Author Topic: What made me smile today  (Read 9341 times)

Offline shangrila

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What made me smile today
« on: November 06, 2005, 08:15:09 pm »
This is in the spirit of 'what i learned today', because it seems like everyone could use a smile around here. So tell us: what is one thing that made you smile today?

RIP former BPO

Offline shangrila

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2005, 08:21:37 pm »
I'll go first:

I work in special ed. Today in library, one of my downs syndrome students who usually has bad behavior was a perfect angel. After we sat down to look at books, he was like "oh no! Ms H!" and got up - he picked out a book he thought I would like and brought it to me because he didn't want me to be left out. I guess you had to be there, but it was very sweet and made me smile.  :)
RIP former BPO

Offline jabear

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2005, 08:43:11 pm »
Great topic!!

Things have been tough at work lately and my co-workers and I have been complaining to each other alot. Well, this morning a student from another class comes in to my room and gives me a present. I was stunned and asked who it was for. The students said me and left. I was confused but so happy when I looked inside the bag and found a really funny card with a teddy bear. The message told me to hug the teddy every time I get frustrated.  ;D It's so great when people let you know they care out of the blue!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2005, 08:55:28 pm »
Target has a great toy sale going, so I got part my daughters Christmas present already. I'm so excited! I'm so bad at buying presents early because I always want to give them out right away. Hopefully I'll have the strength to wait this time.  ;)


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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2005, 09:03:09 pm »
Ang's panda game made me smile,  and so did Zoo Crews penguin one.

Offline MustLove Dogs

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2005, 09:07:02 pm »
seeing that picture of Magoo in the bathtub... and realizing only 3 more days till my pup comes home!!!!  :)
"The more boys I meet the more I like dogs"

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion"

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2005, 09:35:37 pm »
Getting dismissed from jury duty and coming home to the puppers!!!

Offline VdogLover

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2005, 09:44:09 pm »
Great topic:)

Two thing made me smile  today....

First was watching my girls try to tree the 15+ squirrels at the park today only to look back and see squirrel number one was back off the tree and they had to start all over again.

The other which was my best laugh of the day...

 May likes me to hold her bone for her while she chews on the other end. After her dropping it in my lap over and over I finally thought it would be fun to place it on her butt (her hip bones) to let her try to get it off.
WELL.. She didn't try to get it off because for the life of her she didn't know where it had went...she spent 2 minutes looking in my lap , on the floor, sniffing the desk to see if it was there...finall y I felt so bad for her being an airhead I took it off her butt and gave it to her. She looked at it like WOW there you are...can you say Jessica Simpson of the dog world :D

Offline Phillips

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2005, 09:49:49 pm »
Dixie ran off overnight this weekend. So waking up this morning and seeing my babygirl in her kennel. Thank god every sec today for bringing her home.
Boxer slobbers from Dixie and Brutis

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2005, 10:21:27 pm »

THINGS THAT MADE ME SMILE TODAY-  Reading this post!!!!! one other thing that made me smile today-after 7 years grooming this customer's little dog, that man finally opened up and we had a great conversation!  he is always very sweet but very shy and stand-offish.  well i dont know what the difference was today but he came to pick up his dog and he must have felt good (he has health problems) but when he opened his mouth, it came pouring out like a flood.  he talked and talked.  after he left, i felt great!  like an angel had came thru the door! 

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2005, 10:59:38 pm »
 That story just made me smile.

Great topic:)

The other which was my best laugh of the day...

 May likes me to hold her bone for her while she chews on the other end. After her dropping it in my lap over and over I finally thought it would be fun to place it on her butt (her hip bones) to let her try to get it off.
WELL.. She didn't try to get it off because for the life of her she didn't know where it had went...she spent 2 minutes looking in my lap , on the floor, sniffing the desk to see if it was there...finall y I felt so bad for her being an airhead I took it off her butt and gave it to her. She looked at it like WOW there you are...can you say Jessica Simpson of the dog world :D
Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)


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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2005, 11:34:39 am »
I'll do what made me smile YESTERDAY, cause it's a cute story. 

I had a horrible day yesterday..... very negative, upsetting, and depressing, so I didn't have much to smile about.  I was sitting in the living room watching TV and my daughter came up to me and gave me the BIGGEST hug EVER!!  I said,"What was that for?" and she said,"Mom, even though you had a bad day I just want you to know I love you.  I'll love you no matter what, as long as we love each other we won't have bad days, because the fact that I love you is all that really matters." LOL  Now where the heck did that come from?  She's 5!!!!  But anyway THAT right there made me smile.


Offline lil_princess724

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2005, 12:02:02 pm »
hmm. i know what made me smile i think i may have finally figured out how to post pics. let's see if it works.
        Bailey's mom

Offline lil_princess724

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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2005, 12:03:03 pm »
Oh my god it worked, i was sitting with my fingers crossed hoping and praying i did it. yeah.
        Bailey's mom


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Re: What made me smile today
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2005, 12:05:36 pm »
Andi -- I'm having a sucky day today and that story almost made me cry!!!  You are so lucky to have such a super daughter.  I'm glad she cheered you up :)

JENN!! You are not supposed to have sucky days!!  You're so chipper and happy all the time you don't need sucky days!!  I almost cried too when she said that, but it's because she made me so dang happy!  I swear she's a really wise old person reincarnated into a small child, some of the things she says baffles me!
