Author Topic: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!  (Read 10337 times)


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I have been unhappy to say the least with the public schools my children have attended thus far...My oldest child just went into 3rd grade & my youngest into 2nd...My son's first yr. of school was great!...I requested his k-garten teacher as she taught k-garten across the hall from my 2nd grade classroom & I remembered her because she was always handy to wipe a nose or a teer, tie a shoe or zipper a coat...She was AWESOME!...After that the trouble started!...Before my son started k-garten he was diagnosed adhd...We medicated for 3 months & I put a stop to it!...He was far worse when the meds wore of than he was without them...I started doing research & using some comman sense to alleviate his impulsivness & hyperactivity. ..His k-gartenteacher was behind me all the way & we had a great line of communication going!...So, k-garten was great!...Then 1st grade. :( His teacher suggested I put him back on meds because "is it fair he has to try so much harder than the rest of the kids"?...He was written up many times for things like stepping on his buddy's shoes while in line for the bus...talking out of turn & other MAJOR :o infractions... I had to go to the principal because his 1st grade teacher grabbed his arm & LEFT MARKS while escorting him to music class...Her excuse was "I often take a child's arm to keep him focuses while in line"...WTF????...Taking a child's HAND is focus...grabbi ng his arm is aggression!...So, that school sucked!...Then we moved to where we are now...It was better...but the teacher again reccommended meds because Russell was forgetting to bring papers home & having trouble in math...She said he needed to manage his time better...I told her she was the adult, why doesn't she manage her time better but handing out important papers as the children leave the class room...I started spending even more time helping him with math problems & he progressed.... I am not against meds totally but as long as my child is learning I will not medicate him...There are NO long term studies as to the effects of medicating children as it is fairly new & my child will not be a guinea pig...Also, what happens when someday he doesn't have med. ins. & therefore can't afford meds...What am I supposed to do then?..."Hey son, I love you but you're on your own"?...Here's the real world"???...Anyway, here's the final damn straw...Friday my kids stayed home from school...They both caught colds due to the up & down weather we've been having...Both of them are still sniffley but better...I told them "you guys are well enough to go back to school tomorrow"...My 8 yr. old son said "Good...because my teacher said that if we miss 3 days of school social services will come" ARE THEY TELLING MY CHILD THIS & NOT ME?????????????????????????....My daughters teacher this yr. sent home a note that said the children would be penalized for missing 3 days of reading in the Reading Lovers Program...This is a voluntary program that is supposed to make reading fun that SHE HERSELF added stipulations to...I declined the program this yr. though we have particiapted for the past 4 yrs...My daughter is in 2nd grade & reads at a 4th grade level...& who is this teacher to add stipulations & penalties to what I believe is a nationwide program??....Ty for listening to me!...I have had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 09:10:34 pm by GYPSY JAZMINE »

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 09:29:32 pm »
I am so sorry that things are becoming so difficult for you and your children in the schools that they have attended. I fully understand how frustrating it can be for you to have information come home from your children mouths instead of the teacher when the news is negative.

As a teacher though (4th grade) I can offer a bit of advice for you to talk to your child's teacher about with some suggestions on things that have worked for me and can give you a little of my perspective.  :D

