Author Topic: ways to make mommy mad!  (Read 13389 times)


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ways to make mommy mad!
« on: May 06, 2005, 02:04:46 pm »
so...every day we find a new way to upset mom, and our newest one is to RUN RUN RUN as fast as we can around the house and then run full speed and jump as hard as we can and FLY into the back of the couch and then sit there until mom comes after me, then take off and start is our absolute favorite new thing to do!  that, and any time mom is holding a glass of water or juice or wine to run by her and knock it out of her hand.  anything with running and flying!

are your puppies the devils too?


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Re: ways to make mommy mad!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 02:40:20 pm »
Mine discovered flying leaps about 2 weeks ago.  She leaps off the front step, the couch, the bed, the stairs going to the basement...wha tever is high up. 
Her newest tricks are to fake pee outside to get a good girl bone and to sntach a wood chip from the flower bed and run in circles while mommy chases her to get it out of her mouth (more like keep away.)
Yes they are devils when they wanna be.  Lady doesn't have any really bad habits other than terrorizing anyone who walks in front of the house in her territory.


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Re: ways to make mommy mad!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 02:44:06 pm »

when cody was a pup, he would ring the bell to go out, run half way out the garage and turn around and RUN in and sit by the fridge waiting for a mini carrot....we would do this maybe 15 times in a row until i just walked away laughing.  freaking dogs are smart!

Offline jabear

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Re: ways to make mommy mad!
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2005, 05:09:11 pm »
Great stories! When Bear is outside he frequently wants to "check on us" so he'll knock on the door adn make sure we're ok and then turn around and continue to laze around outside. Well, when he wants to make us upset, he'll do this repeatedly. We get up, go open the door, see what he wants, close the door, and sit back down on the couch. A minute or 2 later he is doing it again and the process is repeated over and over again. If we decide not to answer the door he'll knock harder or bark loudly once or twice to get our attention for sure. When we've finally had enough, we'll make him come inside and then hang out. Once he gets more loves and cuddle he's okay. Silly boy has us so wrapped around his little toe pad!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: ways to make mommy mad!
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2005, 09:28:49 am »
Rufus gets a goofy look on his face and flings his head around and then races full speed into the hallway, slams against the wall and keeps running with his mouth open, leaning against the wall until he has it slimed pretty good and then collapses and flails around growling and rolling his eyes.  The first time he did it I thought he had gone bonkers for sure.  We have a pretty long hallway so there is a nice smear to clean up!

Offline kildeskennel

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Re: ways to make mommy mad!
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2005, 10:05:24 am »
Those are some of the funniest stories!  Aidan likes to play tag with the kids, the other day he was racing around the yard in his normal fashion and I was watching from a safe position (I thought) on hte porch, all of a sudden he screeches to a halt, looks at me  with hte "look" and I think theres no way he would dare try and bully me over in a "tag" thats his and the kids thing.  Then he races twoards the porch and I swear I could not get in the house or out of the way, he leaps twoards me and I am sure its my turn to go to the bridge!  Lands right in front of me and sits down .  The look on his face, I SWEAR he was laughing at me!  I almost peed my pants!
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