Author Topic: i hate people who judge breeds  (Read 16177 times)

Offline tonyc

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2005, 04:22:20 am »
i do hv to admit.. i'm prejudiced against certain breeds... o say.. TEACUP poodles? or frenchies? or chihuahuas?

i look at 'em and go: darn toy dogs... over grown rats.. ;D ;)


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2005, 05:24:34 am »
 Yeah, I've thought about those things. I guess if it gets ugly we may have to do some of that. I'm hoping it doesn't get to that point. My b-friend just called me. Her ENTIRE medical bills add up to $300 and ONLY because she didn't have insurance (she's on Hoosier Healthwise...o therwise known as medicaid) so she went to the emergency room. Otherwise I'm sure it wouldn't have been anything. And she went to the emergency room like, a week after it happened. Matter of fact, the night it happened, she called 911, and when they got there, she refused any medical treatment, saying she was fine. GRRRRRRRRR.

 Her medical bills are less expensive than what I currently owe my attorney. I might consider pursuing that, cuz this is all B.S. Honestly, at this point, I feel like just calling her up and saying, "Hey, honey. I don't want to make a big nasty deal out of this. How bout Mark and I just pay what you owe the hospital and be done with this?" But, her frivioulous, litergious self would probably not agree.

Daneinsane, you're right. All breeds have their own little things, and then each individual doggie does, too.


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2005, 05:28:42 am »
I prefer large dogs to small dogs for my personal dogs, but that is just because I am a large person, and  am afraid I would hurt a smaller breed. I am so used to handling large dogs that smaller dogs feel too fragile, and very breakable. I joke around because I am intimidated by their fragility, and the small pure breds that I have run into have been very unpredictable, and that has put me off as well. Please don't be hurt or offended by anything I have posted about the little guys, it actually was meant benignly. I'll try to think more in the future.


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2005, 06:01:07 am »
Thanks, daneinsane, but my post wasn't directed at you specifically either. This is not the first post I have seen about people getting hurt about their little dogs, and it made me feel kinda bad that I may have contrubuted to that. So it was a blanket apology.
To the subject at hand, Nicole, I am so sorry that the idiot woman is making things rough for you and BF yet again. I am fairly sure that your pain and suffering isn't compensatible by law because dogs are considered property, and you would have to prove concrete monetary damages from the death of your puppy---loss of future income from puppies sort of thing. However if she loses the lawsuit, and you can prove that it was unfounded, you may be able to get punitive damages, in the form of court costs, and legal fees. Of course if she is on welfare you'll never see a dime. I work for a group of lawyers in IL, and that is what one of them told me. The laws of the different states are all different when it comes to pet law though, so it may not be the same in Indiana.


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2005, 06:09:15 am »
He he...People are silly. This reminds me of something that happened to henry quite recently... he was in the park taking a dump when this woman with a japanese chin comes up and starts harrasing him and kicking him and threatening to call the police. Henry hadn't even looked at her dog, but she just went crazy! Even after I managed to lift henry into my arms ( because henry doesn't like dogs bothering him) she still continued kicking at me and henry! I told her to go right ahead and call the police...she never did though....Craz y old bat. Then I wonder why Henry doesn't like other dogs!

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2005, 06:47:04 am »
That is horrible Nicole.

I would still try to countersue, even if the charges would be unfounded.  The fact she refused medical treatment on the night it happened could go in your favor.

The fact of the matter is that your dog was put to sleep wrongly and for no reason.  If anyone should be suing, it should be you.  Since she refused treatment, there is no documentation or pictures of what, if anything happened.  As far as I know, it is illegal to kill someone's pet, which is basically what she did, even if she herself did not give him the needle.

And I always thought a dog wouldn't be put to sleep unless it was proven vicous or had bitten someone.  So far, that has obviously not been proven (otherwise she probably would have sued you sooner), so I'm wondering why the dog was put to sleep in the first place.


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2005, 07:04:41 am »
Well, here's the thing. I haven't ruled out suing the city yet. They are the ones that actually make me the most angry with this whole thing. Yeah, they put my dog to sleep without due process, didn't give me any chance to appeal it, and didn't compensate me for the loss of my property. The city screwed the whole thing up majorly. My lawyer just cannot believe that they did that.

Its so frustrating.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2005, 07:23:28 am »
I can imagine.  You're right, the city should also be held liable for what happened to your pet.

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2005, 08:44:42 am »
You should absolutely sue her.   The only thing you can do in a situation like this is go with a scorched earth policy. 

Sue her for anything and everything your attorney can think of, including false allegations against your dog. 

If she refused treatment at the scene, there no way to tell what injuries put her in the emergency room to the tune of $300 a week later.  She absolutely cannot prove that it was your dog's scratches.  Any number of other dogs may have scratched her drunken butt in the mean time. 

I bet if you look into it a little, her going to the hospital was involved in your dog being murdered--I'd put money down that they went to talk to her and she made some sort of statement of, 'oh I had to go to the hospital'--and they assumed that it was at the time of the incident, and not days and days later.  And thus was your dog convicted and condemned. 


Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2005, 12:46:23 am »
OMG - Nicole, that is just plain awful.  Poor Bo!  I sincerely hope that stupid, ignorant, drunken bafoon gets what she deserves - NOT A DAMN THING.  Also, I hope that you sue the pants off of the city too.  That is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.  I'm appalled!  Our tax dollars at work.  BIG HUGS from Auntie Heather and Cousin Ranger to Cabeza, you, and Mark.

OOOH - I'm ANGRY!  It's that Irish temper for you.  I will layeth the smacketh down on that stupid freaking wench and the whole animal control depatment too!!  You just give me the word. 

Um....Jenn...W e are going to need that BPO Bail fund....