Author Topic: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!  (Read 5107 times)

Offline Anky

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I am writing a humor/dog book on what life is like having a giant dog.  Something about one of those sects you don't understand until you're completely involved and by then it's too late.  So I will share with the world how annoying saddle/horse/moose references are, and how when you get a big dog you have to think of things like not walking away from something on the stove because your dog will set his chin on fire, or when you go out and you take the dog, plan on twice as long.  Three times if your dog doesn't fit the sterotype for the breed (ie a Landseer Newf or a Dane with natural ears, or that's any color other than fawn with black mask).  There will be many chapters and as I said it's mainly going to be a humor book, but at the end I will talk about the Giant dogs in rescue and why people put them there. 

ANYWAYS, it's going to be mainly a narrative with some true to life stories thrown in.  I want to know if I have all your permission to share stories that you've posted here.  While in the process of writing, if I want to use an anecdote from your marvelous life I will PM you just to make doubly sure it's OK with you.  If all goes as planned, your name will be in print and you will buy scads of copies to give to friends and strangers on the bus, and make me tons of money, MUWAHAHAHA!

Love you all.

BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."

Offline kildeskennel

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2005, 01:54:10 pm »
That is an absoultely fan tabulous idea! 
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.
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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2005, 02:45:09 pm »
That's a super good idea!!  You have my permission to use any and all info about "Koby moments".  I've got way too many "moments"! lol ;D


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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2005, 02:49:04 pm »
What a fab idea!  You are SUCH an amazing story-teller that it will be an instant success!  Every giant breeder will have to send one home with each puppy!  A Pulitzer! A Nobel!!  An Oscar when it gets made in to a film!!! And yes, please sign my copies as well!!!

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2005, 02:49:24 pm »

I think I've said this before, but humorous writing is truly your forte. There have been so many days you have kept me laughing in spite of my horrid job and all these horrible things that keep happening around me. You have a true gift and I am so happy you are going to use it for something like this.

I predict this will be a best seller and will lead to many, many great things for you. I'm honored to be here in the beginning.

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline Leah-n-boy-os

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2005, 02:59:45 pm »
Absolutely fabulous idea. You have permission to use any of Meathead's stories. (not that there's been many posted here)

And I want an autographed copy as well, so keep us posted!
Leah and the Boy-os
Apollo (Akita/St. Bernard)
Zeus (Heinz 57)
Onyx (Newfoundland)
Being owned by Big Paws just indicates how big your heart is.

located - Gig Harbor, WA

Offline Anky

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2005, 03:03:24 pm »
DARN (I edited it so Tina doesn't have to) IT!  I was all good till I read Jeanne's, now I'm crying! 

It's hard, I have so many thoughts jumbling through my head on how I want to do it, how things should be broken up, which constitues a chapter and which is just a subject in a chapter, different stories I want to use, how should I find a publisher, should I publish it myself, quotations that spin around my head only to evaporate in the cavernous hollows of my psyche (there's lots of caverns there).  I started carrying a note book to jot stuff down, but I forget alot. 

I'm not doing this to make money or be famous (Despite my witty thread title).  I just think that the big dog owners are misunderstood not only in the dog world but in the general population at large.  I mean there's news spots and segments on talk shows about purse dogs, and designer breeds, and people who take their dogs to the spa and spend $25,000 on a designer puppy bed.  No one ever talks about the big dog people.  They're either crazy or .... well crazy is the only thing I think I've ever been called for sharing a bed with a dog bigger than me.  I think the reason people react the way they do to big dogs is because they don't understand them.  And they DO react.

