Author Topic: Some people are so rude  (Read 11546 times)

Offline Kristen

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2005, 11:27:59 pm »
I'm dreading the day that we get a Petsmart if all people are that ignorant, lol.
I don't know why, but I really get irked when people call Kallie a "husky." There's always someone going "Oh, she's SUCH a beautiful husky!"
I always have to explain that she's not a "husky" (I always wonder which kind of husky they are referring to), and that she's an Inuit dog/Malamute mix.

I also get the "wolf" one all of the time. One tourist kept swearing that Sher was a wolf. Oh yeah, he's a blond, floppy-eared wolf all right (sarcasm).
I also get people telling me that Ty is all sorts of different kinds of wolves (from Timber wolf to Red wolf). I try to explain that racers almost never breed wolves into their lines because they're too unpredictable, but "they must have bred one in anyways because he's 100% wolf."

Once we were taking Jacques in for a checkup at a new vet. The vet complimented me on how "beautiful your little poodle is."
I stared at the vet for a moment and said, "he's a Bichon."
Needless to say, we didn't go back.
Kristen & The Dog Gang
Sled dogs rule!

Sherwen- Alaskan husky
Tyrone- Alaskan husky
Kaltag "Kallie"- Canadian Inuit dog/Malamute
Jacques- Bichon frise

Offline Stephanie

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2005, 01:12:37 am »
We took Savannah to Petco and the worker called her lab!!! It was actually kinda funny cuz she doesn't even look like a lab. Goes to show how much they know!!

Offline brigid67

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2005, 05:27:35 am »
We take Willow everywhere and probably 1 in 10 people say she is a dane...most everyone is just perplexed - i think it is the merle clr and the natural ears...At first it bothered me but now - oh well, I have just come to the realization that most people are idiots...They are always calling my black pom an baby chow or a mini chow....


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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2005, 06:43:02 am »
Everyone calls Farley a choclate lab!! Whatever ::)
Then you tell them he is a Vizsla and they look at you like you made the name up. ::)


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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2005, 07:19:05 am »
If people are genuinely interested and ready to listen I will take the time and talk to them about my furkids. If they are just into being rude and opinionated I am just as rude back. I actually had a lady tell me that if I ate less I would be able to afford to feed Merlin more and he wouldn't be so emaciated. I told her "Gosh I guess it's a good thing that I don't give a f%^& about you or your ignorant opinion then, isn't it?" And walked away.


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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2005, 07:37:49 am »
Some guy once yelled at me that just because a certain thorobreed(sp?)  dog (yes he said thorobreed dog) is supposed to be skinny to race that it does not mean that I should starve my dog to make him look like that. I did not understand what he meant at first but I figured it out once I got home I think he thought Spike was a greyhound and that I was not feeding him enough to keep him skinny on pupose. Little does the people that just because they are skinny does not mean they do not eat. Spike eats like a horse.
Rachael and

Offline Nina

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2005, 02:17:33 pm »
sometimes it is soo funny how some people can be soo narrow minded and stupid!
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)


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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2005, 02:21:08 pm »
I hear ya there. I've had people tell me that they know of someone who has a black pyr. I tell them that pyrs are white and they continue to argue with me. I tell them it's probably a newf, but they just don't get it.

Offline Nina

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2005, 02:52:59 pm »

I LOVE black pyrs.  Bear is a fine example of a black pyr.


Just kidding.  ;D

LMAO funny how some people just have to be right no matter what. They are the type that you say 2+2=4 and they swear up and down that no it's not.
Ok you just live in your fantasy world there....
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline GreytGirl

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2005, 04:40:23 pm »
We had the same "you cruel person!" about starving Madison (which was never the case) when she was a puppy... they never take in consideration what factors there may have been with the dog BEFORE you got it... such as:
a) she was emaciated when we adopted her YESTERDAY
b) she's actually a greyhound and SUPPOSED to be that skinny, and you would have known that if you hadn't opened your large and obnoxious mouth and come to ask about her instead.

And the latest?  A few Saturdays ago (before Moonshine was here) these people came in with their greyhound puppies (who were, actually, too skinny) and talked... they were nice people until the man pointed to the foster there named Brian and said, "See, now he's too fat, you can't even see his ribs."
(I'm sorry... and you say you own these two GREYHOUND PUPPIES?  Did you even research them before you bought them? Or did you go to a race and randomly decide that they were the dog you wanted?)
I kept my mouth closed because I didn't want to get the CGA in trouble or anything, but I wanted to say to him  "Um...'re wrong... Brian got off the track last week and it TOO SKINNY... like your puppies... so you can sign them over and we'll find a nice home for them... namely mine."
I think they were judging the puppies weights on racers that they had seen and not an actual healthy weight for the pups... racers usually are at least 5 lbs under their correct weight... so those puppies needed WAY more food. (but other than that they looked well cared for.)

