Author Topic: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!  (Read 10314 times)


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2005, 11:39:40 pm »
I'd also suggest paying a visit to his kindergarten teacher who figured out how to be successful with him.  Ask for details about what worked and what didn't.  Too often, teachers don't look to a child's previous teachers as the great resources that they are.  Jaime's right that it sounds as though your son's teacher has weak classroom management skills.  Doing it right is much more work, especially at the beginning of the year, but it makes the rest of the year so much more productive.

By the way, it is terribly unethical for a teacher to be suggesting that you medicate your child.  That is making a medical diagnosis, something entirely inappropriate for a teacher to do.  This is not to say that medication is necessarily a bad thing, but it is up to your son's doctor to make that determination. 

Good luck!

I hadn't even thought of that!...Mrs. Uthe I'm comin' in! was great!...When I knew her when I was 7 & when my son started school!..I can see by this thread that I need to become more involved with my son & his schooling instead of putting "me & him against them"...Again, with my issues this is hard but not at all impossible!....It is very hard to be a "special needs " mom with a "special needs" child...We kick, claw, & fight our way through but at the end of the day he knows I love him & I know he loves me...I am for sure going to get more involved with the school...Keep on sending prayers...This is frightening for me to say the least!

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2005, 12:02:03 am »
I've learned so much from this thread.

My two oldest are special needs kids and in the SSD.
I have a 15 yr old Bi-Polar (Non specific) who is right now, on only half days of school with her core classes as dicted by her IEP. Everything is highly structered untill they can get a specialist to come in and observe her. They want to place her in a seperate school setting . Her manic  cycle is so much more stronger and violent then they can handle. I had to sign a paper giving them permission to restrain her if she becomes a danger to herself or others. She is on so much medication and this week we had another emergency apointment for her. Her meds were increased. She's suspended for three days now, but in a way I'm releived. It'll give a chance and some hope the meds will kick in. She is also LD.  She can't read or distinquish letters. She sees a word and memerizes it's shape. She dosn't see them as words in a sentence, but a string of shapes that mean something. She's 15 and reading on a 3 grade leval. She's not MD, however. Her IQ tested at 132. That's border-line high.

My son's story is very sad,too.

When he was in kindergarden the school tried to diagnose him with ADHD too. They demanded he be put on medication. How the h*ll can a school, full of teachers,diagnose that? We were distressed but with him being one of our oldests we didn't know much and did as we were told for him. Things got worse. He was on just about everything the docter could give him. By first grade, he came home with bad headacks and would just lay limp on the couch. One day I just dumped it all. Every single  pill went in the toilet. I couldn't stand seeing my child so zoned and gone. He was growing more and more withdrawn, more and more obsessive, more and more impulsive. He wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He showed less and less emotion. Brilliant child, extremely brilliant. He was reading 12th grade leval books,  yet he couldn't even write his own name without putting holes in his paper. He was being sent home,suspended, so often it was a wonder he passed school at all for all the days he had been made to miss.

By third grade, things just doubled. He'd always been proned to outbursts, but things got totally out of hand at home and at school. Nothing we could do to console him at all. He still wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He was emotionally detached from everyone, including me and my husband.  His constant outbursts were to the point of shrilling, painfull screams and it was just this raw,primal anquish in his actions. Like he was being sucked into some odd,weird world that only he could feel and see. Alone..that's the best word to discribe my son at that time. He looked utterly lost and alone...and terrified for it. We looked from docter to docter for some professional help and everyone said the same thing..ADHD. But I knew it had to be something else. This didn't seem right at all.

Upon "Meet the Teacher" day,my husband and I went to  each of our children's classrooms. Then we walked into his. All the little desks so neatly in a row. We noticed cute name tags on each one so we started looking for his. But neither of us found it. I asked the teacher where Patrick's desk was,expectantly...and she just smirked (she really did) after unsuccessfully avoiding our question and pointed to way back in the corner of the room..FACING THE WALL!  That was his permanant seat. He was not allowed anywhere near the other students! He was isolated to the back of the room, not even allowed to look at anyone, let alone partisapate in any of the lessons.

That did it. My husband stormed out of there so fast I couldn't even keep up and he marched into the Princable's office. He demanded that our child get the education that is due him. That we had to work together and find something that works for Patrick, as a team!

Lot's of testing...load s of it revealed that my son does not have ADHD, but Asperger Syndrom. It's  high functioning form of Autism.

