Author Topic: Thunder and lighting ;0(  (Read 15185 times)

Offline momma-st

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Thunder and lighting ;0(
« on: May 03, 2005, 01:03:48 pm »
Just wondering if anyone's big dog his a fear of loud noise.  We can be outside and if she hear the mower, lightning.  She is gone in a flash to the house.. I know that if i am going to mow the yard,  i need to put her in the house.. And when we have storms she will almost push us out of bed to get under the covers...( or between us)  I wonder if something happen when she was a puppy.  Before we got her. :-\

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 01:12:21 pm »
I have heard of a lot of people with dogs scared of thunder, and a lot of different theories to why. Some say they know the dog was scared as young, and others say that it is just something that is, they have no idea why their dog is afraid.

My Golden Mix is scared of both thunder and fire works, she hates it and when a storm is coming on, you know if it is going to thunder, she is always hid somewhere, way before you can even hear it yourself.

She is a rescue, so I cant really say what happened to her before we had her. But once I had a min. Schnauzer who hated the thunder, and when we got another dane puppy, that seemed to be "carried over to the new puppy" She sensed that Happy (min. Schnauzer) was afraid and got worried too. As soon as we realized what was going on, we started to work with the dane puppy a lot, and it did help. But I am sure that the reason she started off being afraid was because she saw the other dog soo stressed out in a certain situation.

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 01:13:56 pm »
Funny you should mention this because I was LOL this morning because my 2 yr old daughter dragged her pink rocking horse into the living room now our newfie Sasha won't come into the room, she is TERRIFIED!!!!  It was very funny watching her, she was sort of ducking and I'm thinking what is she doing then I realized she was staring down the pink pony! ANd when I grabbed the pony she bolted!!!!Sasha is new to our family and we have noticed she is affraid of almost everything from the doorbell to storms but the even funnier thing is that she is NOT affraid of the ONLY two things our Great pyr IS affraid of: water and the vacuum!!!  On top of all this our Pyr name is THUNDER!  I highly doubt she was abused I know some animals have a higher startle reflex.  Now Thunder being affraid of water thinks SASHA is SOOOOOO brave when she jumps in the baby pool :D



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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 01:21:26 pm »
The only thing Rufus is afraid of is fireworks.  He is absolutely terrified.  We have to give him a sedative on July 4 and he sleeps through the worst of it.  Thankfully New Years Eve doesn't last that long and if we leave the TV on loud enough he doesn't know what is going on.  If he hears fireworks on a TV show he goes ballistic!  He works himself up into such a state I'm afraid he'll have a heart attack!  I feel so bad for him!  Our Rotti girl isn't afraid of anything!

Offline momma-st

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2005, 01:30:46 pm »
I'm sure maggie is just one that the loud sounds scare.  My husband has alway had a st..  He said that their females were scared of storms also.  I just feel so bad for her and wish i could do something to help her get over her fears.  Arlene

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2005, 01:32:04 pm »
It is horrible to see them, that afraid. The min. schnauzer we had was hiding behind couches or were ever she could squeeze herself into. And she actually hyperventilate d. One bad storm, I had to lock us both into a bathroom without windows and keep it dark in there and we both slept on the floor. But no matter what we did to try and "cure" it, I think it got worse and worse the older she got.

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Offline dufus

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2005, 03:20:10 pm »
Day-z and i live in Miami, so we get plenty of lightning.

One night a few weeks ago there was a bad storm, there i was awake in bed, worrying about the 6 month old puppy terrified in her room.  So, I come downstairs to look after her.  I get downstairs and peer in her room, there she is asleep on her back - oblivious to it all.  Me visiting her woke her up and she followed me into the family room and slept on the floor.

There was a fireworks party a few weeks ago too, and she went to the patio door to watch it.

Not quite how i predicted she would be.  We had bad storms today and she slept through those too.

Offline amajac

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2005, 09:16:35 am »
Your Pry is afraid of WATER???  My Saints have never cared for water, but my pry loved water, he would go to the river with us and head for the deepest spot with the most current and try to swim upstream.  Only problem we had was that he would not let my daughter swim, he would keep rescueing her.

Cheryl Hain

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2005, 11:06:43 am »
My Chazzy (gsd rescue) is afraid of football games on tv, whenever Billy is watching a game & the crowd applauds & he gets excited,  she heads for the bathroom. After 10 years she still carrys on this way every football season.


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Re: Thunder and lighting ;0(
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2005, 11:19:36 am »
Yes he is very affraid of water!  As a matter of fact so are a lot of Pyrs because it was a funny topic on the a Pyr posting list a few weeks ago. It's seem they have simalair reaction to things like toilets, hoses, showers and bath tubs, sprinklers ect.  Was your Pyr full Pyr?

Your Pry is afraid of WATER???  My Saints have never cared for water, but my pry loved water, he would go to the river with us and head for the deepest spot with the most current and try to swim upstream.  Only problem we had was that he would not let my daughter swim, he would keep rescueing her.
