Author Topic: angel and people cutting through our yard  (Read 4893 times)


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angel and people cutting through our yard
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:14:23 pm »
we live in a small town and people cut through our yard a LOT, well sometimes if its not cold at night we put angel on her run out there (goes from one tree to another 15-20ft) well angel saw someone and shes a very protective dog when it comes to people she doesnt know in the yard... she bit someone one night (saw part of a shirt she tore off) we have no trespassing and beware of dog signs up.. theres no way anyone could do anything if she ever hurt anyone is there???? shes a big baby if im there with her, but shes not liking people in the yard thats not welcome...


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Re: angel and people cutting through our yard
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2005, 12:12:48 am »
State laws vary. In Illinois, Beware of Dog signs are the kiss of death. You are admitting that you have a vicious dog and are completely open to lawsuits, even if someone comes into your fenced in yard without permission. The No Tresspassing signs or Tresspass at your own Risk Signs are considered preferable here.
Even if someone breaks into your house and your dog bites the thief in the act of robbing your home, unless you can prove that you were in mortal danger (held at gunpoint) the theif can sue you and prevail. There was a case not too long ago that the thief was shot by the homeowner, sued and won damages for loss of income!
Once again the legal system is more protective of the criminal than the victims.