1. ADHD- I can't tell you how much more difficult it is to teach kids who have been diagnosed with this when they aren't on meds with all that we are forced to do throughout the day. Having a room full of kids is tough enough let alone having a few who are truly ADHD. I have parents aren't helpful which is sooooo hard to deal with but luckily this is not the case with you and I do agree that being on meds is not the answer. If your child was worse on them though then IMO he is not ADHD and actually has something else. But, here are some tricks you might want to tell the teacher to try with your son so that he can feel successful and learn and not get into trouble for such minor things.
        - If moving is something he needs to do alot (ie. can't sit still) get a chair that has one leg broken (with the bottom thingy missing) so that he can move from side to side to balance. This will allow him to move without making noise.
        - Put a rubberband/rope around his chair legs so that he can kick them or play with them without making noise.
        - Give him a stress ball to play with so that he can be busy moving his hands quietly.
        - Set a timer and do checks frequently (every 10-15 minutes) to see how he is doing. Require him to walk across the room to tell you how he thinks his behavior has been. This will allow him to move and stretch his legs for a bit.
       - Sit him in the back of the class or on the side so that he can stand up to do his work if necessary.
       - If he is accidently stepping on people and this gets him sent to the principal's office- make him the line leader so that nobody can be hurt by him.
        - Have him frequently be the messenger for the room so that he can get up and move.
       - Give him a job to make him more "responsibile" that engages the motor skills he needs to have moving- like being the one to check everyone's desk/floor for neatness.
       - Give him tickets each morning and take them away when he speaks out of turn. He will learn that he can speak out so many times without getting in trouble and when the last one is taken away give him an appropriate punishment- NOT going to the principal's office. Eventually, you can lower the amount of tickets given because he will learn to self monitor.
2. Communication- Require regular contact between you, him & herself through a daily agenda/notebook. You will be rqeuired to sign daily as will she. Each day you have signed, reawrds are given. Both of you can agree on a consequence if the agreement is not fulfilled.

3. Threatening kids- Under no circumstances should an adult put their hands on a child. Here in CA I would be under investigation by the principal and school board for doing something like that. Also, parents should be informed of the rules regarding absences, etc. Kids need to know what is expected as well but not in such a scary way! 

It really sounds as if your son has a teacher who has no classroom managment skills and no compassion for kids with learning difficulties. Everyone is not the same and sometimes you have to think outside the box to get the same point across. There are a lot of other tricks I use with my kids to help them become successful and I only use the principal as a last resort. If I sent kids to the office for the things your son has been sent to the office for, I would surely be laughed at! She sounds as if she has no real reard/consequence system in place either. Grr....I hope things improve and that the things I have suggested are of some use.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 09:33:48 pm by jabear »
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 09:56:06 pm »
Jabear, I knew you were a wonderful just confirmed it!  I have an 18 (almost 19) year old who has significant learning disabilities (language based) and we have been so fortunate to have him be in a loving and caring environment for most of his d he's on his way to college on Thursday!

Gyps, take those recommendation s and run with them!  Make a point early each school year of getting to be the teacher's very best friend...volun teer in the classroom, library, wherever you can be a visible part of the school's infrastructure .  If you are there, they can't ignore, or hurt your child!  Get the school to be part of your team.  Meds, if necessary, should be closely monitored.  Many times the correct diagnosis should be "B-O-Y"!  Boys do mature later than girls and lots of times that is forgotten.  My son was diagnosed ADD but when we all got our heads together, we realized he was NO better on meds (both Ritalin and Aderall) than off.  He hasn't been on them for years.  Keep an open mind!  and, to repeat myself, make the school, the teacher in particular, part of your team.  It is harder, no doubt, to raise a child with issues, but they are also more rewarding.  I think of one of my older son's very best friend who was ADHD and a NIGHTMARE in lower school and he's now planning on getting his PhD. in game theory (who knew???).  He's frickin' brilliant and every lower school teacher hated him! 

Your son will be fine as long as you stay on his side!  If you need to vent, please feel free to let me know!  I understand and I'll be on YOUR SIDE!!!!


