Author Topic: $%^(*@*& to dog owners who don't clean up...  (Read 2506 times)

Offline tonyc

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$%^(*@*& to dog owners who don't clean up...
« on: September 19, 2005, 09:26:31 am »
finally found out nikki's diarrhea is a secondary symptom of hook worms. this new place we're moved to (complex of 20 apts) has 25% dog ownership. and as gentrified/yuppified as the residents may be (buncha IT/Ivy league types running around in Range Rovers/BMWs/Audis, etc.) apparently they're all owner-idiots.

there's more poop on the common areas than Parisian streets. When i get home tonite, i'm putting up signs notifying everyone to remove their own dogs' waste. another $100 at the vet today...  >:( >:( >:(

poor girl running around with wormies in her tummy for almost a week now

Offline Kermit

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Re: $%^(*@*& to dog owners who don't clean up...
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 09:34:38 am »
Maybe you can take it up with your leasing office and have them pay your vet bill. Get something in writing from your vet stating that hookworms are caused by contact through the dog's pad from other dogs who have had the worms. If you tell that to the leasing office I bet they will be mortified!!!

Offline Kirsten

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Re: $%^(*@*& to dog owners who don't clean up...
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 09:54:38 am »
we just found out that our guy has roundworm..... no symptoms at all.  we only found out because we found one in his poop after he started on heartguard.  He only weighs 55 lbs and our deworming meds were $60, and HUGE.  I can only imagine how much worse it can be as the doggies get bigger........

Offline shi_ni_ke

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Re: $%^(*@*& to dog owners who don't clean up...
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 02:32:59 pm »
Not only would I give them this information, I would suggest they install a doggie waste station at several spots in the commons area complete with baggies and a waste can and/or a pooper scooper and check to see if your city has a dog waste disposal law that requires dog owners to remove dog waste from common areas.. if so suggest the apartment complex start enforcing the law or fining owners who do not.
I also recommend that each time someone new moves into the complex with a pet, they are given a copy of the rules regarding animals, and a Pet Starter Kit... for dogs a few dog biscuits, and several baggies,maybe a dog groomer in the neighborhood would give the apartment complex some coupons for a free nail clipping and information on local vets, etc. This way new people could be educated before they become a contributor to the problem. I know several of the apartment complexes have begun giving out the pet owner's handbook and a welcome pack and each person who receives one has to sign a statement saying they received the handbook. This way it puts the responsibility back on the pet owner.

The part about cleaning up after your dog could be prefaced with something like, help keep all our furry friends happy and healthy by cleaning up after them.
Hookworm can be spread not only to other dogs but humans as well.

We have several neighborhoods in our area that have dog "fueling" stations that everyone takes turns refilling with fresh water, doggie treats and plastic bags, and a little scooper for people to use to pick up their doggie waste.  Some of them even have little trash cans for depositing the baggies.

I have to admit that I don't always scoop up at 3am, but it is in my own yard and we do scoop the yard every morning before the children leave for school and every afternoon when they get home from school. If they take the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood for me, they are all trained to take an emergency baggie just in case. If a 10 year old can remember to shove  a ziploc in his pocket, what is wrong with these adults.

I always take spare baggies to the park with me in case someone else forgets to bring theirs.
Nike and Lily,SDIT