Author Topic: Is this called swimming?  (Read 10889 times)


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Is this called swimming?
« on: June 03, 2009, 01:29:58 pm »
We went to Grace's appointment with Dr. Hottie at 6.  She got her shots and all her pieces parts checked out.  He ordered her to loose 20 pounds.   A nice long winter and Little One gains weight.  She's 121 pounds. 
So, with weight loss on my mind, I took Grace to the park for a nice long stroll.  We walked for about 40 minutes.
I tried to get her to go into the river, but this is as close as she gets


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 01:42:52 pm »
Hahaha!  Heaven forbid she get her paws a little wet!!! What a stinker!!! 

FYI...after last winter, Winston's vet described him as a bit on the "portly" side.  The weight literally fell off of him this year with moderate walks and a no-grain food (He's on Wellness).  Dang!  Wish it could be that easy for me!!! :)   


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 01:51:41 pm »
Hahaha!  Heaven forbid she get her paws a little wet!!! What a stinker!!! 

FYI...after last winter, Winston's vet described him as a bit on the "portly" side.  The weight literally fell off of him this year with moderate walks and a no-grain food (He's on Wellness).  Dang!  Wish it could be that easy for me!!! :)   

She's a diva about the water. 
I've gotta get her out for longer walks now the weather is nice.  The vet told me to use the "senior" food for her now.  She's only 4 1/2, but he said it's got less protein that dogs her age don't need and it'll have fewer calories. Grace holds  her weight better than most dogs i've had. 
Oh well.   the walks will do us both good. 
Tonight, I saw a guy I dated for a while a couple of years ago.  He was walking his dog and had in tow a fat new girlfriend and her kids.   I think Grace recognized him and his dog.   I hid behind a tree, but i'm sure he noticed Grace.   She doesn't exactly blend in.   She's a dead give away for people who may remember me. 
We got away without incident, but I think he was looking at know he cared so much that he didn't even come over when I begged him to and help me get her out of the car when she had her first ACL replacement.


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 02:19:59 pm »
we should get all the BPO dogs here to pee on Jeff.  He's diffent that's for sure.  I just didn't want to even wave at him.  and to hide behind a tree?????  That was weird, huh?  as if I could hide behind a little tree.   Grace dove into the grass and started rolling so we looked busy.


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 02:23:45 pm »
I won't lie....the thought of you hiding behind a small little tree made me smile....but so did thinking about all the BPO's peeing on him!!!!  What a jerk, Lin!  Any new news on the dating saga?


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 02:34:18 pm »
I won't lie....the thought of you hiding behind a small little tree made me smile....but so did thinking about all the BPO's peeing on him!!!!  What a jerk, Lin!  Any new news on the dating saga?

Well...i had it in my head that if the tree blocked me from seeing him, he couldn't see me.  :)  isn't that the way dogs think?   
The  dating saga is slow, but sorta doing something, i'm just not sure what.
I see this guy, Tim, once in a while.  He's really neat.  One night, he came over, took me out for a few drinks.   that turned into a few drinks at about 7 bars.  I hate going to bars, but he's a blast and we have fun.  We're at the last place called Fink''s our favorite dive.  He sits next to me, puts his hand on my shoulder and says he has to tell me something.  He said he loves me.  I was a little shocked and tried to beat around the bush to hide my awkwardness. We down our drinks and head off.  we got back to my place around midnight.  We sit on the couch and get pounced on by the dog for a bit.  then he wants to talk again.  After way too much to drink, i can't hold my eyes open so I listen, add a few thoughts here and there, and try to make the world stop spinning.   he said it again.  OH NO!!!! I'm really feeling the dizziness now.  I excuse myself for a visit to the bathroom and proceed to throw up, brush my teeth and gain my composure (what little of it is left).  he has to get going now and right before he hugs me and leaves...i bolt to the bathroom just in time to aim round 2 where it should go. He's in the living room laughing his butt off at me.  Brush my teeth again.  Gain no composure cus there's none left. 
we said goodbye for the night and me and the dog go to bed.  He called me that monday night to tell me he got sick too.  a lot of good it does me since I can't make fun of him.
He's been around since, but there's been no talk of the L word again. 


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 02:44:53 pm »
i'm not sure about the rule regarding puking and love.  of course, i hate sharing the bathroom with someone even if a shower curtain is dividing my space and his and he is only brushing his teeth.   bathroom time is private time.


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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 02:58:41 pm »
i'm with you there.  the Doggy Daddy and i have been together for years and don't share bathroom time. 

pretty sure the puking/love rule #1 involves him memorizing the pattern on the bottom of your shoes for bathroom stall situations.
maybe i'll avoid the puking thing from this point on. 
that was just weird.  that's supposed to be a romantic kinda thing...and here i am puking my guts out.

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Re: Is this called swimming?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2009, 03:11:24 am »
I wouldn't worry too much Lin, the "L" word makes me puke a little bit too.  ;) ;)
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