Once he was diagnosed, things fell into place. First,we had to undo all the damage done to him. Show him how to express his emotions without  screaming outbursts... and so many other life skills. We are still working on quite a few (He's 13 now) and he's still in a self contained classroom with some intrigation into other classrooms.  On his last year at the elementary school,something happened. It was like an awakening. He learned to cry, he learned to hug...and I remember one day, listening to my younger daughter's orchistra recidal, and my 11 year old son put his arm around my shoulder, layed his head down and just snuggled. I hadn't felt that from him for so long and he was still,content and connecting to the world around him.

Issues... I've got 'em too. You're right. Children force us to be stronger, for THEM. They need it.


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2005, 12:11:06 am »
I've learned so much from this thread.

My two oldest are special needs kids and in the SSD.
I have a 15 yr old Bi-Polar (Non specific) who is right now, on only half days of school with her core classes as dicted by her IEP. Everything is highly structered untill they can get a specialist to come in and observe her. They want to place her in a seperate school setting . Her manic  cycle is so much more stronger and violent then they can handle. I had to sign a paper giving them permission to restrain her if she becomes a danger to herself or others. She is on so much medication and this week we had another emergency apointment for her. Her meds were increased. She's suspended for three days now, but in a way I'm releived. It'll give a chance and some hope the meds will kick in. She is also LD.  She can't read or distinquish letters. She sees a word and memerizes it's shape. She dosn't see them as words in a sentence, but a string of shapes that mean something. She's 15 and reading on a 3 grade leval. She's not MD, however. Her IQ tested at 132. That's border-line high.

My son's story is very sad,too.

When he was in kindergarden the school tried to diagnose him with ADHD too. They demanded he be put on medication. How the h*ll can a school, full of teachers,diagnose that? We were distressed but with him being one of our oldests we didn't know much and did as we were told for him. Things got worse. He was on just about everything the docter could give him. By first grade, he came home with bad headacks and would just lay limp on the couch. One day I just dumped it all. Every single  pill went in the toilet. I couldn't stand seeing my child so zoned and gone. He was growing more and more withdrawn, more and more obsessive, more and more impulsive. He wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He showed less and less emotion. Brilliant child, extremely brilliant. He was reading 12th grade leval books,  yet he couldn't even write his own name without putting holes in his paper. He was being sent home,suspended, so often it was a wonder he passed school at all for all the days he had been made to miss.

By third grade, things just doubled. He'd always been proned to outbursts, but things got totally out of hand at home and at school. Nothing we could do to console him at all. He still wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He was emotionally detached from everyone, including me and my husband.  His constant outbursts were to the point of shrilling, painfull screams and it was just this raw,primal anquish in his actions. Like he was being sucked into some odd,weird world that only he could feel and see. Alone..that's the best word to discribe my son at that time. He looked utterly lost and alone...and terrified for it. We looked from docter to docter for some professional help and everyone said the same thing..ADHD. But I knew it had to be something else. This didn't seem right at all.

Upon "Meet the Teacher" day,my husband and I went to  each of our children's classrooms. Then we walked into his. All the little desks so neatly in a row. We noticed cute name tags on each one so we started looking for his. But neither of us found it. I asked the teacher where Patrick's desk was,expectantly...and she just smirked (she really did) after unsuccessfully avoiding our question and pointed to way back in the corner of the room..FACING THE WALL!  That was his permanant seat. He was not allowed anywhere near the other students! He was isolated to the back of the room, not even allowed to look at anyone, let alone partisapate in any of the lessons.

That did it. My husband stormed out of there so fast I couldn't even keep up and he marched into the Princable's office. He demanded that our child get the education that is due him. That we had to work together and find something that works for Patrick, as a team!

Lot's of testing...load s of it revealed that my son does not have ADHD, but Asperger Syndrom. It's  high functioning form of Autism.

Once he was diagnosed, things fell into place. First,we had to undo all the damage done to him. Show him how to express his emotions without  screaming outbursts... and so many other life skills. We are still working on quite a few (He's 13 now) and he's still in a self contained classroom with some intrigation into other classrooms.  On his last year at the elementary school,something happened. It was like an awakening. He learned to cry, he learned to hug...and I remember one day, listening to my younger daughter's orchistra recidal, and my 11 year old son put his arm around my shoulder, layed his head down and just snuggled. I hadn't felt that from him for so long and he was still,content and connecting to the world around him.

Issues... I've got 'em too. You're right. Children force us to be stronger, for THEM. They need it.

