Author Topic: Warning Greenies!!!  (Read 3332 times)

Offline Good Hope

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Warning Greenies!!!
« on: November 17, 2005, 10:18:18 am »
Sorry I haven't been on much, I should be back full force mid January. Received the following via email this am, just wanted to pass it on.


P.S. Sappire would vomit after she would eat them, so we stopped giving them to her.  That company is run by Meanies!!! >:(


I have a warning to pass on with a story to tell of my own.....

On the way back from the Dobe National this year, I was walking one of the
dogs at the airport waiting for the owner to return our rental car when the
dog decided to throw up.....I was shocked to see a mass of green rubber-like
material and immediately called the owner. The mass looked like something
you would see in the pad under a carpet. I was assured the dog did not shred
anything...and that the only thing the dog had been given to eat recently
was a "Greenie" of those formed green dog treats that look like a
toothbrush.... .I couldn't believe one of those pressed dog treats would
reconstitute into
what looked like a mass of foam rubber pieces!

Well, after getting home my friend did an experiment.... cut up one of those
things and soaked it in water overnight....l ow and behold a mass of foam
rubber crap! Certainly NOT digestible!  We both made a note to never feed
those things again...and then last night in the Seattle area the newscast
did a piece guessed it GREENIES! A whole story about how dogs are
DYING from blockages after eating those stupid things! Here is a link to the
article....tur ns out they are NOT 100% digestible.... DUH!

SO PLEASE pass this info on....permissi on to cross post!!


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Re: Warning Greenies!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2005, 11:10:50 am »
Thank you for passing on the information - my vet suggested that I give them to my pet for his teeth - Also, since Harley is a bit hyper it gives me 4 or 5 minutes in piece - I almost ordered a box for the holiday season I'm so glad I checked in.

I have been using bones from the butcher at the supermarket they sell them with just a little meat still on them.  Of course, I keep my keys on him while he has them, but if anyones knows anything about them please let me know.

Harley and I thank you!

Offline Senghe

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Re: Warning Greenies!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 03:56:09 pm »

I have been using bones from the butcher at the supermarket they sell them with just a little meat still on them.  Of course, I keep my keys on him while he has them, but if anyones knows anything about them please let me know.

Harley and I thank you!

Bones of most kinds are safe as long as they are raw and not cooked. There is a theoretical risk that a dog could chip a tooth on a big beef knuckle bone, but I don't know anybody's dog that it's happened to. They're a damn site safer than Greenies anyway, by the sound of things! I've never liked them as the only time I gave my shar-pei one they both had horrendous diahorrhea due to the dodgy, allergy inducing ingredients. There are much more suitable dog treats that clean teeth, like 'wizzles' and Nylabones.

I've just had to chuck an original flavour Nylabone out as the dogs have whittled one of those really large thick ones down to about three inches long. I didn't notice how small it was until I compared it with the idenitical chicken one that they obviously don't like the taste of as much. I bought both back in April as Flynn was a puppy and I think Tinker who's nearly 11 has had as much pleasure from them.