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2005, 10:08:14 pm »
Ty Jaba!...When I posted this I truely was afraid I would offend you!...I am SO glad I didn't!...I know it is frustrating for the doubt!...But, it is also frustrating for the parents who are really trying to do what is best for their children!...We already do the "tickets" at home...In our case popsicle sticks...I have triedto get the schools to do this to no avail...All of your suggestions are great!...I hadn't thought of alot of them!...Would you mind if I passed them on to this years teacher?...I'm sure you wouldn't but I have to ask!...I am willing to try anything to make sure my son gets a fair education without the "benefit"of drugs...Last years teacher was a nightmare!...I woudl call & write notes & repeat & it would take forever to get her to contact me...It was her last yr...She retired...I liked her personally but MAN she was tired of it all & it was evidant!!...This year there is a new principal at the school...I called her straight away & explained out situation...I also explained that I DO NOT want special provisions made for Russell...The world will not make special provisions of him & I don't want him to think it is coming to him either!...I have told him time & time again "I know it might be harder for you than it is for other kids & that just means you have to try harder than other kids do!!...I don't want to have to pull out the "my son has a diagnoses card"...I just want the school to help me help my son do the best he can...& btw, Russell wasn't accidently stepping on He & his best bud were just messing aroubd with each other...They were being silly little boys...As they ought to be darnit!  :) Ty for your input Jaime!!! :)


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2005, 10:12:09 pm »
Ty Jaba!...When I posted this I truely was afraid I would offend you!...I am SO glad I didn't!...I know it is frustrating for the doubt!...But, it is also frustrating for the parents who are really trying to do what is best for their children!...We already do the "tickets" at home...In our case popsicle sticks...I have triedto get the schools to do this to no avail...All of your suggestions are great!...I hadn't thought of alot of them!...Would you mind if I passed them on to this years teacher?...I'm sure you wouldn't but I have to ask!...I am willing to try anything to make sure my son gets a fair education without the "benefit"of drugs...Last years teacher was a nightmare!...I woudl call & write notes & repeat & it would take forever to get her to contact me...It was her last yr...She retired...I liked her personally but MAN she was tired of it all & it was evidant!!...This year there is a new principal at the school...I called her straight away & explained out situation...I also explained that I DO NOT want special provisions made for Russell...The world will not make special provisions of him & I don't want him to think it is coming to him either!...I have told him time & time again "I know it might be harder for you than it is for other kids & that just means you have to try harder than other kids do!!...I don't want to have to pull out the "my son has a diagnoses card"...I just want the school to help me help my son do the best he can...& btw, Russell wasn't accidently stepping on He & his best bud were just messing aroubd with each other...They were being silly little boys...As they ought to be darnit!  :) Ty for your input Jaime!!! :)

Btw, I agree he may not be adhd but try to get the Dr.'s to listen to that!!!...I am diagnosed bi-polar (also unmedicated by choice after 8 yrs. of living on med & in a coma!) & I think Russ is also...But they will medicate until they decide the child is old enough to not be adhd but bi-polar...Very frustrating to say the least!


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2005, 10:16:45 pm »
Jabear, I knew you were a wonderful just confirmed it!  I have an 18 (almost 19) year old who has significant learning disabilities (language based) and we have been so fortunate to have him be in a loving and caring environment for most of his d he's on his way to college on Thursday!

Gyps, take those recommendation s and run with them!  Make a point early each school year of getting to be the teacher's very best friend...volun teer in the classroom, library, wherever you can be a visible part of the school's infrastructure .  If you are there, they can't ignore, or hurt your child!  Get the school to be part of your team.  Meds, if necessary, should be closely monitored.  Many times the correct diagnosis should be "B-O-Y"!  Boys do mature later than girls and lots of times that is forgotten.  My son was diagnosed ADD but when we all got our heads together, we realized he was NO better on meds (both Ritalin and Aderall) than off.  He hasn't been on them for years.  Keep an open mind!  and, to repeat myself, make the school, the teacher in particular, part of your team.  It is harder, no doubt, to raise a child with issues, but they are also more rewarding.  I think of one of my older son's very best friend who was ADHD and a NIGHTMARE in lower school and he's now planning on getting his PhD. in game theory (who knew???).  He's frickin' brilliant and every lower school teacher hated him! 

