Author Topic: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!  (Read 68423 times)

Offline Beath Anim.Shelter

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Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« on: April 14, 2005, 12:55:20 pm »
My male bloodhound, Buck,  died 2 days ago.  
His lifelong yardmate has been Gypsy, a female Collie.
I've always felt Gypsy was not MY dog, as much as she was the
bloodhound's dog!
She reacts with hysterics if I even try to take her out of the yard
where he is, to go to the groomers.  I had to stop! Even used a vet
who'd come here, so Gypsy didn't have to leave Buck's side...

Now, she wont' eat and is very lethargic.  It's been 2 days.  I've tried special treats, inviting her to come in the house, or for a walk.  Now, I'm just letting her have her quiet space.
I'm scared.  I don't want her to starve to death.
Has this ever happened to you?

Offline jabear

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 01:00:43 pm »
Oh my gosh! That is terrible news. I have no idea what to do other than to let her grieve and give lots of love an support. I hope that someone else can help. Please know that our prayers are going out to you and Gyspy.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline jan n nori

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 02:52:16 pm »
sounds like Gypsy bonded to buck more than u. maybe a pup would help


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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 02:52:16 pm »
When I lost my 7 yo doberman, my 2 yo dobe, Bandit, was inconsolible. He wouldn't eat, paced the house and cried, looking out the windows, and wouldn't sleep. He wouldn't even stay on the beds with us. Within a week, someone told us about a female dobe that was being horribly neglected and abused (I am the neighborhood dog lady) and I went to see her. She was only a year old and when I knocked on their door and told them they needed to make some changes or I would either call animal cruelty or they could release her to me and I would find her a decent home. They gave her to me and we never found her a new home. When we walked in the door with her my dobe thoroughly sniffed her over, knocked her over and proceeded to clean her ears. By the time I took her into the bathroom for a bath, he had eaten and laid outside the bathroom door, waiting for us. Bandit has since passed away, but I have always kept at least two dogs at all times, and currently have three because Raven (my rescue) is getting up there in age. If they are used to the companionship of another dog, it's really hard on them to be alone.

Offline Beath Anim.Shelter

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 04:10:14 pm »
Thanks, all, for your compassion and suggestions.
Yeah, it's pretty clear that "Buck" the bloodhnd was most important to her.

We have another dog, but Gypsy just ignores him.  
My vet called, suggesting I take a couple ice cubes out to her, trying to
keep her from dehydrating.  She's not touching the water.

Losing Buck was a blow to us, but we just kept our focus on "what's best for him".  Now, poor Gypsy needs our help, but we just can't reach her.
I'll keep at it.  My vet says some dogs come out of it after a couple days.
Thank you all, again.

Offline Sue M.

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2005, 09:08:12 pm »
Dogs are funny that way. Some one once told me that in a situation with 2 dogs like that, that a person should make sure that the other dog sees the dog that passed away. That way they know that they are gone and won't continue to look for them. I made sure and did this when we had to have our Katie Girl put down. We brought her home and into the house and let Bear Bear see her before we laid her to rest in our yard.

I know this doesn't help you much now but thought you all might find it an interesting thought.

Sorry about losing your Buck. I know how heart breaking that is. I'm praying for You and for Gypsy. I hope Gypsy's grief soon subsides.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 09:10:09 pm by Sue M. »
Terry, Sue
Cassie and Koda too!
Rebel, Katie Girl and Bear Bear- waiting for us at the Bridge.

Offline Tynagh

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2005, 12:34:59 am »
The homeopathic remedy Ignatia has excellent results in treating grief.  Give in the 30c potency and twice a day for two weeks. You can find a supplier of homeopathic remedies at

You might also like to take a look at another energy therapy, called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which can be used on animals as well as people and works wonderfully.  You can find out how to do it at

Offline ToddsMom

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2005, 02:12:38 am »
This may be totally irrelevant, since my experience was with rabbits and not dogs, but it is food for thought.

I had three bunnies, two females and one male (all spayed and neutered!!). The females never really got along very well, but one of them really bonded with the male, and the two of them were like peanut butter and jam.

I had to euthanize my big bunny this past fall, and my little girl was inconsolable. It was awful. I had hoped she would find comfort in the other remaining bunn, but she was just aggressive to her. I did not want another rabbit because there is no vet who really knows rabbits where I am now living, and I felt that I had as many animals as I could manage both financially and in regards to care.

But I could not stand my my little rabbit's grief. My own grief was particularly intense due to many of the circumstances surrounding this death, but I think I have shed even more tears over her loss.

I finally broke down and got her another boyfriend. He was a rescue bunny who had been in an excellent foster home, and the introductions went well. My grieving bunny is a much different rabbit since the death of her buddy -- grouchier, yet cuddlier, too -- but she has done MUCH better since the introduction of the new one. She is even getting along better with the other female.

Sounds like your situation might be similar, but with a different species. And if anybody ever tries to convince me that animals a) do not have feelings, b) do not grieve, or c) do not remember, then you know where they can go! In any event, another dog might be something for you to consider.

I send my heartfelt condolences your way. I know firsthand what a helpless feeling it is to witness a beloved pet's grief on top of your own. It is hard. I send you many comforting thoughts and the hope for a good resolution to your problem.

Take care.

p.s. My rabbits and my dog do NOT mix... The dog is willing, and would be most gentle with them, but the bunnies will have none of it.

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2005, 06:54:56 am »
Sorry for your loss. I must say another dog/puppy brings life back to the house. When we lost Cheyenne (9yr olg GSD) 2 years ago, it was horrible. There was such a gloom over our house. I was on the phone 3 days later (after I convinced my hubby) I couldn't wait, I needed to fill the huge void that was left.

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2005, 07:00:02 am »
I agree with letting them see. My horse Stroker lost his stable mate Dixie. I wasn't sure if I should take him out when they came to pick her up, I decided to leave him there. He layed by her side all morning. When I went out there he got up, looked at me (& ripped my soul apart) whinnied. He didn't carry on for long because he knew.

Offline Beath Anim.Shelter

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2005, 07:36:04 am »
Hi, all,
Sweet Gypsy just couldn't let her lifelong mate get too far away from her.
She knew her place was with him, even in death.  And, she wanted  to catch up with him.

Last night, she came in the house (first time in weeks), and lay one
the carpet and my husband sat with her.  Then, she went back outside.
She said goodbye to us.

This morning she was dead.  I have to believe she knew where she was going and why.  It's awful for us -- but, it must be sweet for Gypsy.
Thank you all,

Offline jules

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2005, 08:51:17 am »
Sorry for your loss.I cant even imagine.I dont know what Ill do when I lose my Spotakiss who is my first dog.Prayers go out to you.

Offline Bear

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Good Night Gypsy - Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2005, 10:40:34 am »
I wish it didn’t have to hurt so much.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 10:50:54 am by Bear »

Offline Sue M.

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2005, 11:08:52 am »
 :'( OMG!  I'm so sorry about Gypsy! :'(
I can't even begin to imagine how your feeling.
I hope Buck and Gypsy are frolicking in green fields together.
Again, I am sooo Sorry for you loss!
Terry, Sue
Cassie and Koda too!
Rebel, Katie Girl and Bear Bear- waiting for us at the Bridge.

Offline cupcakeorbust

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Re: Grieving Collie - Any suggestions, please!
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2005, 12:20:10 pm »
Gypsy is gorgeous!  I am so sorry for your loss.