Author Topic: I have a question for homeschoolers  (Read 4219 times)

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I have a question for homeschoolers
« on: November 29, 2005, 06:33:11 pm »
. I am writing a paper for my Philosophy of Christain Education class about homeschooling. I just hope you can answer a few questions for me if you don't mind. Can pm the answers if you don't feel comfortable posting.

1. Why do you home school your children?

2. What kind of curriculum do you use?

3. What was the child's age when you started  homeschooling you children?

This is for those who eithre are homeschooled or use to be homeschooled
1. Do or did you enjoy being homeschooled?

2. Did or do you ever want to go to a school?

Thank you so much. It will really help with my paper.

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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 06:39:56 pm »
I was homeschooled from 5th grade through 8th.  I happened to like homeschooling for the most part.  I picked up stuff really easy and as such I would finish way early which was fun.  HOWEVER, when I went to highschool I was socially retarded (Slow, not stupid)  I didn't know how to handle myself in social situations, and as a result school was really hard for me although I excelled academically.  The times I wanted to go to real school was simply so I could make friends.   

I know alot of homechoolers now that supplement their typical schooling with things such as art classes, music and sports activities.  I think that that's the ideal situation personally.  Students get diversified enrichment, and they still get to hone their social skills.
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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2005, 07:15:47 pm »
This is for those who either are homeschooled or use to be homeschooled
1. Do or did you enjoy being homeschooled?

2. Did or do you ever want to go to a school?

I've been home-schooled for the past five years; this year is the sixth.  Right now I am in high school.  The home-schooling itself I don't really mind, but I'm not very social and haven't made friends since we moved cross-country four years ago.

I don't want to go to a school, because I know I would only be more lonely.  I wouldn't "fit in."  Sometimes I think about it, but I know I would be unhappy.  Also, I would either get stuck with much older students or be pulled back with those who are my own age but are learning much easier material.

My brothers and sisters who are old enough are also home-schooled.

I hope that helps you a little, Mrs. Ponton.  :)



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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 12:27:12 am »
1. Why do you home school your children?  I homeschool my daughter for a lot of reasons.  1. The schools in our area are ranked among the worst in the nation.   2. I don't agree with some of the things that are taught to children in schools either a) by teachers or b) by other children.  3. My husband travels with work all of the time.  Homeschooling allows us to travel with him if we choose. 

2. What kind of curriculum do you use?   I use a Christian curriculum.  A Beka.  I use their dvd program.  I used the parent directed program for the 2 years prior to this one.

3. What was the child's age when you started  homeschooling you children? She was 5 and starting Kindergarden.

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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2005, 10:18:38 am »
Thanks this will halp me alot. If there is anyone else I'm not done yet.


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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2005, 04:33:08 am »
No problem!  If you think of any other questions feel free to ask!

Offline Perdi's Mom

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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2005, 10:35:04 am »
1. Why do you home school your children?  Our schools are ranked 48th in the nation-almost half the kids at a 4th grade level can't even read, they are aggressive and the things that go on in schools now-a-days are scary.  I also do not trust the 'professionals' to protect my children from bullies, molesters, or from the teachers themselves.  I am not knocking teachers in general, but many of them are in the wrong feild of work.  I taught in schools and I was sick of the lack of parental involvement as well as the lack of teachers even knowing their stuff.  I am tired of sports being more important to them than academics.  I do not like the content taught in school.  I like to see my kids accomplishment s and know that I taught them those things and didn't miss a single milestone of theirs.  I want our family to be closer.  We like to travel when we want and homeschooling provides that freedom to do so-plus it's cheaper since we can take advantage of the off seasons when visiting places.   I don't want a school telling me that I have to drug my kids because they are just being kids that need the recesses that schools are slowly phasing out because of 'insurance liabilities'!  I don't want them to sit in a chair all day doodling while waiting for other kids to catch up to their level.  I want my kids to be involved in many things and being regulated to the hours of 'normal school' time limits us.  With homeschooling we can do what we want, when we want!  My kids love the fact that they get to go to the movies in the middle of the day (providing their work is done) to see a new movie without all the people in there.  They like that we take lots of vacations now and get to see so many places.  I don't want the government telling me how I have to educate my kids or that it's ok to present sex-ed to 4th graders, or TV's in the class that show programs contrary to the way we believe marriage, families, etc to be-One size does NOT fit all!  I don't want my kids taught to a test, just so they'll pass and the school can get their fundings.  I don't like that kids do well in their classes only to get held back because they didn't pass the said test.  I think one needs to look at the overall picture of the student and help them out in the areas needed.  A lot of times it's just a small thing needing work on.  I don't like that my Kindergartener had to sit for three hours a day for a week to take this said test and was extremely stressed out-only to find out that the test wasn't even evaluated for their grade-they were just practicing!!!!  I like homeschooling because I brought my kids in this world, it's up to me to teach them right and to raise them in the way the Lord sees fit.  I can't leave that up to some 'professional' and then complain when things don't turn out right because of so and so not doing their job.  It's my job, not theirs....  I really could go on and on!

