Author Topic: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..  (Read 11594 times)


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Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« on: September 11, 2005, 10:05:53 am »
I live out in the country, the middle of nowhere basically. The only place I can walk Bubba is on the side of the road. It doesn't matter which direction we walk there are loose dogs running out to the road from their homes trying to attack Bubba. I'm so completely fed up and noone is making these people tie up or contain their dogs.

On our last walk a Chow Chow came running out and trying to bite Bubba on the face. We were a block from home and just started our walk. All Bubba could do was try to hide behind me while I'm kicking the crap out of this dog and screaming. We were right in front of this dog home, noone even came out. What stopped the Chow from continuing the attack was a car had stopped (thank god) and layed on the horn. That's scared the dog enough to run back home.

Since that day I'm litterally too terrified to take Bubba for a walk down the road. I instead walked him through the field behind my house. But he got a painful burr stuck in his foot, so I can't take him back that way until after the fields are plowed which isn't until late fall.

I don't know what to do now.. his leash manners are getting worse instead of better. I had him walking perfectly on lead, no pulling, staying right at my left side. Now these pathetic excuse for dog owners are ruining our walks. I've reported all these owners and nothing has changed. I've even had loose dogs come onto our property trying to attack Bubba through the fence.  >:(

If I had my drivers license I would just load Bubba up and go somewhere else to walk.. But I shouldn't have to do that.. I'm just so frustrated that I want to cry.. We have a leash law, no dogs are allowed to be running free. Why isn't it being enforced??!


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 10:50:58 am »
I'm trying not too give up. Bubba used to be so happy to go for walks. Now he's getting to the point where he will stop at the end of the driveway and not want to proceed. I don't know if he's just picking up on my nervousness or what. He's also getting standoffish to other dogs. Although these dogs don't just come out at him everyonce in awhile. It's every single time we walk. To the left the Chow and a Samoyed I think (mid size white fluffy dog) and to the right we have 2 German Shepherds. If we manage to get past them and continue they either follow, or come right back out at us on our way home.  >:( None of them are aggressive with me, just Bubba. But if he ever was hurt I'd feel like a tool.

I talked to my hubby and we are going to take Bubba elsewhere to walk. Bubba loves car rides and I know he would love to get out of the house. Plus it's good for him to experience new things and people and maybe some friendly dogs.

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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 11:18:50 am »
I'm sorry Lyn, that isn't fair for Bubba I know. I would definately arm yourself with something like Tina said. Perhaps tell your neighbors what you're going to have to do.
Just trying to keep the bugs off the board!


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 11:48:43 am »
The other thing that you can do is report the dogs to your local animal control. It won't earn you any freinds in the nieghborhood, but after they have to bail their dogs out of the local pound a couple of times, they may learn to keep them home and out of the street.


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 12:03:20 pm »
Oh that is horrible to hear. I have the same problem here. I can't walk Puck b/c he hates when dogs run up to him. They don't seem to bother with Farley. The blow horn sounds like a good idea. Best of Luck ;D

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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 05:45:25 pm »
A Cattle Prod works real good, on both dogs and stupid owners!
Don't let ignorant people define your space.
We have the right to walk our dogs along any road, anywhere, anytime. As long as we are obeying the rules, we have the right to defend ourselves and our property. Our dogs are our property and responsibility .
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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2005, 06:41:58 pm »
I would deinnately carry a blowhorn or something like Tina suggested, and I would also call the local animal control. You have every right to be able to walk down the street without worrying about getting attacked by a loose dog. Plus, one of the loose dogs could get hit by a car so it's in their best interest anyways for their owners to get some sense put into them.
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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2005, 06:44:13 am »
I have contacted animal control everytime it happens yet the dogs still run loose. Although I'm pretty sure animal control has talked to the owner of the Chow since this guy was cursing at me when I went to get the paper. But his dog is still loose, it was laying right in his front yard. If he sees his dog running out at me he doesn't even call it back.  :(

I may just have to carry a weapon.. as sad as that is. I do have some pepper spray.. but that might be a tad drastic. Plus I don't know if I'm allowed to carry it. I thought about buying one of those personal alarms. But they are ear piercing and I'd probably scare the poop out of Bubba at the same time and he'd try to bolt. I like the Cattle Prod idea. But I can just see the police knocking on my door.

