing all the upkeep for them.

They are giving us $200 a month towards people food and $30 a month towards dog food. At first I was going to have them buy their own dog food but they feed the cheapest stuff they can get. Though neither of them is currently working so money is very tight for them. Now they pay me the $30 and I just feed the dogs all on natural balance.

They are both looking for jobs and I do enjoy having them here for the most part. There has been surprisingly few conflicts and annoyances considering. Really it's just the dog thing that makes me ticked off.

Though I will admit I was glad when the boxer/beagle, husky/lab, beagle/dobie puppies all went out. They were extremely hyper and annoying puppies (I don't deal well with hyper and stupid.) I really like the bloodhound puppy though she's a doll baby. The shepherd is really too young to have a personality though so will have to wait and see on that.
Serenity: Fila Brasileiro Female
Kaylee: Fila Brasileiro Female
Lincoln: Newfoundland Male
Keegan: Fila Brasileiro Male
Cathen: Fila Brasileiro Male
Bug & Ger: Devon Rex Cats
Remus: Roommates Mutt
Rescues of all sorts

Offline Buster's family

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Re: Annoying Roommates - Minor rant
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 01:21:37 pm »
Oh man...absolute ly!!! You have to have boundaries with these people!!! And...Have they had a history of situations like this? Or is this just a recent issue in their lives? Because some people make choices over and over an over through their lives that are real questionable.. .And a lot of people just don't have that real sense of responsability with pets.
 They should be WAY greatful for your totally awesome hospitallity!!! Man...I'd be cleanin' your house and showing you some serious gratitude!!! And, ya, if you don't have work--don't get more pets and expect some one else to feed them!!! Duh!!! That's just not good principles! Hmmm...I too hate to confront people, but, you just have to!!! For their own good, too! Just be the pack leader!!!
Good luck!!! ;) ~Holly

Offline navarre1316

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Re: Annoying Roommates - Minor rant
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2009, 02:10:26 pm »
I agree that the puppy thing must stop!!  And I'm a bit confused as to why you will have to deal with the other bloodhound when technically it is theirs??  I can understand not wanting confrontation but look at it as helping the pups, who can't speak for themselves, in the long run.

My roommate brought home a 6mth old dachsund two weeks ago because she's always wanted one!!  Needless to say, I'm doing the most for this dog (and I am a GSD person, not a small dog person!!).  Imagine my surprise  :-\ when now, after two weeks she's talking about finding another home for her because she's too needy......I feel your pain!  Good luck!!
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix