Author Topic: Weird and Funny things our fur kids like to pick up  (Read 4126 times)

Offline MagicM3

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Weird and Funny things our fur kids like to pick up
« on: June 01, 2009, 07:44:59 pm »
I'll bet you are all thinking of smelly or gross things and so sure they do that..but William has put a new twist on picking things up..

So I thought I would start a post about unusal things that our furry friends like to carry away

William started counter surfing..start ing with the coffe table and graduating to the kitchen counter..

We or most of us have had counter surfers and usually it is for food left out..

William I am sure would go for the food but he seems to have a liking for my dishware..

I have found my coffee mugs in the dog bed in the computer room..and we have even found a bowl on the kitchen floor.

they aren't broken or even scratched..alt hough I must admit very clean..

He does like carrying things especially with handles..his 1st was an empty gallon vingar container..tha t blew off the roof..

So proud he found it all by himself

So lets here what kinds of things your fur kids like to carry around..and hide..

PS this is what my dishware looks like and I have the whole set and then some..and they are heavy to top it off..


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Re: Weird and Funny things our fur kids like to pick up
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 12:23:12 am »
Not only do the dogs like to pick up all sorts of things, but we have a doggy door so they end up outside. In the back yard I have found- a frying pan, pancake turner, spoon, slippers, crocs, boxer shorts, pop bottles, and yesterday the bib of a girl I was babysitting.

Jodi and the pack

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Re: Weird and Funny things our fur kids like to pick up
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 09:28:31 am »
My Sophie hates being groomed, so whenever she has the chance she'll grab her brush and hide it.  She'll even take it when I'm in the middle of grooming one of the other dogs.  I'll set the brush down to use the comb to work on a mat, and all of a sudden the brush is gone!  And it's usually quite the challenge to find the hiding spot. 

Offline Saint Pyr

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Re: Weird and Funny things our fur kids like to pick up
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 09:47:25 am »
Otis is always "shopping" at the neighbours or in the kids rooms.  Nothing is safe with him.  Helmets, oil filters, gum boots, gloves, 3 point deer antler, the list goes on...  :o  The best thing though that he has brought home was a 12 pack of beer with 8 full cans in it :D. Our neighbours had had a party and someone left their beer behind so Otis must have though that dad needed it. His dad was very proud of him  ;D.
I hope to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am.