God bless all of you!!...My neighbor kid & my son's best friend is Aspie...I just love that kid!!!!!!!...Justin has made me appreciate things I would have never thought to appreciate in my adult life if it hadn't been for him!!!...I am off to bed but PLEASE p.m. me so we can talk more!!!....It's really a small world isn't it?! :) B.t.w., make sure to p.m. me because I have an excellent link for an Aspergers' forum for you!...My neighbor kid's mom moderates it!...B.t.w., That teacher can bite my a**!!! ;D

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2005, 05:38:37 am »
Gyp- I am sorry you are dealig with this and I know a lot of times the school is not much help..Jabears little tricks sound great... I did read an article not to long ago about over medicating children with ADHD..they have been using something called bio-feedback.  It helps the children learn to control the activity - etc...  In the article i read the kids played pac-man with their was cool...the minute their heads took off on another thought the game would shut down..So in order to play a game you had to concentrate on the task at hand...  I thought it was so cool.. Anyway, in the article they had said they were able to get quite a lot of kids of meds successfully.. .  Maybe there is an ADHD suppor t group in your area  - they may know how to get access to those types of programs....  Just a thought!!

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2005, 05:42:14 am »
Oh - one more thing...I home scholled both my kids in 8th grade...they just weren't cutting it in public school...It actually was really great - strengthened my relationships with them..  Anyway, the program I used was Laurel Springs.

It is a great [rogram from k-12th grade..not to expensive and alot of the classes can be done on line...  I did it and I am a single working if I can then anyone can...just giving you a little more info

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2005, 07:43:41 am »
Hi, just wanted to put my 2 cents in here. I am a dentist and my husband is a physician. We have both seen far too many children being medicated due to lack of parenting skills or teachers who lack management skills. (I am not implying that you lack parenting skills, you have them or you wouldn't be sounding off.) Many people do not want to learn how to solve problems anymore, they want to get an instant fix, throw it away etc.... ADHD is not an easy diagnosis to make. To be truly ADHD, the indivdual needs to have shown a pattern in behaviors since very young, and continues to demonstrate that pattern for years. Management is a much better solution than medication, medications should only be used as a last resort. You need to find a liciensed PHD Psycologist to help you make a true diagnosis and in the event your son is ADHD, will give you several options for treatment.

Secondly, should you find you are able to develop a working relationship with schools in your area, let me know. I left private practice 5 years ago to homeschool my children because of failing school systems. I miss private practice now and then but do not regret my decision. I would be happy to discuss the many different homeschool options with you if you would like in a chat room or through emails just let me know. Every state has different rules and regulations in order to homeschool, so that needs to be checked too.

Best wishes to you and your family, this is a heart wrenching situation.


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2005, 09:46:22 am »
You are a great Mom! That is great that you don't med you child, so many just take what the Dr's say and do it. I have read that there is so many children mis diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. Why is that they want to pump more money into the drug companies?? Hmm well won't go into that, but good for you and hang in there!  ;D
 And Jaba you are a great teacher! This world needs more dedicated teachers like you ;D

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2005, 11:33:36 am »
When I read this post I was just amazed that a teacher would grab a childs arm and leave marks!!!  That is my worst nightmare, trusting the teacher with MY child only to have them harm them either mentally or physically.  (I'm soooo overprotective!)  My heart goes out to you, but it sounds like you've gotten some great tips and suggestions from others on this board.  Now my 2 cents. hehe

I'm a Family Wellness Consultant here in Iowa.  I work with a International Wellness Company.  While working this business I have come across an abundance of articles, studies, statistics and personal experiences about toxic chemicals in the home, perscription medications, and how they both can affect our health.  Sometimes we don't realize that the cleaning products under our sinks can be poisoning us and actually contribute to things like ADD, ADHD, Athsma, Cancer and other health issues.  For instance some bathroom cleaners and all purpose cleaners have neurotoxins in them that can actually make things like ADHD worse.  And the toxins are still in the air even if the bottles are closed!  The company I work with offers safe and natural products for the home, along with pharmiceutical s, and personal care products.  I have talked to a handful of parents that have children with ADHD and they have told me they no longer need percription meds for their children, instead they take herbal suppliments and vitamins and have changed their cleaning products to the safe all natural alternative.  Since doing that they have all seen great improvements in their children expecially with their learning abilities.

