Author Topic: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!  (Read 8461 times)

Offline SwissysRock

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Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« on: August 23, 2005, 01:00:46 pm »
I just had to post this cause it was such a shock  :o  but made me laugh at the same time  :D

My husband and I commute to work together every day.  Since Riley is too big for his crate, we keep him in half of the office - blocked by a baby gate, where he has enough room to lay down comfortably, turn around etc.   The reason we keep him cooped up is he is 11 months old and Swissys have a tendency to take longer to housetrain (so he has more accidents than the typical 11 month old.)  Also, we don't actually lock the gate because he seems to be afraid of it anyway and won't usually go near it - our two kitties have made it fall over a few times and the noise has scared the bejeezus out of Riley!  Anyway, when we left yesterday morning, my husband left about 6 inches the gate open knowing there was NO WAY Riley was going near it.  HA - were we wrong!  When we got homr that evening and as I unlocked the door, I was expecting to see our Kitty Pudding who greets us everyday.  SURPRISE!!!  I end up getting knocked over and kisses all over by hyper-happy Riley who is so excited to see me.  He scared the crap outta me!  After the shock settled, I walked in and saw about 25 shredded napkins on the floor along with a teddy bear he always steals from my bedroom!  I wondered how long this puppy had been running freely around my house!  And of course we had left every single door open!  Then I thought - OMG there is probably pee and poo everywhere!  BUT - to my surprise, there was not a drop of anything anywhere!  It was crazy.  I'm still laughing about it!  ;D
Riley's Momma

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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 01:17:10 pm »
at least there were no potty accidents for you to step in!  YAY! 

Oh and I forgot to add...Sophie did that exact thing to me once.  She actually got out of her locked crate by jumping up and down so much that the top popped off...grr....  She scared the crap out of me at the door too    ;)
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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 01:22:49 pm »
Cute story! Kiah is an escape artist. If a door or a gate is left open she's gone. She's had free roam of the house for about two weeks now and we haven't had any problems. She kept getting out of her crate, so we finally put it away.


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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 03:21:12 pm »
Oh my gosh! That is funny, Swissy! hahahahaha! My Am.Bulldog used to be able to open his crate with his nose. It took me awhile to figure out how he did it. The first few times he scared the begeezus outta me, just like that! hahahahahahaha!


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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 03:30:08 pm »
LMAO!  That is hilarious, Swissysrock!!  Ranger pulled the same disappearing act when he was about 6 months old.  I'm still trying to figure out how in the heck he got out of his crate!!!!  When he greeted me at the door, I about passed out!!  I just knew that there was going to be pee everywhere, but luckily I was wrong.  I swear, the dog is freaking Houdini!!! 



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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2005, 08:11:28 pm »
Too funny Swissy. ;D ;D ;D

Offline Jessdryden

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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2005, 10:06:05 pm »
 :D  What a funny story!  It must have been such a surprise to be greeted at the door by such an excited puppy!   :D

Offline PupDaddy

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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2005, 10:09:58 pm »
At 11 months, how big is he? Cute story anyway.

Offline SwissysRock

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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2005, 08:50:29 am »
Yeah he's 11 months and already weighs about 115 pounds...  Can't believe how big he is.  Hes the first dog I've ever owned and I just knew I wanted a big big dog!
Riley's Momma

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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2005, 08:55:48 am »
That is too funny!  :)  How proud you must be that he didn't have any accidents though!  What a cute boy!
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Re: Crazy Puppy on the LOOSE!
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2005, 09:26:53 am »
Maia must be stupid.  If I shut her cage door she will stay in there all day with it unlocked.  She won't come out until the door is all the way open.  If I shut Rocco's cage and don't lock it, he is still in the cage half the time when I get home.  I do it to Rocco a lot just to see if he will get out.  I only do it to Maia on accident because her knickname is the 'Shredder'.

Riley had you guys fooled.   ;D

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