Author Topic: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?  (Read 26546 times)


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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2005, 07:30:30 am »
Angel - cause I lloovveee Aerosmith  ;D and Aerosmiths "Angel" when the vid was out i was real little and me and my sister would be at my great grandmothers watching mtv and that video came on all the time , it makes me think of her  :)

Dotty - i was 8 and i had a dalmatian , Dotty fit  :D

Chewie - when he was a puppy he yawned and sounded like Chewbacca from Star Wars

Bruiser - he thought he was big and bad as a puppy , and was and still is black and tanish like a bruise  :D hes my big fuzzy bruise  :D

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2005, 11:32:23 am »
My first newf was Hightower.  He came from Lighthouse kennels and when the kids asked me what a light house was, I explained it was a "high tower" on the beach the helped light the shores for boats, etc... They had just seen the Police Academy movie with a BIG black officer named d thought that was THE name for the pup.   Riley, just 'cause my dau. wanted a goldie named Riley.  And Webster... I had wanted another newfie for years, when I knew I was getting one, I started thinking up "good newfie names" (Hightower was a perfect name for that dog).  Anyway, after days and days of thinking and nothing sounding just right, the name Webster came to me in the middle of the night, waking me from a sound sleep. I thought it was a great "newfie name".  Now Webster 'looks like' a Webster! 

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2005, 12:37:54 pm »
We have always named them after movies.  The one I remember most "Canabalistic Human Underground Dewler" or also known as CHUD.  My favorite dog of all times. 


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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2005, 01:22:59 pm »
CabezaCabeza means "head" in Spanish. When he first came to live with us, he was a foster. He had heartworms and was generally unhealthy looking and kinda gangly. (He was 1). But his head was still big. Since we weren't that hip on keeping him, we mostly just called him Big Head. Or Big Tard. Or the big head dog. (He came with the name Howie, but we simply couldn't call him that!)

Once we fell in love and decided to keep him, Mark wanted to call him Cliff. (GAG!) I told him no way. We wanted to name him something in Spanish (don't know why, we just did) and we considered Oso. (means "bear" in Spanish). We were still kinda calling him Big Head, and we finally settled on Cabeza. It just seemed right.

Pierre Pierre is the big fat orange tabby that was left by his mama. Originally, he was named Dixie Darlin', cuz my boyfriend thought he was a girl. Once we discovered he was a boy, he kind of remained nameless for awhile. He was pretty feral and a total demon. There is a children's book about a little punk kid named Pierre. Pierre always does naughty things, and there is a line that goes, "I don't care!", said Pierre. Anyway, my SIL was over one day, and she was like, "You cat looks like Pierre from that book." And I thought, yeah, and he acts like him, too. So, there ya go.

Kyle When I brought Kyle home from the Humane Society, his name was Pete. I just didn't like it that much. He used to snuggle on Pierre all the time, and follow him around the house. We used to joke that he was kinda like Kyle from South Park...I don't really know why...anyway.. .he became Kyle. Oh, I know! hahaha! Cuz Pierre would act like Cartmen.

Lex Luthor I don't know. He's all black. I started calling him that, and it just fit. Now he's Lex or Lexxie.

Bozak (gone to the bridge) I couldn't come up with a name for him. One day I was sitting outside with some friends and my brother, watching him roam and sniff around the yard. We were all throwing names out. Bo hadn't been neutered yet, and he had quite the package. After listening to a bunch of names, my brother got up to leave and said, "I don't know about a name, but he's got quite a Bozak on him." I started cracking up and that became his name. Unfortunately, my alcoholic tenant downstairs ALWAYS called him "ballsack" after that. Oh well. I guess that's my fault...

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2005, 01:44:48 pm »
Samson is named after the Biblical character & Pippin is named after the Lord of The Rings character...My beloved "At The Bridge" Arwen was named after the beautiful & wise princess in Lord of The Rings.

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2005, 02:11:51 pm »
I'm Dull.
Tulsa was named by the shelter that I rescued her from.
Her former owner said her name was "Mandy"!
I will not have a dog that has any connection to a Barry Manilow song!
Sorry, I'm Eric Clapton, and Jackson Browne, with a lot of Tom Petty and Bob Dylan thrown in. So I gagged at 'Mandy'. It made "Tulsa" not sound so bad, besides, Mom liked it. Although she would call her "Dallas" sometimes, and 'Chelsea', my daughters name, or 'Sierra', my granddaughters name.
Sometimes she would call me by my brothers name. But that's another story.
So Tulsa it was and is.
And I think she lives up to it!
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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2005, 03:10:44 pm »
Love this thread.
My first Dane was Mercedes, but we called her Sadie. I thought she would be big and beautiful. and she was.
Sophia (dane) was named after a movie charater
Shyla(dane) was supposed to be Cheyenne, but she was so shy and timid when I got her I changed it.
Neno,(pit) I'm not sure where my daughter came up with that one.
Tyson,(pit) he would bite your ear as a puppy - so Mike tyson, get it?
Now we have my son's dogs here too.
D.O.G.(lab) ( stupid kid named his dog, dog.) but is pronounced deeogy or something
Rockford (rottie) not sure where that came from
and last but not least
Bull Dozer (pit) a sevear rescue pup, I would have called him little sh**.He was turned in by a rescue group to be put to sleep because he was too far gone. But was so cute (green eyes) the Vet saved him and now we have him. They named him Hershey??
« Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 05:42:42 pm by Jacksmom »
Sophia (dane)
Shyla (dane)
Tyosn (pit)
Neno (pit)

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2005, 12:06:19 am »
We were originally going to name our son, if we have a boy, Drake.  But my sister had a boy and named him Blake. (her name is Beth, her husband is Bret and her daughter is Britney, yes you can barf now)  Sooo, we didn't want any potential confusion on our boys names, they would hate us for that, so we thought we would just name our Newf, Drake.  His official AKC name is Bacchanal's Sir Anakin Drake, a very Marin/Star Wars name and the rest is history....  Do I sound extra weird now?

