Author Topic: Afghan Hound - sheet paw protectors for walking outside?  (Read 5938 times)

Offline susan10009

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Afghan Hound - sheet paw protectors for walking outside?
« on: August 27, 2009, 09:52:58 am »
Ok -
Afghan hound
Live in busy city where he walks 3x a day
He won't wear balloon booties.
I thought I ingeniously discovered a solution by putting lint brush sheets on the bottom of his feet - well it kinda worked - but stuck all over his paws & hair.
I need some kinda stick on sheets like the lint brush kind - he doesn't complain about me slapping that on like that 1x experiment.

i did see Paw Gears paw pads - but that won't work - need full coverage ones.  help!? :) ???

Also, I have been cleaning his feet using Johnson & Johnson's no more tangles spray for a few days now - wanna make sure that was ok to use that. I assume so because I use it w/ his bath. Using that spray to clean his paws seems to actually be working with the sensitivity of his front paws. He doesn't pull away from me anymore. BUT, I am gonna get the musher's like stuff.

Please, no berating replies - I love this dog.

Offline newf_owner

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Re: Afghan Hound - sheet paw protectors for walking outside?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2009, 07:54:52 pm »
it would be much easier if you had a groomer trim his paw hair, the top of his feet and the bottom between the pads, he really dosnt mind walking with stuff stuck to his feet? LOL, most dogs do like a funny "dance" with just the boots on,


oh and i think we have some stuff called pawtector at petco its like a spray to protect there skin if thats what your worried about