Author Topic: My Mom's "Other" Children  (Read 8663 times)

Offline GrumpyBunny

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My Mom's "Other" Children
« on: August 23, 2005, 12:18:47 pm »
So, I had last week off from work, and decided to spend some of it in the Arizona sun with my Mom and Dad.  I had a great time and got to spend time with my parents "other" children. 

Misty and Shiloh are both total sweethearts.  When I stay with my folks, Shiloh is my special buddy (probably because I can work the icemaker, which is his god) and crams himself into a twin bed with me whenever I lay down.  Misty rules the house with an iron paw, and will bark out an answer if you ask her a question.  I love 'em both!

So, check out my awful pictures of my competition for parental love - they are cuter than I am, but I don't need to go outside at 5 AM or chew on the couch, so I think we come out about even!   ;D
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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 12:43:47 pm »
My dad's other children are my brother, my sister, my two stepsisters and when you add in my stepmom, I have enough humans to compete with.  He does have a little dog but I can usually trump her for attention since I am bigger. 
I do have to compete for his attention once he gets to my house since he would rather hang with Rocco and Maia.  But I guess that is my fault since they are my dogs. 

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 01:54:17 pm »
Shortly after I posted this, I received this email....

To my ex-sister Marsi,
Although I have loved snuggling with you in that twin bed in the past, and have rejoiced in your mastery of the ice maker, I would just like to inform you that I will have to consider our relationship severed from this pointl  Not only is my picture blurry, I NO LONGER CHEW THE COUCH!!!
Nice knowing you,
Shiloh Fisher

Man, busted by a collie!  LOL!   ;D
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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 02:15:16 pm »
Talented doggy to be able to email.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 02:28:33 pm »
Oh, Marsi.  I'm sorry.  That was HARSH!!!

I KNOW!  What is up with that?  I shouldn't have mentioned the couch...  In all fairness, he does no longer chew it...  LOL! 

Oh well, he will forgive me the next time I see him, because I will have my secret weapon - ice cubes!  He will powerless to resist.

Yes, Lins, he is very talented.  If only he could use it for good instead of evil.   :D
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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2005, 02:30:58 pm »
Oh, Marsi.  I'm sorry.  That was HARSH!!!

I KNOW!  What is up with that?  I shouldn't have mentioned the couch...  In all fairness, he does no longer chew it...  LOL! 

Oh well, he will forgive me the next time I see him, because I will have my secret weapon - ice cubes!  He will powerless to resist.

Yes, Lins, he is very talented.  If only he could use it for good instead of evil.   :D
Your baby is an ice hog too, huh? 
Grace goes nuts for them.   Is he accidentally being a devil again?

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2005, 02:38:14 pm »
Your baby is an ice hog too, huh? 
Grace goes nuts for them.   Is he accidentally being a devil again?

Ranger likes ice cubes okay, but my mom's collie, Shiloh, LOVES them!  You have never seen a dog move so fast in your life as when he hears the icemaker....  LOL!

Shiloh is the one who is ticked at me for spilling the beans about his little couch mishap...   ;)

But Ranger is always a devil.  I have been giving him water on his walks out of a bottle with a sports top lately, and now he is obsessed with any bottle with that kind of top.  Unfortunately, I also drink juice that comes in a similar bottle, and he will hunt me down and DEMAND juice! 
« Last Edit: August 23, 2005, 02:40:25 pm by grumpybunny »
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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
Your baby is an ice hog too, huh? 
Grace goes nuts for them.   Is he accidentally being a devil again?

Ranger likes ice cubes okay, but my mom's collie, Shiloh, LOVES them!  You have never seen a dog move so fast in your life as when he hears the icemaker....  LOL!

Shiloh is the one who is ticked at me for spilling the beans about his little couch mishap...   ;)

that's why they put that Lock on the ice makers in the fridges now.  so they dogs can't get on them and spill all the ice. 
I was stupid one day and asked the fridgerator sales guy why there was a button that said Lock on the ice maker hole. 

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: My Mom's "Other" Children
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2005, 03:40:47 pm »
Well, apparently, Shiloh has decided to forgive me.  Here is his latest email.... 

To my beloved sister, Marsi.
As you can see, I have decided to reconsider the termination of our relationship.  I read that you have informed your list that I no longer chew couches, or anything else forbidden to me for that matter, so I have decided to forgive you for broadcasting evil gossip about me.  I want to reassure you that this decision in no way is based on the fact that you gift me with ice cubes at almost any opportunity----collies are never shallow dogs, my dear, although we never look a gift ice cube in the mouth.  (Well, actually, that's right where we prefer them!!  Ha, ha--a little collie humor!) 

Also, to those of you who may have doubted my email skills, I ask----would not our great ancestor, Lassie, have quit all that useless barking, and merely used a cell phone or her computer to call for help if she had had them when that little trouble maker Timmy fell in the well again???  I think so, my friends.  And now, I bid you a good afternoon----I'm going back to listen to the theme music from Lassie on my Ipod.......
Love to you, my non-fur sister, and all your little friends,
Shiloh Fisher

I am SO glad he isn't mad at me anymore.  And, yes, my family IS slightly strange, why do you ask?   :D
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