Author Topic: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night  (Read 6867 times)


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Re: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2005, 09:09:57 pm »
Stick to your guns, Ang, and have the wedding you want. Don't let people (insert relatives) run over the top of you and try and take things over. Forget bridezilla, become #!tchzilla, and then have a great time. Your family will get over the hurt feelings, if they are cousins you only see once in three years, they will have forgotten all about it by then!
And congratulation s, I hope he knows he's getting a great n. ;D

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2005, 12:13:37 am »
I know that the small wedding is going to be hard to pull off.  Feelings are going to be hurt.  All I know is that on my mom's wedding day, she tried to make everyone happy, ended up NO one was happy and she was miserable all day.  I don't care who gets upset, because it's not about them.  This is where my evil bitchiness comes out :P

The thing is I have like 50 billion cousins I see like once every 3 years.  If I invite some of them and not others there'd be a massive feud.  If they're mad, so be it.  I'll just explain it to them like that.  I'll say I can't afford a wedding with over 500 people.  If they want to pay their way they're more than welcome.

Congrats Ang!!!!...I am thrilled for you!!...Randy & I cut through all of that kind of proeblem when we woke up one day & decided to get married...We got the Justice of Peace to waive the 24 hour waiting period & got married that very day...The baliff witnessed for us...We invited no one & went in alone...Like we always did & still do! :D

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Re: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2005, 05:10:35 am »
Tina, your wedding sounds about as "bumpy" as mine.  Besides my mom complaining my dress wasn't appropriate for church (I'm not really sure why, I was covered up pretty well), we were short 2 groomsmen and 1 usher 3 weeks before the wedding.  Some friends and co-workers stepped in.  My godchild, who was the flower girl refused to go down the aisle, but she did it perfectly several times in rehearsal and she is the biggest ham you've ever seen.  She was in 4 more weddings later in the year with no problems.

It started raining the day of, which kind of killed my wanting outdoor pics taken.  But I was told if it rains on your wedding, it means you will have money and be financially secure.  Haven't seen that part come true yet.  Somehow about $300 in gift money went missing from the gift table, which we never did find.  My dad lost his car keys to his brand new car.  Had to have the local dealer make a copy.

I got sick the day we left for our honeymoon to Jamaica (in fact I had to have my mom stop the car on the way to the airport so I could throw up on the side of the road), and had the flu most of the time we were there.  I got horribly sunburned to the point of getting 2nd degree burns.  I still have scars.  Hubby got stung by some worm-type creature in the water and was screaming like a baby.  I never saw the thing but he was yelling at me to "get it off, get it off".  He ended up with a long raised mark that wrapped around his side from the front to the back where it stung him.

Ah, memories.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 05:11:24 am by ZooCrew »

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Re: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2005, 07:31:25 am »
Congrats Ang!  I'm SO happy for you!!

Along as we're on wedding horror stories, mine is minor by comparison but here it is:  darling husband and I had "lived in sin" before we got married so didn't worry too much about "the wedding night".  My parents decided they wanted to stay at our house with us but at the reception my husband who had had LOTS of champagne and said he didn't want to go home with my mom and dad on our wedding night.  So...we jumped in his car (in our bride and groom outfits) and drove to the Queen Mary and got a room.  Problem was, there were only twin bed rooms left on that Saturday night.  Darling husband wasn't worried, he'd push the beds together.  Uhhhh.....the Queen Mary is a ship......the beds are bolted to the walls!  He must have tried for an hour before we figured it out...laughed our selves silly.  MOST embarrassing to go to the coffee shop in bride and groom outfits the next morning!!! :-[

Worst wedding was my sister's:  our aunt dropped dead from a heart attack in the Catholic Church.    One of the groomsmen was in med school so he dragged her out of the church to wait for the ambulence.  My sister was blamed because we are Irish Protestant and her new husband was Irish Catholic.  A BIG no-no!!!  She's been accused of killing my aunt ever since....and they just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary!

SO take control of your wedding and do it JUST how you want!  Very small sounds perfect!  Only those people who really love you!!!!

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Re: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2005, 08:07:24 am »
I have to agree.  That would have to be the worst thing that could happen at your wedding.  I dont' think my mom would ever forgive me if someone died at mine.  She would think it's a sign that we are doomed in marriage.

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Re: To the members of the Fan Club - Sorry I missed Chat last night
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2005, 09:03:08 am »
Yeah, the family had a hard time with the aunt's death...but she was a mean, nasty old lady who hated kids (I was about 11 at the time) so I didn't feel too bad.  AND she had had seven heart attacks before.  And the whole strange Irish/Protestant/Catholic thing was SO bizarre to me then and now!  My sister did feel guilty, though and it was a huge wedding (400+ people) so she was totally out of control of the entire event!