Author Topic: Weight Issues???  (Read 5315 times)


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Weight Issues???
« on: November 07, 2005, 01:29:58 pm »
I just got back from taking Kiah to the vet to get her weighed. She's 8 months old today and weighs 70lbs. People have told me she's small for a pyr. Now I guess they are right. I'm kind of bummed out. I was told that she should gain 10lbs a month. I feed her Canidae and she never eats all of her food. She was sick couple of months ago and hardly ate anything for a week. Could this have affected her growth? Her mom is 100lbs and her dad is 125lbs. The vet said she's looks good. You can feel her ribs and backbone. My husband thinks she's too skinny. He wants me to add soft food to her dry food to put some weight on her. I know it's good that large breeds grow slowly, but I wonder if she's growing too slow.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 03:00:10 pm »
Bumping for some feedback for Tajsa....
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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 03:30:21 pm »
The LGD owners need to holler here, cause I don't have one, and they may be different but...
The only feedback that I can give you is what three vets told me , about Merlin, my dane. For his first two years, I fed that dog non-stop, quality dry food, canned food and table scraps, and you could see every rib and count the knobs on his spine. I would take him out for walks, and people would threaten to call the humane society because I was starving him. I spent more on food for that dog than I spent grocery shopping for the four humans in the house! I took him to three different vets, had all kinds of tests run, and they all said I was obsessing. His coat was shiney, eyes bright, and musculature properly developing, so the only problem was mine. If a dog was actually starving it would affect growth, but as long as they were getting proper nutrition and the other factors were fine, then that was how he was meant to be. According to all three, the size of an animal is decided genetically, and only affected by environment in extreme cases of neglect and abuse.
If it makes you feel better, add a bit of soft food to every meal, keeping in mind that you need to keep her on the slim side for health reasons, but don't do like I did and spend hundereds of dollars only to find out that there is no problem with your dog. You can see that Merlin is a strapping fine healthy (still thin) 4 year old.
Hope that this can at least ease your mind

Offline lburrell

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 03:42:11 pm »
I think Tajsa is growing fine.  If the vet is not concerned with her growth, I wouldn't be either.  Jack seemed small too, but between 18 and 24 months, he really did his filling out.  Tajsa is still young and has a lot of growing yet to do.  It is better for big dogs to be on the thin side. 

I'd leave well enough alone!  As long as Tajsa is eating normally and not throwing it up, I'd let her genetics decide her growth!


Offline 2dobies

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2005, 03:55:25 pm »
I feed my 2 dobes exactly the same thing, and exactly the same amounts every day, and Sasha weighs around 60 lb, but Dar weighs in at a whoppin' 85 lb.  Sasha really is closer to being the "ideal" weight for her size, but Dar has always been a big boned gal! If I try to cut back on her food, she whines and cries all night because she thinks she's starving!


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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2005, 05:41:04 pm »
Thanks for the advice everyone. I would like to get more LGD's to respond. I'm a worried momma. This is my first LGD and I want the best for her. It just sucks when people tell you your LGD is small when they're suppose to be huge. I love Kiah no matter what size she is.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2005, 05:49:38 pm »
Kiah is just fine...Pippin was only around 75 lbs. at 7 months & he's a male...I am pretty sure Jackie's female Pyrs are around 90 lbs. as adults...Her Pyrs are on the smaller side of standard which is much better for their hips, elbows & joints...As far as being able to feel her ribs & backbone, I can feel both of my dogs backbones easily & Pippin's ribs fairly easily too...I can feel Sammy's ribs too but I have to push just a little .Now Pippin eats like a pig but is in no way gaining 10 lbs. a month...Sammy isn't as big of eater & never was but he still gained weight like he was supposed to...To see if your dog is where she should be try the "tickle test"...You should be able to feel her ribs under just a thin layer of fat...I think Kiah is just fine. :)

Offline cincbcat

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2005, 05:56:37 pm »

I posted for you under the What I learned Today post...about Kiah's weight.


Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2005, 06:06:21 pm »
Here is the official breed standard from The Great Pyrenees Club of America...Scro ll down to size etc...Btw, I met Samson's full sister this past summer at the Doggy Dip event...She was 85 lbs. at 3 & 1/2 yrs. old...Samson's mom was 125 & his dad 115...I guess the parent's genetics don't always set the weight of the pups they throw...Also remember that if Kiah's parents are working dogs they probably have more muscle mass than Kiah would...Muscle is heavy.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2005, 06:07:46 pm by Gypsy Jazmine »

Offline patrick

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2005, 11:16:26 pm »
I breed Gr Pyrenees and 70 pounds at 8 months is actually a pretty good size for a female - not small at all.  You have to remember that this breed grows until they are 4 years old.  To prevent orthopedic problems I'm hoping that you are keeping her on the lean side.  But if she is 70 pounds now she will easily reach a mature weight of 100 pounds, maybe more.  I have had bitches that are only 75 pounds at 18 months and are up to 120 lbs at 4 years old.  My lines seem to really body up between 3 and 4 and I much rather they put on their weight later than sooner. 

Offline Mark Dozier

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2005, 04:43:48 pm »
Your baby is about the right weight. Keep feeding and one day you will go WOW you are big baby.
My Pyr was slow growing until he was about 14 - 18 months then he gained about 30 - 40 pounds and was at a wonderful wieght.
You mentioned not eating. that gives me a bit of a pause becuase of recent experince i had with Bear.
You may try adding some rice, Bear loved rice, Jasmine was his favorite.

Mark Dozier
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Offline waffles717

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2005, 09:28:23 pm »
if he does not like it you could chopin food procer,also find a good grain cookie add in food,i add some steak chiken ,u use less dog food,you should see there coat's,mollymaggie,!the monroe,saint's
This Beethoven, he went to vet yesterday, he is 36 pound and only 9 weeks old!

Offline Senghe

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Re: Weight Issues???
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2005, 10:13:34 pm »
I just want to agree with what everybody has said. Try not to get too worried about the numbers on a scale. If she feels right and looks right, she is right. The best things you can do to safeguard her future health is make sure she's not carrying any excess weight and that she has a good quality diet.

I don't even know how much Flynn weighs, but I know he's right as he looks wonderful and I can feel his ribs easily under a layer of muscle and lovely elastic skin. I recently took him to a show and several of the other Tibetan Mastiff puppies his age were chunkier in the body and more mature looking, hence were placed in front of my boy looking very much still a puppy - even the judge said to me he was very nice and all he needed was time. I can almost guarantee you that Flynn will be a larger and more impressive looking male as an adult. Any LGD that looks mature at 8 months old will more than likely be undersized at full maturity around 4 years old.

Offline waffles717

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Re: Add Carb's To Your Puppy's Diet!A Toasted,Bagel Good For Teeth!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2005, 09:59:42 am »
:My Baby's are getting Eagle Pack three times a Day!! We Do add Chicken Steak and if we don't have it then we give some can,of good,one's but lot of vit's oil's :-* ;D :D!for there coat, ;)so they shine! ;)they eat Really Good,Better Then US!!Ask My HuBBY!!!!MaGGIE is 120 and is 11 mo and molly is 5 mo, and is 80 pound's and long!She is almost the same hight as maggie  :D!! they eat alot u just can't give them Dog food! Who Does that I Sorry, :o :D,that sound nuts to us they eat meat potatoes veg,maggie love's Carrot's,! ;)Change your Dog's Diet!!!!!She will Shed less too!!!love maggie&molly!!!! ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
This Beethoven, he went to vet yesterday, he is 36 pound and only 9 weeks old!