Author Topic: sleeping in Ohio  (Read 13548 times)

Offline jules

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sleeping in Ohio
« on: May 01, 2005, 05:49:46 pm »
Finally!I got some sleep last night.Spotakis s decided he was going to sleep in the tub last night and to my surprise he didnt wake me up a million times to go out.What ever works for him.I just have to make sure I rinse out the tub before I use it.Do any other dogs do this?He does try to get in the tub with me when Im in it.Go figure

Offline kildeskennel

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Re: sleeping in Ohio
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2005, 08:18:42 pm »
How old is spot a kiss again?  Beauty used to climb in the shower with me, followed me everywhere until a little after 1yrs old, I could not go ANYWHERE without her.  She was a toal spaz if she could not see me, or even better yet be touching me in some way.  She still is very much a mama's girl and goes with me in the truck everytime it is possible for her and weather is good for it she rides in the cab of course!  She still scratches on any door if I am in a closed room, bathroom, bedroom, does not matter.  Aidan sleeps in the shower all the time, for him I think its just cooler there,  Beauty will go lay in the basement on the cool concrete, but Aidan will not go down there EVER, its the "BAD" pl ace in his mind.  He has never liked it.  Once I did coax him down for a bath but that was the only time, now its the shower or outside when its nice!  Is it warm where you are now?  Its still snowing here in Minnesota.  32 today.  CRAZY weather.  just enough to dust the ground and cold enough to stick a while!  Very windy to boot.  Dogs are loving it!  Me on teh other hand am dying to get my hands int he garden and in my flower beds... :'(
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Offline jules

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Re: sleeping in Ohio
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2005, 09:15:15 pm »
Spotakiss is 5months old right now will be 6 may 11th.Yes here in ohio we had a foot,yes a foot last week of snow.Right now its rainy and the high was 52.He loves it.I hope I get to sleep tonight.


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Re: sleeping in Ohio
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2005, 10:11:30 pm »
so not to totally get off topic here, because my dogs did indeed love to romp around AND sleep in the tub (well, and collect stuffed animals in there) until we moved and got those darned glass door on the tubs that they are TERRIFIED OF AND WILL NOT GO NEAR WITHOUT ATTACKING IT....

but...spotakis s is about 30 seconds older than angus, who turns 6 months on the 5th, and look how different they are.  i really think i have a bulldog, sometimes i sit there and stare and him and just know i have a bulldog.  mum and dad were long haired, and look at my little dude!  HE'S A FRICKEN BULLDOG!  LOL....and the most beautiful one at that....

but seriously...lo ok at him! :o

Offline coonie1970

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Re: sleeping in Ohio
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2005, 06:02:19 am »
Jules that is so funny!!!! ;D Judge would never fit in our tub.
Nickerbokker Judge looked alot like your BABY at 5 months. He is a smoth coat. Im postong an earlier pic for you. As you can see from my profile pic he has grown ALOT. Your pup looks like he is a bit taller than Judge was. LOOK at those legs!!!
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket


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Re: sleeping in Ohio
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2005, 02:17:11 pm »
oh thank god for your post lol, it made me feel so much better!  judge is quite the looker!

his legs are terrible...... they wont quite growing!  he is WAY taller than my golden, but he's only like 2 feet long...its actually the funniest thing ever, he is so odd looking!  this dog is 40lbs of legs!

look at those legs LOL