Your son will be fine as long as you stay on his side!  If you need to vent, please feel free to let me know!  I understand and I'll be on YOUR SIDE!!!!
Oh I got my boy's back & ty for having mine!!! ;D...I have always chosen not to volunteer because of my own issues & feeling like I was on a different "side" than the school...How stupid of me!!!...It is such a coincidence that I need to send the cloassroom volunteer form back in by Wed....this yr. I will chekc "yes"...Send up a prayer for me...This will not be easy but anything for my son.

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2005, 10:22:03 pm »
You've got my prayers and I have your back!  I've been there for SO many years!  You can do it!  You will, most definately have heartache, but the successes will be SO much more fulfilling!  Check "yes" on every thing that you can  do! Whine and complain all you want here, but keep that "stiff upper lip" while at school.  I'll listen anytime you need me to do so!  BUT stay confident for your son!

You can do it!!!

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2005, 10:23:03 pm »
Chelle you can give the teacher as many as you want. You can also feel free to tell her that "normal teachers" go out of their way to make sure that the kids are taken care of which does mean full contact with the parents. A lot of my parents are not involved with their kid's education which makes my job harder but for those that are attentivie...w ell I can't say how much I love them!
If you need to go and sit there with Russell to make sure that she is doing her job do it! You should also look into your school's handbook and see what the procedures are for the teachers regarding differentiatin g instruction and kids with special circumstances. I am sure that it is not ok to grab a child or send them to the office for minor offenses. You should also get a copy of the discipline policy so that you can see exactly what infractions cause kids to go to the office etc.

I think that if possible, you, the teacher, Russel, and the principal should meet and put Russel on a contract. This can be made to put, in writing, the things that the teacher will do, you will do, & Russell will do to make sure he gets a good and fair education. It will list the consequences- good & bad for different expectations in the classroom. You can then schedule follow up meetings to see how things are progressing as a group in addition to regular daily contact via a notebook.

Also, if you pm me your address I will send you an agenda that my school uses. It is where the kids write down all their assignments daily and where I sign daily for my "special kids" and once a week for the rest. It is so helpful for when you have to go to the office to meet with a parent or to meet with a school counselor because it has the proof of everytime you have tried to contact the parent and have not been successful.  ;)

By the way, don't think that you will ever offend me when you discuss things- especially education. I know that our system is all messed up and that we need to find more caring educators, more money and more time to teach the kids what they need to know. I also know that we need to have more parents involved in education and less teens having babies.  ;D
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2005, 10:37:04 pm »
And thanks for the nice comments Newflvr! If I didn't love the kids (I know I complain but I do love them) then I would be in a different profession. Plus, nothing is better than seeing your hard work pay off when they have learned what you have taught!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2005, 10:49:00 pm »
Jabear!!!  AMEN!!!  You've nailed it!

Gypsy, hang in is sooo tough with special needs kids. 

I love Jabear's "think outside the box" guidlines.  You are right - your son does need to learn life skills.  The medical world is just now waking up to the fact that ADHD doesn't go away once you leave high school...and it is an unfortunate thing, that you can have more than one diagnosis (ie., ADHD & Bi Polar).  Talk with your pediatrician, too - there are 2 or 3 main meds for ADHD, and doses do need to be individualized ....maybe you need a referral to a developmental pediatrician???  It might be that the meds that are good for ADHD are not so good for BiPolar disorder, or that the right one wasn't tried???  Sometimes it can take both meds to help focus and teaching life skills to help the children.

It's "soft" medicine, but some people really believe in diet changes.  I have a friend whose Father in law, husband & 2 sons are all allergic to wheat products.  She had a terrible time with her oldest son - he even got kicked out of pre-school for bad/threatening behavior - until she changed his diet.  Her husband was trying the diet for blood types (the A, B, AB, O stuff), and had a remarkable improvement in his chronic allergies & sinus infections - so my friend started the kids on it, too - just so happens, that it is a wheat free diet!  She is also teaching him life skills, and not depending on diet alone to help him with his behavior problems.  She's happy, he's a much happier child, and he's not on meds, or misdiagnosed.  (Several of the preschool teachers told her to get her son tested for Autism.)

