Author Topic: Why don't they like Bailey??  (Read 4138 times)

Offline Baileyboy

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Why don't they like Bailey??
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:52:35 pm »
I could use some advice.
Bailey, my 9 month old newf  (male and not neutered yet) always seems to find dogs that don't like him and I'm starting to think it's an 'air' about him. 

More and more often we'll go to the park or beach and it seems that a lot of dogs (mostly male) don't like him.  He'll approach them slowly (even more so if he's on leash) tail and whole back end wagging in excitement and dogs just start attacking him.  Small dogs, large dogs, it doesn't matter.  Most seem to be male.  I'm so worried he's going to get hurt.  Every time it's the same story with the owners..."my dog has never acted this way before, I'm so sorry".  It happened on Sunday night at the beach and it was actually a friends dog who he's met a million times.  The pug just went crazy and started biting at Bailey's face.  Tonight it was at the dog park and a golden (again who he's met a few times) just attacked him.  He never even thinks about fighting back but he also doesn't think to move away from the dog...tails still a'waggin and he just doesn't get it. 

I guess I have 2 problems.  The first is how do I teach him that when a dog that is showing his teeth and growling and biting that he should back off.  I think this is the biggest problem because sometimes it is after playing for a while with another dog - they either get tired or have just had enough, Bailey keeps trying to play with them and this makes them mad.  He doesn't pick up the signsthat the other dog has had enough. The second problem is what is it about him that makes dogs want to attack.  If I get him fixed do you think that will help?

He's so sweet (and clueless) and I'm just so afraid he's going to get hurt.

Thanks for any help you can give!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 02:48:49 am by Baileyboy »


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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 10:07:38 pm »
 :-\  Poor Bailey, he does look so sweet.  I think the others are just jealous... :P 

Seriously tho, my males (one an Irish Wolfhound, the other a Neapolitan Mastiff) had the same problem and always w/other male dogs, even after they were neutered. 

I had to keep them leashed and when other dogs approached, I asked the owners to keep a tight reign on their pets when I saw "the stance" that was being taken by other males.  Both my boys were very friendly and never initiated fights and both would back away instinctively unless they thought I was being threatened.  I would ask, then if they didn't I'd remind them of the leash laws.

Also, when my Neo was playing w/other dogs and I saw any play getting out of hand, I'd would initiate the retreat and make him lie down/leave.

Hope that helps some.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2005, 02:17:31 am »
I don't have a huge amount of advice on this, but I do know that many dogs, ESPECIALLY male dogs, will often react badly to an un-neutered male.  Call it jealousy, but there is just SOMETHING about an un-neutered male that will set them off....   :)
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Offline greek4

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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2005, 02:23:56 am »
I once heard.

A nuetered male knows he's a male but other males think he is female.
An intact male knows he's a male and so do all other dogs.

Maybe it is because he is intact??

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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2005, 02:24:09 am »
I do think that neutering will help, but I've found that it has to do more with the size of the dog.  Smaller dogs, many time are intimidated by the size of a Newf (even one that is still a puppy....smell s like a puppy but the size of a small horse...very confusing to a smaller dog)  I finally quit take my Newfs to the dog park for just that reason.  They didn't start the fight but they also got tired of being jumped on, nipped at, humped, and generally battered.  Otis would occasionally let loose with a Newf sized snarl after being repeatedly d it scared the living patooties of me, but it's amazing how fast a smaller dog can run when a Newf gets fed up! ;D


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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2005, 02:40:36 am »
Poor Bailey! I'm sure Kiah would love to play with you.

Offline greek4

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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2005, 02:46:37 am »
Rocco who has been nuetered since 7 weeks would not get along with Bailey but Maia being a female would love him.  Rocco likes all nuetered or female dogs and some unneutered males.   Maia loves all male dogs nuetered or not.  Go figure.

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Offline Jessdryden

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Re: Why don't they like Bailey??
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2005, 03:55:45 am »
Oh no!  Poor Bailey!  I'm so sorry that he is getting picked on!  We have occasionally had this happen with Sasha too.  Most of the dogs that have acted aggressively toward her are smaller and timid dogs.  They seem to be frightened by her.  I don't have a very good solution to offer though.  We just try to keep her away from dogs that seem likely to be a problem or who start acting aggressively.  It's too scary!  :-\

I hope it gets better for Bailey!  :)
Hugs and drools,
Jessica and Sasha