Newf,  I did sort of the opposite that you did.  Keith used to always say if we had a boy we would call him after his great grandfather, Malachi.  We could shorten it to Mac, which is fine but Malachi.  I had visions of my son getting the snot beat out of him when his real name is discovered.  So, evil me, named our puppy Max.  When we were picking names for our first born Malachi came up and I innocently said "But Mac sounds alot like Max, there might be some confusion there".  She shoots, she scores.  It didn't matter anyway, we have two girls.  LOL.


HAHAHAHA!  It figures you'd have 2 girls.  That just goes to show, don't plan on having a certain sex baby because you never know.  We're supposed to have a bunch of boys, according to the old Catholic School Girl trick, but there are a lot of women on both sides of our families, so I don't know about that.
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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #38 on: October 19, 2005, 01:15:25 am »
Hi Everyone!

I hope all people and pups are doing well!  My Newfie Girl Madison got her name because my Dad is an avid fly fisherman.  One of his favorite fishing spots is the Madison River in Yellowstone National Park.  This is how Maddie girl got her name.  She being a Newfie girl loves to swim and she is an absolute joy.  So  her full registered name is Calamaka Madison River O' Joy.

Big Brother Klondike was supposed to be Tatonka which means Buffalo.  When we first met  him at a few days old til the day we brought him home, we decided that he was such a sweet ole' bear.  We thought he was sweet and black & white like a Klondike bar, so that is how he got his name. 

Our little Kelso pup brother is named for the place in Scotland where Braveheart is buried.  When he was little, he had a white spot in the shape of a heart on his hip in his black fur.  It was adorable, plus we have Irish Scottish heritage, so the name fit.

Anita and the 3 Newfies from Newf Jersey
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 03:52:09 pm by pitas »

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #39 on: October 19, 2005, 07:29:58 am »
Hi Everyone!

I hope all people and pups are doing well!  My Newfie Girl Madison got her name because my Dad is an avid fly fisherman.  One of his favorite fishing spots is the Madison River in Yellowstone National Park.  This is how Maddie girl got her name.  She being a Newfie girl loves to swim and she is an absolute joy.  So  her full registered name is Calamaka Madison River O' Joy. 

Anita and the 3 Newfies from Newf Jersey

Does your user name mean what I think it does? lol. :)
When I rescued Lily, she rescued me right back!


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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2005, 07:38:13 am »
My son named "Tater" after a bit our favorite comedian Ron White does.

"The Call Me Tater Salad".   ;D ;D


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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2005, 01:17:39 pm »
I think I have that on Nooky's profile but...I like answering this question lol.

Nanook got his name from that movie, the Lost Boys.  Of course, the dog in the film was a Malamute, but nonetheless, I thought Nanook was a cool name for him, so it just stuck.  He seems to like it too, so  ;D


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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2005, 01:29:08 pm »
Well my crew got their names quite simply. Jalapeno and  Pinto (chis) got their names before I even got them;being mexican, Henry was actually called Henly Finco, but no one could pronounce his name (which we got from a sign that "looked" British) so it became Henry Finkle, although, we only ever call him fat-kid these days  ;)


Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2005, 01:34:27 pm »
I'm Dull.
Tulsa was named by the shelter that I rescued her from.
Her former owner said her name was "Mandy"!
I will not have a dog that has any connection to a Barry Manilow song!
Sorry, I'm Eric Clapton, and Jackson Browne, with a lot of Tom Petty and Bob Dylan thrown in. So I gagged at 'Mandy'. It made "Tulsa" not sound so bad, besides, Mom liked it. Although she would call her "Dallas" sometimes, and 'Chelsea', my daughters name, or 'Sierra', my granddaughters name.
Sometimes she would call me by my brothers name. But that's another story.
So Tulsa it was and is.
And I think she lives up to it!
Wild Midwest. Rough and Tumble!
No Quarter given, non expected!
I Love My Dog!
Runnin' into the midnight with her clothes whippin' in the wind...Racing into the heart of darkness with a tenderness within...Stumb lin' into the lights of the city & then back in the shadows again...Hangin g onto the laughter that each of us hid our unhappiness in...Talk about celestial bodies or an angel on a wing...She wasn't much good at stickin' around but that girl could sing...She could sing"!...I LOVE Jackson Brown!!!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2005, 01:38:32 pm by Gypsy Jazmine »

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Re: How did your Big Paw get his/her name?
« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2006, 09:08:03 am »
Thought this was a cool thread and since there have been so many new members since Oct I wanted to give it a *BUMP*!
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"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."