As for the teacher that left can look up the number in the phone book for your local CPS (child protective services) and make a referral (you can do it anonymously, too).  NO ONE SHOULD BE ABUSED - whether it be physical/mental/or emotional - it is WRONG to make someone feel that they are somehow less than anyone else and most definitely wrong for an adult care giver to leave bruises - period.  If she'd accidently tripped & grabbed onto him to keep herself from falling, maybe that would've been okay...but to grab his arm that hard - what was she thinking???  Was he resisting & pulling away so that she felt she had to use excessive force??? IT DOESN'T EXCUSE HER!  She's an adult (I hope) and can think of more creative, positive ways to get your son to do what she wants him to do!  That goes for animals as well as humans!!!!  IT MAKES ME SOOOO MAD TO HEAR OF PEOPLE DOING THESE TERRIBLE CRIMES AGAINST OTHER LIVING CREATURES!!!   >:(  I better get off my soap box or I'll be here all night!

I'm glad you're going to send in the volunteer form - I agree with the idea or getting everyone on the same team to help your son!

Good luck!



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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2005, 10:50:50 pm »
You've got my prayers and I have your back!  I've been there for SO many years!  You can do it!  You will, most definately have heartache, but the successes will be SO much more fulfilling!  Check "yes" on every thing that you can  do! Whine and complain all you want here, but keep that "stiff upper lip" while at school.  I'll listen anytime you need me to do so!  BUT stay confident for your son!

You can do it!!!
I'm checking yes!...I am antisocial & grumpy by nature but I'll do it darnit!...Keep them prayers a'comin'!!...B.t.w., If I have to vent I'm you! :D


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2005, 10:54:22 pm »
Chelle you can give the teacher as many as you want. You can also feel free to tell her that "normal teachers" go out of their way to make sure that the kids are taken care of which does mean full contact with the parents. A lot of my parents are not involved with their kid's education which makes my job harder but for those that are attentivie...w ell I can't say how much I love them!
If you need to go and sit there with Russell to make sure that she is doing her job do it! You should also look into your school's handbook and see what the procedures are for the teachers regarding differentiatin g instruction and kids with special circumstances. I am sure that it is not ok to grab a child or send them to the office for minor offenses. You should also get a copy of the discipline policy so that you can see exactly what infractions cause kids to go to the office etc.

I think that if possible, you, the teacher, Russel, and the principal should meet and put Russel on a contract. This can be made to put, in writing, the things that the teacher will do, you will do, & Russell will do to make sure he gets a good and fair education. It will list the consequences- good & bad for different expectations in the classroom. You can then schedule follow up meetings to see how things are progressing as a group in addition to regular daily contact via a notebook.

Also, if you pm me your address I will send you an agenda that my school uses. It is where the kids write down all their assignments daily and where I sign daily for my "special kids" and once a week for the rest. It is so helpful for when you have to go to the office to meet with a parent or to meet with a school counselor because it has the proof of everytime you have tried to contact the parent and have not been successful.  ;)

By the way, don't think that you will ever offend me when you discuss things- especially education. I know that our system is all messed up and that we need to find more caring educators, more money and more time to teach the kids what they need to know. I also know that we need to have more parents involved in education and less teens having babies.  ;D
Ty Jaba so very much!!...I am so glad I decided to vent here tonight!!!...I'll p.m. you my address before I hit the sheets!...can't you move to Iowa & teach? e bring Nicks...I need a no nonsence nanny too!!!! :D

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2005, 11:03:35 pm »
I'm 58 years old!
My Dad beat me when I came home with 'B's on my report card!
I was embaressed. I thought 'C' s were cool.
Average, don't you know!
My ex is a teacher in So. Cal.
She had a 2nd Grader with a gun in her backpack!
What's up with that?
We can't expect our teachers to be the authority, we have to take the responsibility to make our children good citizens.
It's kind of funny though, we teach our dogs better manners than we teach our kids!
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2005, 11:06:23 pm »
Jabear!!!  AMEN!!!  You've nailed it!