I want to commend you for not making your child take the perscription meds, expecially if you think he may not have ADHD at all.  I think now a days some Dr.s or teachers sees a hyper child and BAM they diagnose them with ADHD or ADD and give them 2 or 3 different meds to take, it's really upsetting!  If also found out that a lot of the perscription drugs that are out there for ADHD may harm the child more by causing severe depression!  5 yrs ago I was diagnosed with General Anxiety, Social Phobia, and at one time I was Agorophobic (Afraid to leave my house!)  The Dr.s put my on Paxil and for 5 yrs I was soooo SICK!! Never felt well at all, and the side effects I had with drug are too numerous to list.  I'm now on a herbal supplement, no side effects and I've conquered most of my "issues" lol.  I still have a twinge of anxiety here and there, but who doesn't? 

I also wanted to support you on your decision to volenteer at your childs school, that's AWSOME!!  This is the first year I will be volenteering at my daughters school, she's in Kindergarten.  I really feel if you know the teachers and other children that really opens up communication and you and your child will be much happier for it.  I know it'll be tough for you as it will for me, lots of anxiety here, some teachers at the school intimidate me a bit.  I think it will be a good experience all around.  It sounds like you are a wonderful Mom, and I wish you and your family the best!!  Hopefully the teacher will change her ways if she's educated a little more on your sons situation.

Ok I'm going to be done rambling, sorry this was so long.  I just wanted to share a bit of info with you and let you know that there is hope and things will work out for the best!!  Good luck ;D



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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2005, 12:03:45 pm »
Thanks everyone!!...Your input has been very helpful!!!...I will come back & reread it all later...right now I have things that need attended to!...You guys are all great! ;D


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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2005, 02:04:02 pm »
I home-schooled for several years and don't regret it.  It was time-consuming and tried my patience, but my kids thanked me for it.  My 2 youngest had dyslexia and were sent to what the teacher and other kids labeled the "dumb classes" and they were NOT stupid.  I also had my nephew who was ADHD and he couldn't read and was in the 8th grade.  When he tested to get back into public school after 2 years, he graduated a year ahead of schedule WITH HONORS!!  His senior year he made all A's except one B.  I started homeschooling when my girls were in 1st and 3rd grade and they went back to public school in their 10th and 12th grade years.  The 10th grader (who had been diagnosed and labeled dyslexic skipped to the 11th and graduated a year early) and the senior graduated w/honors.  I used some of my college materials with them when they were in junior high.  We went on lots of field trips such as art and museum trips (all free under the cover of education) and we studied art, taking art and music lessons (for free, since we were home-schooling - educational).  We did some volunteer work in hospitals, day cares, and nursing homes.  We took some acting lessons at the actor's guild (for free.)  We attended plays, ballets, musicals, etc., for educational purposes.  We had access to all the Board of Education's materials (CDs, books, videos).  We could take our school w/us when we traveled and there were no sick days or bad weather days.  It IS hard work, but my girls excell in college now.  I don't regret it and neither do they.  The homeschool group we were affiliated w/had 2 days out of the week that the kids had art/gym days with.  There was lots of interaction with other kids.

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Re: I've had it!!!!!!!!!!...If I had the patience to home school I would!
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2005, 04:35:28 pm »
Gypsy, I think it is great that you are taking an active role in your son's education!  :)

I work in a subseperate classroom for students with severe disabilities. We use many of the same techniques that jaba mentioned. We have therabands tied around the bottom of one student's chair so that he can quietly pull on it with his legs. We also have a weighed 'snake' (bacially a long sock stuffed with beans) to put on one student's shoulders. Some students also have soothing plastic brushes to rub up and down their arms when they need to calm down. Another thing we do is let them earn taking notes down to the office - we have a clipboard wrapped together with a phone book to give them something heavy to carry. We also have daily notes to home so that the parents hear what is going on at school and can inform us of things going on at home, which helps us work together more as a team. You should talk not just with the teacher, but also with the head of the sped team and the school physcologist, and decide on what techniques everyone can agree on that will work best for your sun.

The world is full of wonderful teachers, but unfortunately every tree has a few rotten apples. I know that in my own student life, I got my share of negative teachers that didn't care anymore and were just working for retirement (I could tell some terrible stories including, ironically, having my own arm twisted until it bruised, and I was an honor student in one of the best systems in the country). And now that I work in a subseperate class, I see how the teachers interact with our students, and there are some that want nothing to do with them either because they don't have the patience or they are scared. But the bright side is that for every uncaring teacher, there are 5 fabulous ones. The best you can do as a parent is try to get your son in a great room, and if you can't find the perfect room, figure out the tools you need to make the room fit for him.

I think it is really great to start volunteering at school. I think that by being there and helping out you will be able to form a better relationship with his teacher and help make her want to help you and your son all the more.
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