Author Topic: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!  (Read 7723 times)

Offline Good Hope

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Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« on: November 17, 2005, 01:20:02 pm »
Sapphire has been different, shall we say, lately.  It has been, umm..., well....

sooo much BETTER!  ;D

We are so proud of that puppy.  I noticed the change Wednesday, when the weather turned cooler.  I was out playing with Sapphire, and I convinced her to come when I called although I hadn't actually said come until she was already coming.  (She likes to play chase outside, and, while she is good in the house - usually anyway, she almost never comes outside unless she knows she is wearing a leash.)  I later told her to "drop it" when she had a big piece of wood mulch, and she started to run away, but she came again when I called her and dropped it.  (That is another command she obeys in the house but not outside.  Do I see a pattern here?  :P)  I did other things with Sapphire also, but, overall, she was behaving really well.  I'm not a really good trainer, or she would probably be pretty solid by now, so I was glad to see some progress.

Today, something else happened...  Prepare to be shocked and not about the door!  ;) ;D

Sapphire opened the back door and burst in while a lady who teaches us piano was here giving lessons.  Then, she ran, wagging her tail, right up to the lady, whose name I don't know how to spell, and allowed herself to be petted.  She didn't even bark at Caleb, the lady's little boy, except for twice when he tried to hide.  She wanted to give kisses to the same little boy that she lunged at two and half months ago, and she only sniffed Caleb's baby brother politely, but still wagging her tail.

BTW, my mother talked to Mrs. Jackie ?? (I don't know her name), the Great Pyr breeder, about Pyrs, but something came up that I think is relevant.  She said that Pyr puppies will give a warning bark at predators, but they won't confront them until they are mature.  I guess Sapphire isn't fear aggressive at all; she is just being a normal LGD puppy!  :)  Based upon her current reactions, however, I wouldn't want to be on her bad side once she is an adult!

I am so glad that Sapphire is learning to be more respectful and obedient!!!

« Last Edit: November 17, 2005, 01:22:42 pm by Good Hope »

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2005, 01:29:33 pm »
That is wonderful news!
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Offline kildeskennel

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 07:49:40 pm »
Sophia, I would say that for a 13 year old girl you are training her very well!  It is a very different experience raising LGD's as I am still finding out!  After Beauty had her "horrible" experience at 1 yr old with the breeders we purchased her from she would not tolerate men AT ALL in our home, except for my husband and boys.  I have worried every time my hun has a visitor , who is of course male due to the male dominance she recieved when away from us.  Lately she has taken to being a "guard" only with visitors, males too!  Some she ACTUALLY lets pet her, and SHOCKING to me is one in particular she actually GREETS when he sits down!  I was sure she was ruined forever on men, but come to find out as she matures, and is loved more every day she is becoming comfortable and recognizes her boundaries.  She no longer barks incessantly at visitors cars when in the kennel, only with the man who infrequently visits.  He is the one who scared her as a pup and she has never forgotten.  I suspect Sapphire is much like her mother's temperment.  Beauty is very ALPHA.  She is her OWN GIRL.  She very much does not like to come when called when outside of the house or her kennel.  For example when I let her out to potty late in the evening before I go to bed.  I will call her, she will come, half way.  Then decide there is something she needs to sniff or bark at, then look at me!  As it is VERY cold now and icy out I do not like babysitting her and calling for her.  She has gotten much better after being taken out on a 5ft lead.  She does not like I am sure or appreciate peeing on a leash!  However it did the trick!  She comes immediately now. 
So long winded I have become!  I am very happy Sapphire is maturing in the way I had hoped she would!  It takes special people to raise LGD's and I think Kuvasz need even more patience.  However I am TOTALLY biased!  LOL!  Keep up the good work and give Sapphire a great big HUG and KISS for me!  Shana
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Offline Good Hope

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2005, 10:10:22 pm »
I'm really glad that she is coming along also.  BTW, my mother is not convinced that Sapphire is an alpha dog like Beauty right now.  She obeys pretty well, but she is still learning to respect us.  Right now, there isn't enough respect for her to obey us when strangers are in the house, but she is learning and will eventually.  Mother says she had a Malamute in college and that that dog was an alpha.  She was good dog, but when she was off-leash in cool weather, nothing would make that dog obey! ::)

Sapphire has been easy to train, and I haven't worked with her lately as much as I should...:-[  Mostly we (Mother, Nicholas, and I) have been reinforcing what she already knows.  Although I did a large part of the training at first, when Sapphire was in the puppy class, I'm not really doing much now.


P.S. I'm actually 14, going on 15.  :)

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2005, 12:54:02 pm »
I do hope she continues to progress.  At this stage she is testing her boundaries and determining who will actually be the "leader"  LOL!  It can be a crazy time!
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.
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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2005, 01:03:47 pm »
I'm very happy to hear that Sapphire is doing very well. Kiah doesn't like to come inside the house either. I taught her the word treat and all I have to do is yell out the door "come Kiah treat". Most of the time she comes running in. When she doesn't I shake the treat bag and it works every time. I wish you the best of luck with continued training. It takes a lot of work. We're still working on drop it.

Offline queenkofsnow

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2005, 01:59:42 pm »
Sooooo glad to hear how well Saphire is doing!!!  Keep up the good work.  Mike is great, but these days he likes to play keep away outside, too.  Especially in this cooler weather....

Offline kildeskennel

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2005, 03:57:42 pm »
Mary, Wedding pictures are close to being posted?????We are all dyingto see them!  Shana
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.
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Offline queenkofsnow

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Re: Sapphire Update; Calling Mrs. Kilde!
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2005, 06:55:06 pm »
I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!! I am dying to see them myself!!  Our photographer lives in Grand Marais and has her lab in Duluth so it will take a little while to get them.  And we have video, too.  I am impatiently waiting to see them all.  Took Mike and K2 running on the crosscountry trail....good boy...he came to me every time  when called and plunked that furry butt right down in front of me....but not K2...too cold on her little butt!!!