Author Topic: Big Paw Times aka Forum News  (Read 3866 times)

Offline jabear

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Big Paw Times aka Forum News
« on: July 01, 2005, 08:13:31 pm »
So, I just was informed today that many people don't realize the many features of BPO. The forum news is updated regularly to let everyone know about anything important or noteworthy. I put all of the qualifications for the most recent Patriotic contest on there and will do the same for future contests. We have also used it to announce winner's of last month's contest and the winners of the (used to be weekly) atop the site contest. Kepp checking there regularly to see the latest happenings here at BPO!

Also, you can get to the forums by clicking on the on the Dog House words above the most recent topics on the main page. It is the same as the bottom "enter forums here" link.

If there is anything else you wonder about or want to know about, feel free to email me, PM me, or post it here.

Thanks a bunch!
    -Jabear & The Big Paws Team
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.