Author Topic: how do you wrap a dane's tail successfully??  (Read 4791 times)

Offline kkboelter

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how do you wrap a dane's tail successfully??
« on: September 04, 2009, 06:52:55 pm »
Hi fellow BPO'ers. Things have been fabulous with Miss Maggie, but recently she's injured her tail from the happy wag :) and its starting to bleed daily now. I am not familiar with how to wrap the end of a danes' tail..any help? I have tried, but my not-so-fabulous gauze wad ends up across the room as soon as I'm done :) What do you use prior to wrapping as disinfectant? I have neosporin and hydrogen peroxide handy..but that's about it.

Thanks in advance experts!
Miss Maggie Mae, 3