Author Topic: New Doggie Virus?  (Read 6151 times)


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New Doggie Virus?
« on: September 27, 2005, 11:34:32 pm »
Have any of you heard of this?  I was watching the news last night and they did a report on a new dog virus that's sweeping across Iowa, not sure how far it'll get but it sounds scary.  I guess it started with the Greyhound racers but now people pets are getting it too.  Kinda sad because there's no vaccination and lots of dogs are dying.  That's what the news said anyway.  I guess doggie daycares and kennels are freaking out about it.  The virus is equivalent to a stomach flu/cold or something but dogs are dying for some reason.  Very sad.


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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2005, 11:37:37 pm »
My parents said they heard on the news about it as well and we are in Indiana...I'm going to contact our vet and try and get as much info on this doggie virus as possible and if someone does please share it....We all want our doggies safe....

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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 02:48:55 am »
yeah I've heard of this just recently.  It started on the east coast.  It's in Iowa already?

I was actually wondering if this is what Gunther had.  I had contributed his illness to just a really bad case of kennel cough, but the symptoms are similar.  Of course there are no cases in CA yet, but you never know.......... ....

I've heard that just like the human flu, the elderly and very young are the most susceptible.  It originated in horses and somehow transferred to dogs.  I actually read they weren't sure if it started with greyhounds or not, but since greyhounds are routinely checked by vets, it was noticed there first.  And since house pets have more contact with horses than greyhounds it may have originated with them first, but went unnoticed b/c was though of just a bad case of kennel cough.

I think there is another thread around here somewhere talking about it too.

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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2005, 03:00:19 am »
I did a quick search on google news and there are plenty of stories on it.  Here was one of the more interesting ones I saw.
I guess we all need to be cautious and alert if any of our dogs show symptoms, especially if you are kennelling.


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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2005, 03:40:47 am »
 :o I'm wondering...Pe tra was located in a New York shelter before being rescued and placed in a New Jersey foster home.  The foster worked at a vet's office too...

Our vet said Petra had some kind of virus (not sure what kind, but "probably not serious") and a urinary tract infection.  Should I request she be tested again?  She has been sick:  vomiting, loose stool, drooling, temp, etc.


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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2005, 03:46:04 am »
:o I'm wondering...Pe tra was located in a New York shelter before being rescued and placed in a New Jersey foster home.  The foster worked at a vet's office too...

Our vet said Petra had some kind of virus (not sure what kind, but "probably not serious") and a urinary tract infection.  Should I request she be tested again?  She has been sick:  vomiting, loose stool, drooling, temp, etc.

You have reason to be concerned smohr...I would call my vet & voice your concerns to them definitely...I'm in Iowa & have my concerns also...Pippin is to start obedience training tomorrow evening...I'm going to call my vet & the trainer now & talk my concerns over with them...There is no way he's starting if I can't be put 100% at ease.


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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2005, 03:46:08 am »
Petra's symptoms sound like the doggie virus that's going around here, I'd maybe take her back in and talk to the vet's about that.  It's very scary I often get worried for no reason, but if this problem is so big the news is talking about it I'm kinda wondering if it's a very serious matter........  The vet's around here are all stumped, some dogs make it and others don't so they're not knowing how to treat it, yeah I'm worried. :-\


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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2005, 04:44:42 am »
I was wondering about Petra getting into mushrooms. I heard about a puppy that went wild after eating some. The breeder took it back & in a few weeks the mushrooms got out of its system. Just something else to possibly look into.

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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2005, 04:57:31 am »
I saw that it has shown up in Arizona.
It takes 2-5 days to incubate and for the dogs to show symptoms.
Go to for more info.
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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2005, 06:30:01 am »

Looks like this ones for real...Any one in New York had this problem already?

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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2005, 06:44:39 am »
I was wondering about Petra getting into mushrooms. I heard about a puppy that went wild after eating some. The breeder took it back & in a few weeks the mushrooms got out of its system. Just something else to possibly look into.

Chester's grandfather, Encounter, died this summer from eating mushrooms.  He was only seven!  It's a whole other topic of worry!!!

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Re: New Doggie Virus?
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2005, 02:57:07 pm »
Hmmmm....this is very scarey.  One of my mojos, irie, has been coughing the last few days.  today she hasn't had much of an appetite.  I think the cough is better though.  Of course if it is a virus what is the treatment?  Just supportive measures I guess.  No antibiotics will help with a viral infection.  Anyone know of immune booster for dogs - something homeopathic?