Gypsy, hang in is sooo tough with special needs kids. 

I love Jabear's "think outside the box" guidlines.  You are right - your son does need to learn life skills.  The medical world is just now waking up to the fact that ADHD doesn't go away once you leave high school...and it is an unfortunate thing, that you can have more than one diagnosis (ie., ADHD & Bi Polar).  Talk with your pediatrician, too - there are 2 or 3 main meds for ADHD, and doses do need to be individualized ....maybe you need a referral to a developmental pediatrician???  It might be that the meds that are good for ADHD are not so good for BiPolar disorder, or that the right one wasn't tried???  Sometimes it can take both meds to help focus and teaching life skills to help the children.

It's "soft" medicine, but some people really believe in diet changes.  I have a friend whose Father in law, husband & 2 sons are all allergic to wheat products.  She had a terrible time with her oldest son - he even got kicked out of pre-school for bad/threatening behavior - until she changed his diet.  Her husband was trying the diet for blood types (the A, B, AB, O stuff), and had a remarkable improvement in his chronic allergies & sinus infections - so my friend started the kids on it, too - just so happens, that it is a wheat free diet!  She is also teaching him life skills, and not depending on diet alone to help him with his behavior problems.  She's happy, he's a much happier child, and he's not on meds, or misdiagnosed.  (Several of the preschool teachers told her to get her son tested for Autism.)

As for the teacher that left can look up the number in the phone book for your local CPS (child protective services) and make a referral (you can do it anonymously, too).  NO ONE SHOULD BE ABUSED - whether it be physical/mental/or emotional - it is WRONG to make someone feel that they are somehow less than anyone else and most definitely wrong for an adult care giver to leave bruises - period.  If she'd accidently tripped & grabbed onto him to keep herself from falling, maybe that would've been okay...but to grab his arm that hard - what was she thinking???  Was he resisting & pulling away so that she felt she had to use excessive force??? IT DOESN'T EXCUSE HER!  She's an adult (I hope) and can think of more creative, positive ways to get your son to do what she wants him to do!  That goes for animals as well as humans!!!!  IT MAKES ME SOOOO MAD TO HEAR OF PEOPLE DOING THESE TERRIBLE CRIMES AGAINST OTHER LIVING CREATURES!!!   >:(  I better get off my soap box or I'll be here all night!

I'm glad you're going to send in the volunteer form - I agree with the idea or getting everyone on the same team to help your son!

Good luck!

Ty Laurie!!...I do watch the children's diets...Even though my Missy isn't adhd it doesn't hurt her either...No yellow 5 or red 40 dyes to start with which makes food shopping SO much fun! d sugar & minimal (to no if I can help it) caffeine...Thi s is so not easy for a mom with her own "issues'....It's why I surround myself with so many furry faced friends...They keep me grounded...God bless them!...I agree. russ's 1st grade teacher grabbing his arm & leaving marks was inexcussable.. .But 2 yrs. ago I was not  the person I am today...Becaus e of my "issues" I tend to be insecure...If it had happened last yr. even it would have been different...If it were to happen this year the fur would fly!!...My children make me stronger....Th ey teach me with each passing moment...Thank God for them. :)

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2005, 11:24:13 pm »
Jamie, I am very impressed with your knowledge.  Just for everybody to know, Jamie works at a very difficult school in a neighborhood that is known to have very challanged kids, I know because we live in the same area. I am amazed at her patience and insight that she takes along with her.  We need many more good teachers like her.  By the way, Jamie, is your principal a lady who is tall and slender with grey hair?  If so,   she was picked for that murder trial that I ended up not even getting my name called.  No big deal, I never win the lottery either.  Just curious. 

Good luck Gyps, I have paid my dues (kid wise) and they never knew about ADHS in those days.  I am glad to see you are getting such good advice.  We also need more caring parents like you.
