Author Topic: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF  (Read 9393 times)


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annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« on: September 04, 2005, 04:25:49 pm »
okay.  i have one dog who is scared of the world, and another dog who is SOMETIMES defensive when approached by dogs.  i am a bad mom, i admit it....HOWEVER, people who let their dogs run free even though MINE are potentially the actual problem piss me off. 

i was just out walking.  i took angus first, and we walked UP TO A MAN, WITHOUT HIM BARKING, AND I STOOD TALKING TO HIM FOR A WHILE WITHOUT ANY NOISE.  he tried to pet angus, and i asked him not to, but i was proud of my little guy anyway for not making noise and a scene.  THEN, i take out cody.  we are walking the route me and ang took backwards cuz he pooped and i needed to pick it up....WELL, this woman lets her little boxer run right out the door, and where does she head, right for cody.  the first thing out of her mouth was she's nice...and the first out of mine was, that's great but sometimes he gets defensive when approached by an offleash dog.  mine on leash and hers offleash can make fora  nasty fight.  so she stands 15 feet away, calling this dog every 1/2 second, to which the dog has no response.  then she comes over to get the dog, while looking scared of cody, and scared of a fight to break up.  then takes the dog by the collar, gives me this look like I HAVE NO RIGHT TO WALK A DOG THERE, AND IM THE BAD ONE BECAUSE I SAID MY DOG DOESN'T LIKE TO BE APPROACHED BY OFFLEASH DOGS ALL THE TIME, AND SLAMS HER DOOR. 

so now im pissed.  if MY DOG IS ONLEASH, why does she have the right to get mad at me?  i am being the responsible owner, and no doubt, if the dogs fought, i would have been the one in the middle pulling them apart, and i would have been the one to get yelled at.  i hate that. 

anyway....afte r i brought cody in, i walked over to her unit and knocked on the door to say i'm sorry, and blah blah blah, and she didn't answer.  so i wrote her a note, photo copied it lol, stuck it in her door, knocked on her door, and came home. 


jsut a little rant about stupid people. 

k, thanks lol


Offline PupDaddy

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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 04:30:35 pm »
I'm in a bad mood today. I'll just not comment! But I'll ask Donut, what would you do to this stupid lady.


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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2005, 04:32:07 pm »
lmao!  thanks baby doggie!  we need her here!  can you loan her out please lol??????

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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2005, 04:37:24 pm »
I 100% agree, dogs should be an a leash! In my neighbourhood there are too many dogs running free, it has me drove crazy and I don't trust any of them. My front yard (which isn't fenced) is like the "smells of the world emporium".

Offline brandon

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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2005, 05:08:37 pm »
I'm in a bad mood today. I'll just not comment! But I'll ask Donut, what would you do to this stupid lady.

Great Picture!!
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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2005, 05:45:38 pm »
Perfect response, Donut!!

I, too hate people who let their dogs off leash to roam free.  I did used to let Keiko (before Gunther) out in our front yard if I was out there doing something, but if another dog approached, I always called her back, just to be safe.

Some people are just so clueless, its amazing they can function somewhat normally.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2005, 07:13:29 pm »
Get 'em Donut!  Show 'em what those sharp little puppy teeth feel like!   ;D

Ugh!  Nikker, you know I know how you feel - I posted about this not too long ago and you wiped my tears and talked me down...   ;)

Ranger, too, has issues with other dogs.  He can remain quite calm, even when another dog is pretty close, unless they come right up to him and get in his face.  I don't take him places where dogs are allowed off-leash, yet we always see them out there.  I let people know about the potential for trouble the minute their off-leash dogs start heading toward us.

And yet, somehow, when my on-leash, under-control dog growls or snaps at another dog that has just pushed its way into his personal space, despite my repeated warnings, it is HIS fault.  NOT the fault of the person who has their dog off-leash in an on-leash park, and has no control over their animal.  I always end up being the one apologizing and feeling like the a** with the idiot dog. 

The people with the off-leash dogs never seem to feel like they are the ones in the wrong.  In one place where we used to live when Cabo was still alive, there was a woman who lived in our complex who had two aggressive dogs who were usually off-leash, despite our complaints.  She had the nerve to actually, in all seriousness, tell us that if her off-leash dogs were to get to our dogs and attack them, it would be OUR fault for not protecting our dogs.  (This actually DID happen, but is a whole other story...  It is called The Story of the Crazy Lady in the Motorhome.)

Anyway, I just get concerned, because if they do start to fight, I will obviously be pulling Ranger back, but there will be no other way to stop the other dog from coming.  And, yes, it will probably be ME that gets bit reaching in to stop it.  I also worry about the other dog - if you can't reliably call your dog away from approaching me, what is going to happen when you can't call it away from someone who doesn't like dogs, and might hit or kick it?  Worse, what if you can't call it away from a busy street with cars approaching?   >:(

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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2005, 07:32:21 pm »
I hate off leash dogs too.........  With my mojos I worry about them getting hurt.  And with Willow I worry about a fight and Willow hurtiing someone.  I just don't get why people just don't put their dogs on leash..

We have a neighbor who has two dogs and they are always off leash terrorizing the neighborhood.  They come up to my gate barking and making my dogs crazy....just hate it!!!

Offline Rocky's 'Rents

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Re: annoying owners who let their dogs run free PISS ME OFF
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2005, 08:08:49 pm »
Pupdaddy - I wish Donut came in dozens so we could all have one to make us laugh when times get tough!!  Nic - You're a bigger person than me! I think I would have taken what you were picking up and done the old "light the poo-bag on fire, ring the bell and run" trick!!! ::)