Author Topic: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?  (Read 27803 times)

Offline saintmellor

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2006, 12:22:12 pm »
yeah I will second that lameness both my dogs ANNA and Jenny got there name form the previous owners.  anna is the saint i adopted 2 years ago when she was 4 and jenny is the dogue that i adopted sunday from an animal shelter.  both are great and hopefully jenny will put on about 15 to 20 pounds like anna did.

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2006, 12:28:48 pm »
Lucas--named after the county I grew up in...for some reason people in my family started doing this and Lucas really fit his personality(my aunt has a jack russel named Renfrew and my brother has a jack/chi named Warren)

Daisy was already named by my friend's hillbilly husband(he talks like Boomhauer from King of the Hill) Their mom is Bo and other dog Luke(Duke's of Hazzard)

Zane - St Bernard/Shepherd mix
Aspen - Pyr/Malamute mix
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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2006, 12:56:55 pm »
That's a great story....I'm sorry about the loss of your friend.
Zane - St Bernard/Shepherd mix
Aspen - Pyr/Malamute mix
Craig - Our Ridgie, has gone over the Rainbow Bridge

Offline smsmith

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2006, 01:04:50 pm »
Lucas--named after the county I grew up in...for some reason people in my family started doing this

That is a great idea.  I was born in Bexar county (prounounced Bear).  Next dog I get, I'll name him/her Bexar.  Thanks!

Offline macybean

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2006, 01:09:30 pm »
Smsmith-I grew up in San Antonio. When I was a kid, I used to think it should be pronounced "Bear-x-ar", b/c the way people said it and the way it's spelled made no sense to me. Of course, neither did my way of saying it. LOL

Sadie got her name b/c I came up with a list of names and had my then-bf help choose. I had veto rights, but I liked the names for the most part (hey, I made the list). He liked Sadie.

Riley wasn't supposed to be Riley. I had a list of names picked out and thought I was going to call him Rory. Then he got to me, and Rory didn't fit him, nor did any of the other names. I went through name lists for a few days, and Riley just "fit".

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2006, 01:22:35 pm »
Saint Diego...I love it!  :D
Zane - St Bernard/Shepherd mix
Aspen - Pyr/Malamute mix
Craig - Our Ridgie, has gone over the Rainbow Bridge

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2006, 01:33:59 pm »
Hmmm, maybe I should steal your idea. The next pet would be San Diego.  Speaking of signs, maybe this is a sign that I should get a Saint and name him Diego.  What do you guys think?  Am I rationalizing the need for another dog enough?   

Saint Diego would be too funny.

Actually one of the rat terriers we are aquiring, will be named Diego/Nigel (previously Luke).  He will have two names b/c I just plain can't decide, and I will like having a reminder of our time here in San Diego after we move. Nigel b/c it goes with Posey (see below), and I'm hoping the posh name will rub off of this hellraiser.

The other is named Posey......... .she came with that name, and it fits her perfectly.

Offline Beth

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #67 on: March 24, 2006, 01:49:42 pm »
As several from the Newfoundland posts will attest…it took me several tries (Chloe, Koko, etc.) before finally coming up with Kuma  (Which means “bear” in Japanese.)

I can also see adding a “Oso” to the family which is bear in Spanish.  ;)
Beth &
Kuma (Newfoundland)

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #68 on: March 24, 2006, 01:50:40 pm »
If i were to name my dog after the town im in, the dog would be named Cobalt. And, there is a CAR named Cobalt AND a color... and... just way too much now LOL> but we WERE thinkin of our reg'd kennel being Cobalt Bulls... But decided not.. .;)

Jodi & Darcy
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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #69 on: March 24, 2006, 05:09:14 pm »
We had a hard time agreeing on a name for our "little baby."  We finally had it narrowed down to Lainie and Maggie, when I saw the Petsmart commercial (sometimes they still play it) with the Harle Great Dane- at the end of the commercial the guy says the dog's name- it was Maggie!!  That was it, I was sold!
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #70 on: March 24, 2006, 08:39:06 pm »
I don't know if I posted on this thread before or not...Samson was supposed to be Bullwinkle but when we met him he was too serious & majestic to be Bullwinkle so we dubbed him Samson...a.k.a . Sammy Whammy...It fits!...Pippin was already named after the Lord of The Rings character...We were supposed to get his sister Arwen (also named after LOTR) but sadly she went to the bridge the very week we were to go get her...Arwen was to be named fully after her great grandpa "Wolf"...He AKC name was to be "Tanimara's Memory of Wolf" but right before she went on to The Bridge I had a dream that she should be "Tanimara's Whisper of Wolf"...So, I decided to go with that...Evident ly Pippin was meant to carry the Memory of Wolf name & he is proudly Tanimara's Pippin Memory of Wolf...Arwen will forever be our lil' whisper girl though... Our rescue Rosie was named by my hubby because he said she looked like a "precious white rose who needed some tlc to fully bloom...She is blooming nicely  for us. :)

Offline 2dobies

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #71 on: March 25, 2006, 12:12:34 pm »
Darmok is named after one of my favorite Star Trek Next Generation episodes, and Sasha already had a name when we 'inherited' her.
We already had Dar's name picked out before we even knew that we were going to get her.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 12:13:35 pm by 2dobies »

Offline Senghe

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #72 on: March 25, 2006, 12:54:41 pm »
Tulsa was named by the shelter that I rescued her from.
Her former owner said her name was "Mandy"!
I will not have a dog that has any connection to a Barry Manilow song!
Sorry, I'm Eric Clapton, and Jackson Browne, with a lot of Tom Petty and Bob Dylan thrown in.

Which begs the question, why was a Gene Pitney song okay?  ;D

I suppose I better add something rather than just being sarcastic.  ;)

My first dog was called Dingo as she just looked like Dingo cub as a puppy. Her best friend was a little black cat who my step dad thought it would be funny to call Sambo... no we're not members of the KKK, but we are definitely politically incorrect. When she passed on at 19 years old, we never got another cat as she was one in a million.

Next dog was a black chow we rescued from a life tied up behind a pub. His original name was Smokey, but it didn't suit him. He immediately got called Taz after the cartoon character because he was very 'talkative' and sounded just like him!

Next were Tinkerbell and Phoebe, the shar-pei. Both came to me with these names and they suited them very well, so much so I couldn't think of anything better.

Flynn... I had so many names thought up for him before I picked him up. Lots of mythical, noble, Tibetan names. But when I saw him, none of them suited him and the name Flynn seemed perfect. His kennel name is Kaltekhna Midnight Lover and he was born in Ireland. So it just seemed so perfect for him... sounds Irish... Errol Flynn is a famous on screen lover... mind you, I think it's much cooler to just claim he's named after the lead singer of Machine Head!  :D

Libby the shar-pei I've known since she was born. Her kennel name is Chadson State Of Liberty (her dad's an American Champion Baggins Texas Ranger). Her breeder wanted Statue Of Liberty, but she remembered she'd named one of her rottweiller puppies that about 20 years ago, so she went with Liberty as it's a county of Texas and her sister was Madison County! So Libby is short for Liberty.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 01:27:13 pm by Senghe »

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2006, 01:12:24 pm »
I thought 'Tulsa' was appropriate, considering her rough and tumble ways.
What does Gene Pitney have to do with it?
"Town without Pity" is a great tune!
And then I spelled her name backwards, and it all fell into place! :-* ;D
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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #74 on: March 25, 2006, 01:25:07 pm »
And then I spelled her name backwards, and it all fell into place! 

OMG!! LOLOL  Now whenever I see you post, I will be thinking about that.   :P  ;)