Author Topic: Grieving Collie  (Read 16251 times)

Offline Beath Anim.Shelter

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Grieving Collie
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:58:03 pm »
Hi, all,
I posted a note earlier, but don't see it on the web page.
After our bloodhound Buck died, we tried, in vain to help his grieving mate Gypsy.
But, she just had to catch up with her "guy",so she laid down and died.

My husband and I were in some kind of shock, I think.
We left town for a few days.
We stopped at my parents home tonight.  It's the first time I've had access to a computer.
Tomorrow we'll go home.
It will take time, but Buck and Gypsy will settle into our sweetest memories.

Thank you, -  all of you -- for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers.

Offline jabear

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Re: Grieving Collie
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2005, 08:13:09 pm »
I'm so glad that you and your husband are doing ok. Let us know if we can do anything else for you. Here is the link that you missed to you earlier post. It may take some time to get through it all, but the outpouring ouf love and support given to you, Buck and Gypsy from the members of this site was amazing. We missed you and hope to hear from you soon.,311.0.html
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline damar

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Re: Grieving Collie
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2005, 08:39:41 pm »
I am glad that you are back. I lost my collie a while back too. Completely heartbreaking.

Offline nettrek4

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Re: Grieving Collie
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 06:56:01 am »
  Connie, I'm so sorry for your tragedy.  Sometimes it seems that one cannot endure that which must be endured.  The only way to approach it is to cling to what you love, take good care of yourself, and allow time to use your thoughts and memories to smooth the sharp edges of pain.
  As a collie breeder, I know that collies are mostly mind, heart, and soul - wrapped in fur.  I don't think that any other breed is so sensitive and so attached.  Your Gypsy's heart was broken, plus she was feeling all the loss and pain that you and your husband felt.  So somehow she found a way go where she needed to go, to be free of all the pain - smart girl.
     I can just imagine the scene at The Bridge when Gypsy found Buck waiting there.  What a volly of barks, what a wild swirl or flashing flying feet, what a flurry of licks and growls and groans and whines and sniffs went on as the faithful friends reunited.  Think of them together there - they are waiting for you, and you will see them again.  I really believe that.  Marcia P, Bonnie Collies
Marcia P. and the Bonnie Collies

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Grieving Collie
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2005, 09:04:47 am »
I can't help shedding a tear, every time I read about this. More than once I have gone though loosing one dog, the pain is just unbelivable, I can not imagine what I would be like to loose two of you very very best friends at the same time. It will take time, it has to be allowed to take tiem, but there will be a day when you don't cry every time you think of them, when you will start to smile when you think of all the fun, smart and silly things they did. I loved what Marcia wrote, I truly think that's what is going on at the bridge. All happy, all healthy and no pain. And don't for a minute doubt that they are both sitting up there keeping a very close eye on you both. And maybe one day you will be ready to get another puppy, and guess who will be looking upon all the trouble the little nightmare is getting into, and I am sure they have a grin on their faces too.

Take care, and my thought and prayers are with you

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