2. What kind of curriculum do you use?  I use a variety of items although right now it's mainly the A Beka curriculum.  I also use the library for many different lessons in science, history, reading, and general knowledge.  I also use some things from a curriculum called Kimber Academy-math/reading/history/religion, Beautiful Feet-history/reading, Story of the World-history, as well as things from the internet. 

3. What was the child's age when you started  homeschooling them? 5 and 7 years old.

This is for those who either are homeschooled or use to be homeschooled
1. Do or did you enjoy being homeschooled?  My kids answered that yes they enjoy it, but sometimes wish they were back in the 'other school'.  They say this until they realize that they'd have to sit there all day at school instead of being able to run and play and do things at their own time and pace.  They like the freedom of homschooling.

2. Did or do you ever want to go to a school?  My kids do occasionally say that they want to return, but normally it's because they are bored that day and they miss their old friends.

This is just a 'few'  ;D  of the reasons why we homeschool.

Thank you so much. It will really help with my paper
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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2005, 01:27:02 pm »
I don't have children yet, but I just wanted to say that I think it is wonderful that you have chosen to home school.  My husband and I have discussed this because we do not agree with a lot of what goes on in public schools.  Do you know that in our neice's school, children are not allowed to bring in cupcakes for their birthday because it is an unhealthy example to set for the other students?!  Of course, this is the tip of the iceberg, but really, kids aren't allowed to have any fun or express any idea that doesn't fit in with exactly what the state wants them to think!  Do you have to have a teacher's lisence to home school?  Sorry to interupt this thread with my question, just wondering.
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Offline Good Hope

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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2005, 02:24:18 pm »
As far as I know, you do not need a teacher's license to home school in any state.

However, some states WILL make you jump through a lot of hoops and require a lot of paperwork for it to be done legally.  It all depends on the state.

This website provides basic summaries of state laws regarding home schooling:


Offline Perdi's Mom

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Re: I have a question for homeschoolers
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2005, 03:53:43 pm »
in Louisiana, where I live, there are two ways to register: as a person seeking to homeschool seeking state assisstance and as a person seeking to register as a non-public private school 'not seeking state assisstance'.  The first year I chose the first option, not realizing what it required.  They don't tell you much until when you reregister and then you have to send in a portfolio of each subject and a detailed list of what you covered that year and what you will be covering the next year.  I was like, wait a minute...I don't want them all up in my business, so when I got denied (because I didn't know about the requirements and didn't send the stuff in with the reregister), I chose the other option of registering as a non-public private school.  They require that you send in a letter with the name of your school, contact info, and the number of children you will be homeschooling.  I do keep records though and I have a box that all thier work goes into for that year, then I take a few papers out from each subjet and save it in a file folder labeled with that year.   I want to do that for my kids so that if anyone like CPS (child protective services) gets called or the Board of Education checks up, I'll have proof that we are productive homeschoolers here.  I guarantee that my kids do way more than any kid in regular schools.  Every day is a day of learning, every day is a day of growth, every day is a day of exploration.  That's the way it should be.  My kids are well adjusted.  They can talk with adults and kids alike.  They are friendly and outgoing and they love to hang out with people.  Homeschoolers are just as socialized as kids in regular schools.  I think more so though since they are able to speak and interact with people of all ages, not just a teacher and a bunch of kids their own age.  Besides...what are they always telling kids at schools: "You need to be quiet and get to work; we're not here to 'socialize'!"  I don't want my kids stifled...
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