 That's something I'm going to say in the book.  There is no middle ground with giant dogs.  If you walk a pitbull or a chihuahua down the street, you'll get some reactions.  But alot of people will just see you as a person walking your dog.  You walk a Dane or a Saint down the street and EVERYONE notices.  They'll talk about you like you're not even there "OMG they must be loaded to feed something like that" or "How can you bring a monster like that out in public?  SOOO thoughtless!" or they'll cross the street, or bombard you and start spitting out questions, or stories of big dogs they know/saw/heard of, which are usually hyperbolized to the point of total fiction, with the only truth being there was a dog involved somewhere, or they tell you how much they know of your particualr breed of dog which is usually gleaned from Hollywood or their own imagination.  A giant dog is usually not a good choice for someone who's shy, or prone to fits of rage, or who is obsessed with punctuality.  They CAN be, and are succesfully owned by these types of people, but not without sacrifice on the part of the owner.

And here I am writing the damn thing already!

Copyrighted 2005 by Angela Armstrong
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."


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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2005, 03:04:18 pm »
That's great Ang! Can't wait to read it. It will be hilarious!!!

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2005, 03:09:14 pm »
Sounds like you've got the beginnings of a great opening chapter there!

How about you start like this:

brainstorm all the idiosyncracies involved with owning giant-breed dogs

- defining a giant breed
- feeding
- public perceptions
- housebreaking
- playing with other dogs
- fitting in (literally - crates, cars, beds, etc)

then, take each item and expand on it. find out how much info. you have and decide if you need to combine some to make chapters or just make each one a chapter, delete or modify, etc.

It will start to flow after that.

I can't wait!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2005, 03:11:21 pm »
I had an idea about that this weekend.  I came up with the title and that was it.  you can have it if you want.

"The year my dog filed Head of Household"


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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2005, 03:14:07 pm »
Feel free to use any amusing tidbit from me that you choose, and I'd like  an autographed copy as well. It's about time someone educated the public, and I can think of no one better than you.

Offline Anky

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2005, 03:18:11 pm »
I had an idea about that this weekend.  I came up with the title and that was it.  you can have it if you want.

"The year my dog filed Head of Household"

I actually have a title.  I'm just working on a subtitle.

"Saddles Not Included: (Insert something about looking into the lives of crazy giant dog owners or something)"

Copyright 2005 By Angela Armstrong

(Website says that if you talk about ANYTHING to have to do with your creative property, especially on the internet to copyright it.  SOOOO stupid.)
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."

Offline Anky

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2005, 03:25:27 pm »
Sounds like you've got the beginnings of a great opening chapter there!

How about you start like this:

brainstorm all the idiosyncracies involved with owning giant-breed dogs

- defining a giant breed
- feeding
- public perceptions
- housebreaking
- playing with other dogs
- fitting in (literally - crates, cars, beds, etc)

then, take each item and expand on it. find out how much info. you have and decide if you need to combine some to make chapters or just make each one a chapter, delete or modify, etc.

It will start to flow after that.

I can't wait!!

Some of the things I wanted to talk about:

Going out in Public (Reactions, preparing, etc)
Media's perception
Health issues (CAN be funny believe it or not)
Finding things big enough
Lazy bum big dogs
Scaredy cat big dogs
Living with big dogs (And changes you have to make in your house)
Spouse's/family's reaction to big dogs
Internet (As research tool and meeting other crazy big dog people)
Your laxicity of certain aspects (ie: slobber on walls, and picking dog hair out of cookie dough as opposed to throwing it out)

And like I said, at the end I'd do a serious bit about BYBers and rescue and if a giant breed is right for you.

BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2005, 03:32:57 pm »
I'm starting to save now for my ticket to the book signing/BPO party!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: I plan famosity in the near future. And I'm bringing you all with me!
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2005, 03:33:00 pm »
I really like the title "Saddles Not Included: How my Dog Filed Head of Household"  or some such.  What a wonderful book.  Yes, I'm ordering mine in advance and I would like mine signed too, please.  You need to go ahead and start writing down the orders... ;D  that way you can be sure of success come publish time.  Also, a thought...Can there be a forum just for book stories?  This board has so many forums, I can't see where one more would matter.  Maybe not...just a thought.