Author Topic: Need help with advise for my sister's holy terror...A.K.A. Collie Pup  (Read 17830 times)


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My sister's Collie pup is a holy terror!...I guess he must be around 18 weeks old now...He bites everyone!...It seems to be his favorite form of entertainment. ..You can't even sit next to the pup without his teeth & mouth on you!...He has plenty of things to chew on & lots of toys so I don't think it is because he is bored...My Great Pyr did the same kind of thing when he was younger but not on the level that Chopper does it...Chopper's like a rabid Any advise?..Ty in advance!

Offline nettrek4

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    • Bonnie Collies
   Usually, this sort of thing is dealt with at a much younger age, as you say.  And you're right, he's doing it for play, a sport, treating people just like he would treat another puppy.  He has to learn that people are different, you can't put your mouth on people.
   When I have very young pups, a certain amount of play goes on, and as long as I can't feel the teeth, I allow it.  But the minute I can feel any pain or feel the teeth, I have to start intervention.  Sharpen up your reflexes and, the INSTANT you feel those teeth, or feel his mouth on you, yell NO!!! as loud as you can, and sound angry.  The faster the NO follows the touch of the mouth, the easier it will be for him to associate what it is that he is doing wrong.  Best results come when you scare him with the NO, so that he jumps back.  If you are petting him and he bites, do the NO thing and then stand up and stop petting.  He will learn that this is a bad thing. 
    Some pups take a while to "GET IT", and another aid I use is to tap the pup with 2 fingers on top of the head, right between the ears, just a tiny tap, an attention getter - accompanied by the loud NO.   You've got to be fast.  Then stop whatever you were doing, playing, petting, and leave him alone.
   Another thing to try is to hold his mouth shut for about 30 seconds , after the NO.  He won't like this, you can scold him gently while you hold his mouth shut, try to sound angry.  Then leave him alone, don't play with him, he will learn to associate biting with loss of your companionship.
    Usually, consistant application of these 3 aids will work, with a little patience, in about 1-2 weeks.   Good Luck, let me know how you get along!
          Marcia P. and the Bonnie Collies

Marcia P. and the Bonnie Collies


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Something else to try...

Everytime the puppy starts biting put a toy in his mouth and say good boy.  Thus putting something in his mouth (so he can't bite), distracts him so you can move away from him (so he won't bite you again), and shows him something he can have to play/chew on and not something he can't (your body).  Some dogs can have a million toys in front of them...but that doesn't mean they see that as fun. He may need some jogging/running/one on one time. May just have way to much pent up engery (he is a herding dog).  It also sounds like he may be trying to get their attention...ev en by using negative ways to get it.  Think about it...when he is good no one says anything to him.  Yet when he is bad...well he gets a lot of attention now doesnt he? Just something to try. 

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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For me, I do not ever recommend hitting or "tapping" if you'd like to call it  that.

I prefer several other things.

A good way to teach *bite inhibition* (a good search title, by the way, lots of good training info on it on the net), is to start with a small handful of treats. Show them to the pup, and feed him one.

Put the rest in your closed hand. Wait patiently. The SECOND the puppy moves his sniffy (or nibbly) nose away from your hand, say "OFF!, GOOD puppy!" and open your hand and let him have a treat.

Puppies learn quickly that no touching is allowed when you say off.

Substituting a toy for the mouthy puppy is also great advice.

For a puppy that grabs shoes, pants legs, or in general gets underfoot, OR is jumping up, marching works great. Step in quick time, with knees coming high, and feet stamping firmly. Tell the puppy at the same time **OFF!!**. Try this one, it works like magic. :D

If I seriously need to correct a mouther, I will take the puppy by the loose skin under the chin, and hold his head firmly. If he's wearing a collar you can put a couple of fingers in the collar and hold it as well. Once I have firm control of the head, I will (GENTLY GENTLY, it's a puppy) take the up GENTLY up off his front feet. He is now in a position of zero control. *I* have all the control. He will then get some close direct eye contact and a low growly ***PHOOEY**!! From me.

**PHOOEY** is reserved for the worst infractions around here. They never hear this word unless they are in deep doo doo.

Mouthing can be pretty persistent in herding breeds. Puppies need consistent and pretty much constant reminders that they are not to put their teeth on us or our clothing. I don't allow mouthing the leash either.

ANY mouthing after the age of 12 weeks is considered dominance behavior even if it's very mild and never hurts. It's a part of the playing and posturing games that dogs engage in to determine status and rank.

I do not allow it AT ALL past about 10 weeks.

Good luck!

Redyre Rottweilers
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Thanks everyone!...I origionaly posted this some time back & am happy to say that "Chopper" is past the nipping stage & becoming a big boy!...He is Samson's favorite playmate & If I mention the "C" word (Chopper) Sam gives a full alert head cock & is ready at the door to go see know that the advise here really helped my sister & her family out in getting passed his nipping!