For some reason none of these owners seem to be worried about their dogs getting hit by a car. We do live on a high traffic road. And people speed constantly.

I just need to get over my fear and apprehension so I can enjoy going for walks again.. It's like a waiting game.. are they going to come out or are they not. UGH this sucks. It stresses me just thinking about it. >:(


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2005, 07:17:38 am »
The most legal thing you can carry is a squirt bottle set on stream, filled half with water, the other half vinegar. Aim for the head of the dog. A face full of vinegar is extremely unpleasant, if it hits mucus membranes it stings like blazes but is nontoxic, and doesn't usually cause any permenent damage. It may not freak Bubba out as much as a loud noise.


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2005, 07:22:45 am »
The most legal thing you can carry is a squirt bottle set on stream, filled half with water, the other half vinegar. Aim for the head of the dog. A face full of vinegar is extremely unpleasant, if it hits mucus membranes it stings like blazes but is nontoxic, and doesn't usually cause any permenent damage. It may not freak Bubba out as much as a loud noise.

I've heard that works well quite a few times!...Lyn, it totally sucks that you may have to do that too!...& it's sad that poor Bubba can't even get his danged walk without the kind of trouble you are having!...I wanna come & swear back at your stupid neighbor!!! >:(


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2005, 08:06:23 am »
I just finished calling all 3 owners on the phone. My next door neighbor provided me with all 3 phone numbers. ;D I told them all that I will be carrying a spray bottle with vinegar and water and will spray their dogs if they run out while I'm walking Bubba.

The owner of both of the GS apologized. She said they are both very territorial. Niiiiice..  ::) She said it's her husband that lets them loose. But they have kept them in their dog run since animal control talked to them.

BUT the Chow owner and the Samoyed owner are both threatening me that if I hurt their dogs they will sue me. They live right side by side each other, go figure ::) A face full of vinegar worries them more than getting hit by a car I guess.

At least now we can walk one direction without being attacked. Unless of course the husband lets their German Shepherds loose again.


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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2005, 08:11:42 am »
They must be very concerned for their dogs, letting them run loose like that with a street nearby! >:( Did you explain that the vinegar & water would not be pleasant for them but it wouldn't hurt them?...& they threatened to sue you?...JERKS!!!!...If you aren't already make sure to write down evey time the dogs are loose, when they've approached you when loose, & any & all contact with these idiot neighbors quoting exactly what they said & you is very important that you document incase you have to use the vinegar & water spray & they carry through with their threat or try to retaliate in some are going to want to be able to have times & dates & quotes down on paper!!!!...Also, call the police each time the dogs are loose, run up on you on your walks or if the neighbors threaten you or your dog in any way...That way it's officially on file!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2005, 08:19:47 am by GYPSY JAZMINE »

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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2005, 09:29:10 am »
Thats one of the reasons why I like going for our walks at 6am. Only thing running free are the deer that early.

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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2005, 09:49:29 am »
The only thing I can think of for you is to arm yourself with some form of "weapon" for your walks.  Perhaps a blow horn aimed at the offending dog to scare it off.  Or a squirt bottle with bitter apple or vinegar in it. 

Squirt bottles work really well, dogs hate getting stuff sprayed in their face.  Squirt guns or super soakers work really well and might be easier to carry.  I don't know about putting stuff in the water, if you somehow hurt the dog it might come back on you.  There's ultrsonic things you can buy too that supposedly stop aggressive dogs in their tracks and actually will repel them.  You can probably find a lot of of stuff online.
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Re: Fed up with people letting their dogs run free..
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2005, 12:04:33 pm »
If the dog is off it's property, you should not be accountable for what happens to the dog.  If you need to protect yourself or your dog, you may do so by any means necessary, and there is nothing they can do about it, whether they want to sue you or not.

I agree to document as much as possible what is going on.  Write down the date and how many times the dogs come out, and how often you have to spray them.  It may sound silly, but you may be able to get a restraining order against the dogs.  It is illegal to let them roam free and leave their own property.  If you feel unsafe (even if it is your dog that's at risk) that would be the way to go.  Document this for a month or so (that's how long it takes in people restraining orders) then take your documentation to the police so they have this on file.