Author Topic: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(  (Read 6648 times)


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We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« on: September 10, 2005, 01:57:02 pm »
I found out yesterday that Koby's girlfriend, Nikki, from across the street got hit by a car and died!  :'(   I don't know all the details yet because the family is devestated and they can talk about it when the time is right for them.  She was a lab mix and Koby and her were in LOVE I swear it!  They played together all the time and could never get enough kisses from one another!! AHHH Good memories.  I was crushed when I heard the news because she wasn't even a year old yet and of course Koby lost his best friend in the whole wide world.  I'm sure he'll miss her deeply as well as the rest of us.  Rest in Peace Sweet Nikki!!!   :'(


Offline Tulsas' Dad

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 02:10:13 pm »
Lot's of Love and Best  Wishes to the greiving family.
Big Hugs to Koby.
We know what it's like to lose a best friend.
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2005, 02:17:20 pm »
Oh, so sorry to hear that.  That must be aweful for her family.  :'(

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2005, 02:23:39 pm »
Oh, I am SO sorry.  Please, when you can, tell them how much we all care about their loss!   And please give extra loves to Koby!


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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2005, 02:29:49 pm »
Yeah I'm afraid to go over and get details, I don't want to be considered the nosy neighbor!  I'll just wait til they're ready to talk about it.  I'm sad, but I'm shocked more than anything.  Koby's gotten hit by a truck before and he came away with a little road rash and a nasty gash on his leg and he was fine, no interenal bleeding or anything, then to hear that she did pass away it just makes me thank my lucky stars that didn't happen to Koby I'd be in a mental institution right now!  I really don't know how this happend to Nikki.  They're always outside when she's out playing and I hope to GOD their 13yr old son didn't actually see it happen, because it's his dog.  Just a bad situation all the way around.  And it doesn't help that cars fly down our street at 60 mph even though the speed limit is 25mph!!!  >:(


Offline Jaimie

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2005, 02:48:51 pm »
I am so sorry to hear that, god bless Nikki and please give our best to Koby.

Offline Tulsas' Dad

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2005, 02:53:19 pm »
Be thankful it wasn't the boy.
We have to be diligent in our protection of our 'children' both skin and furry.
I will only release Tulsa in an area that is protected by fencing. As well behaved as she is, she still has that curiousity that can get her in 'Big' trouble.
Didn't mean to sound judgmental, I'd be in a Rubber Room with that funny jacket if I put her in harms way.
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman


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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2005, 06:22:39 pm »
There are some cards out that express the sympathy at the loss of a pet - I think I saw them at Walmart or Halmark.  Maybe fill one out or make one on the computer and take it to them or leave it on the door step.  Just an idea...

I too am sorry for their loss... :(

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2005, 06:45:41 pm »
We are so very sorry for the loss of your babies pal.
Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)

Offline CindiJ

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2005, 07:10:36 pm »
I Stood By Your Bed
 I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached out to me.

I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "it's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be so near you everyday.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew ...
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

The day is almost over... I smile and watch you yawning
and say "goodnight, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.

I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out ... then come home to be with me.

Author unknown

** I hope that you will pass this on to them, and brings them some comfort in this time**

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2005, 09:36:23 pm »
OMG, CindiJ, that poem gave me goosebumps.

How eerily beautiful.

Offline Tulsas' Dad

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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2005, 07:28:01 pm »
What a beautiful tribute to a lost one.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Tulsa & John
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman


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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2005, 10:36:08 pm »
Andi, when my Max died the whole neighborhood came to me with their sympathies.  Some stuck cards in the door (store bought and home made), some of the kids made pictures for us.  One neighbor approached me and burst into tears.  Her son is learning disabled and had been afraid of big dogs, Max got him past that.  It amazed my husband and me how much everyone cared for us and Max.  And it helped me in a huge way. 

I wonder if your neighbor would actually appreciate a visit from someone who cared for Nikki.  And I also think you should take Koby over once in a while for the boy to play with.  In a way Koby is probably special to them as well because Koby and Nikki were such good friends.  I remember when my parent's Dobe died they asked that we bring Max with us everytime we came over.  He helped them heal.

Poor Koby, lossing his best bud.  And, for you too, I'm sorry for the loss.

I totally agree with Tina...If it were Samson or Pippin I'd appreciate a brief visit so I knew someone cared..If you can, print this out, & tell them Samson & Pippin & their mama send their most heartfelt condolences:...Please read closely.

Where To Bury A Dog
There are various places within which a dog may be buried. We are thinking now of a setter, whose coat was flame in the sunshine, and who, so far as we are aware, never entertained a mean or an unworthy thought. This setter is buried beneath a cherry tree, under four feet of garden loam, and at its proper season the cherry strews petals on the green lawn of his grave. Beneath a cherry tree, or an apple, or any flowering shrub of the garden, is an excellent place to bury a good dog. Beneath such trees, such shrubs, he slept in the drowsy summer, or gnawed at a flavorous bone, or lifted head to challenge some strange intruder. These are good places, in life or in death. Yet it is a small matter, and it touches sentiment more than anything else.

For if the dog be well remembered, if sometimes he leaps through your dreams actual as in life, eyes kindling, questing, asking, laughing, begging, it matters not at all where that dog sleeps at long and at last. On a hill where the wind is unrebuked and the trees are roaring, or beside a stream he knew in puppyhood, or somewhere in the flatness of a pasture land, where most exhilarating cattle graze. It is all one to the dog, and all one to you, and nothing is gained, and nothing lost -- if memory lives. But there is one best place to bury a dog. One place that is best of all.

If you bury him in this spot, the secret of which you must already have, he will come to you when you call -- come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. And though you call a dozen living dogs to heel they should not growl at him, nor resent his coming, for he is yours and he belongs there.

People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his footfall, who hear no whimper pitched too fine for mere audition, people who may never really have had a dog. Smile at them then, for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and which is well worth the knowing.

The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master.

by Ben Hur Lampman


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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2005, 12:14:11 pm »
Wow!! You are all the BEST!!!  We went over there this weekend to give our condolences, and they are all coping the best they can.  Yes, the little boy did see it happen.  He just got her out of the kennel to play and she ripped away from him to chase a squirrel.  The squirrel ran out into the road and so did she.  A car was driving down the street and stopped in the road because the driver saw the squirrel but not the dog.  Nikki actually ran into a stopped car head first.  Apparently her prey drive was kicked in!  She limped back into the yard and the boy was running to see if she was ok.  She collapsed in the yard and died.  It was a total freak accident.  The boy was getting ready to put her on the cable runner when she tore loose from's no ones fault, the car stopped the boy was calling for his dog, it all just ended very badly.  They still have a 11yr old lab to comfort them but she's not doing well.  She's very depressed and they're worried for her.  In the future they will probably add a new furbaby to the family, but of course they have to mourn the loss of their baby Nikki.  Thanks for all the kind words guys, I really appreciate it!!



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Re: We got some bad news yesterday!:-(
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2005, 12:16:20 pm »
That is sad!  :(  I hate when that happens.   We have speeders too.  I get downright mean with people like that cus I'm usually walking the dogs when they fly by.  No excuse for that at all.