Don't you love it when people are too ignorant to listen to the facts unless it's their version? I LOVE it... really, I do... up until the point when I punch them in the mouth and hurt my poor little hand.  ;)

Okay... my tangent is done... and wether you could make ANY sense of that, I dunno... but hope you had fun reading it anyway!  :D

~Kelsey and the M&Ms
« Last Edit: August 29, 2005, 04:43:25 pm by GreytGirl »

Offline daynakb

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2005, 04:53:39 am »
I get those comments all the time.  Klaus is a red Doberman and people have asked when he will "darken" to black (as in a previous post here).  When we first got him before his ears were cropped my own sister tried to tell me he wasn't full Dobie cuz his ears didn't stand up.

I get told all the time that my pug isn't a real "Chinese" pug cuz he's black instead of the common tan.  Try getting it thru their heads that the only pugs are Chinese pugs.

The funniest comment ever though was when I took two of the dogs to the vet at the same time.  The Doberman was 6 months old at the time and the min pin was 4 yrs old.  The lady in the waiting room actually asked me if the min pin was the Doberman's puppy!  She was pretty embarassed when I told her their ages.

Offline traklover

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2005, 06:33:54 am »
I get comments all the time about Rica. I usually am nice and correct them as to the breed, however there are some that swear I am inventing the breed and refuse to be convinced. Owning a rare breed can be a bit of a trial, and most uneducated people go "IS WHAT A LABRADOODLE LOOKS LIKE", next sentence is "WHERE I CAN GET ONE?". Most people think I am making up the breed, when I tell them she is a CURLY COATED RETRIEVER, but give it up when I tell them she was a show dog and has papers to prove it. Another comment is that they watch the dog shows on TV and have never seen one, funny Rica's dad Dillion won Best of Breed at Westminster twice (that's the show they cite having watched). Usually though I end up spending five to ten minutes telling them that those mutts (labradoodles or goldendoodles) do not look anything like a curly and that with the mutts you do not know what you are getting in terms of coat or temperment. They may be very nice dogs, but for coat and temperent you are getting some mix of the two and only God knows which characteristic s will be expressed, (could well be the Lab coat and the poodle temperment).


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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2005, 06:34:52 am »
My mil has a doberman without the ears cropped. She used to be involved in many dog associations and told me that they are getting away from cropping their ears. It was the first doberman that I saw without the ears done and actually asked if it was a purebred. She was. Silly me!!


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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2005, 06:54:04 am »
You really don't mind the first question...I mean some people are just seeking information. It's when they then proceed to argue with you, and say that you are wrong, or proceed to tell you what you are doing wrong with your fit, shiny,smiling tail wagging companion. I had dobermans for 15 years, and several reds mixed into the bunch. Most people, even with the cropped ears assumed that they were chocolate labs. When I would correct them I got either the arguement (cant't possibly be a purebred, it's not black) or they backed away so fast they almost fell over. Backed away from the same dog they were just lovin on, that was loving on them. People are just too weird...Other than all of us of course.

Offline TwoNewfies

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Re: Some people are so rude
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2005, 06:56:16 am »
We can relate about the rude comments!  The moment we got Bella the questions started.  "What breed is that? Sure doesnt look like a Newf, is that a lab mix?"  Bella is more flat coated for a Newf. People we come across seem to assume that all Newfs have the fluffy coat.  I could rant about all the stupid questions we get regarding her breed.  I love it when people respond, "Really? THAT's a Newfoundland? Hmm. Sure doesnt look like one  to me."  Obviously these people know much more about the breed than I anyway right? >:(
A while back we took the gang to the pet store. On our way out woman walks in the door.  She begins to ooh and ahh over the gang. She then asks what breed Bella is, because she knows Rocco is a Newf.  After we go into our explanation she says, "Well, I like the Black the one better than the brown one. He's cuter." >:(  I felt like making a mean comment to her but decided she wasnt worth my breath of energy ::)     Where do people get the nerve to make so many rude and insensitive comments? 

Just the other day, we were asked if Bella was a Golden mix. Mike said he feels like giving them just as stupid answer by saying, "No she's a Chiuhua, and Rotti mix." 


All dogs are pets.  Newfoundlands are family!