Author Topic: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?  (Read 11012 times)

Offline glamournewf

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So I was wondering how many of your newfs suffer from this? It doesn't seem to matter what we try, he still develops them. I know that it makes him itch inside his ear, one is always worse and the smell starts to make me hungry for bread.   ???

Any comments or advice would be great.

Thanks from this newbie and her 7 1/2 year old Newfie.

Christy and Barron

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 04:55:52 pm »
No...none of my Newf have had chronic problems with their ears (fingers crossed on that one!)  We've had just about every other problem but no yeasty ears.  We live in Southern Calif., though, so maybe it's drier???

Offline Teresa Marie

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 05:15:12 pm »
I've known a Pyr with Cronic Ear Infections. (not our's, however *phew*)

The vet had told the owners it was due to alergies. It could be a food allergy, or inhalent allergy.

Does it happen durring the a certain time of the year?  Worse then others? Or... heck, I dont know. I'd talk to my vet about other allergies that might affect ears.

Offline jabear

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2005, 05:23:09 pm »
Bear gets them a few times a year. We are not sure of his allergy but are gonna see a a pet dermetologist in a few months to narrow it down. I know with him time of year doesn't matter. Good luck!
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Offline Black Newfs

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 04:24:21 pm »
One of my girls get chroninc yeast infecitons in her ears and sometimes on her feet - far worse in the summer and early fall.  We give her allergy pills twice daily which helps a lot, and I clean her ears daily with baby wipes, plus I rinse them with a burrows solution from my vet a few times a week to prevent flare-ups...this helps a lot.  If I notice her sucking her feet they get washed with Nizoral, an antifungal shampoo, and that takes care fo the problem. 
Hope that helps.


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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 08:22:52 pm »
Zero will get them with high humidity which = prime bacteria and yeast growth.  The humidity can also cause hot spots to form.  He will also get them when he is done swimming

I clean his ears with a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar...Have nt had one in months even though the humidity is terrible.  I would clear up the first infeaction with an antibiotic and use the vinegar ( if you want)  as a preventitive.. .If there is a open wound in the ear, the vinegar will sting.  Lavendar oil also works well for soothing the ear.

The acid of the vinegar prevents the bacteria from growing

I now clean his ears once a week if that and so far so good

You can also put some holistic apple cider vinegar in his water bowl (tbsp or 2) to help neutralize the dogs PH level

If it is from allergies (airborn) then you can give benedry 1 pill per 25 lbs...(should be a 25mg pill) which blocks allergens from itching which stop him from scratching

What are you feeding for a food?  Most allergerns are cause by seasonal allergies but sometimes food can trigger them

Good Luck

Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 06:50:31 am »
Animax works great
though mine are fine, i believe diet and allergies play a role
find out thru allergy testing what your newf is allergic to, change diet and watch improvement.
what food is she on now?
mine are on Wysong Synorgen formula and i never have hotspots and very very rarely do ears flare up, only time they occasionallly do is in VERY HUMID AIR
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Offline luvmenewfs

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2005, 03:39:11 am »
Here is a recipe I make.  Perhaps it could be useful for you.  It combats and clean everything.

1/2 cup of distilled Water (please use distilled)
1 TBS of Vinegar (we use apple cider, you don't have to)
1/4 c aloe vera Gel
1 TBS Calendula oil
1 drop of Lavender Essential Oil

Mix in a sterile container. Sterilize by boiling or wiping out with rubbing alcohol.
Mix water, vinegar...shak e well. Add aloe vera...shake well, add calendual oil and lavender...sha ke well. Use paper towels, cotton balls (these I think are best), or such and wet with the doggie ear concoction and wipe clean. Wipe doggie ears like you are using baby wipes. DO NOT USE ON THE INNER EAR. This is not like an Oticlens that gets squirted into the ear. Think Baby Wipes.

Keep Refridgerated.
Do NOT keep longer than 2 weeks.

Also again, the usual warning. At anytime anyone or any pet can be allergic to anything. Try a test spot first. An inside portion of one ear. Watch for at least two days. Only use at the most...every other day or when needed. You know those wonderful sandy or dusty dirty days!!

Yep, my boys get the treatment! Oticlens once every two weeks, on this three times a week.

Aloe vera will last a year, Calendula oil (infused in olive oil) will last a year, vinegar and such does to. It's when you add water to the equation that it will grow bacteria. So you can buy enough to last a year which is economical, but make it in small amounts and make sure to throw away at two weeks.


P.S.  If you can't do all this, use just the distilled water and vinegar and wipe ears.  This should keep the yeast at bay.  Use every day until cleared, and every other day after that. 
« Last Edit: September 05, 2005, 03:42:31 am by luvmenewfs »

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2005, 03:44:47 pm »
The first year we had Beauty  ( I know she is not a Newf) we spent exorbiant ammounts of time SWIMMING.  She had 3 months of hard to handle yeasty ears.  The vet told us any dog that loves the water, as Your Newfs do of course, can be prone to this.  His recommendation was to make sure we dry her ears out well after swimming with an ear drying solution.  We bought the oticalm ear cleaner and the drying agent at the vet. Clean ears once weekly, and use the drying agent after long swims.  Poof no more yeasty ears.  The main ingredient is isopropyl alcohol, or rubbing alcohol. 
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Offline glamournewf

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2005, 04:20:16 pm »
Thanks for all the replies. I know that it is not allergies or swimming. I am going to try the vinegar and keeping the outside areas extra clean with that. Thanks again

Christy and Barron

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 07:35:38 am »
 i am a newf breeder in PA and we had a main with a big problem with ear infections and we battled it for years and finally came up with a recipe that worked!  equal amounts of water/vinegar and rubbing alcohol...put it in a spray bottle and sqirt it in the ear like you would ear meds and rub it in then wipe the ear clean...try that for 2 weeks and see what happens...good luck   Kitty

Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 10:43:09 am »
i am a breederr and never have problems ever
i feed wysong synorgen
i also keep my newfs properly groomed out.
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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 10:18:06 pm »
I also use the vinegar/water/alcohol mixture, I've found that Bragg's ACV works best.

There is also suspicion that grains encourage yeast infections, and most kibble has an abundance of grains.

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2005, 10:54:25 pm »
Drake gets stinky ears a lot, I'm not sure if it's a yeast infection, but it seems to get really bad when he swims a lot. So, we found this works.  Rinse his ears with a product called Hexadine, it cleans them out and you have to make sure to squish the liquid around in the ear canal towards the back of the ear.  You can get this stuff through your vet and it's not too expensive.  Once he shakes his head and gets all the excess liquid out, we put a product in his ears called "Swimmer's Ear".  It's for people who swim a lot and get water stuck in their ears, it dries the whole inside of the ear out.  This method seems to cure the ear stinkyness and keeps his ears clean.  I would go to your vet and go over all these different methods people have given you and see which one they suggest.  Good luck!
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Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Do your newfs suffer from chronic yeast infections in the ear?
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2005, 11:27:11 pm »
Well sorry but i dont jump on the grain bandwagon
HIGH humidity will make them get yeast ears, not trimming and thinning the base of the ear, will create a natural habitat for yeast.
sorry but the grain in dogfood dont cut it for me, as i never had a problem and i have had many newfs in my lifetime.
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

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