Author Topic: Frustated with neighbor  (Read 17447 times)

Offline Jen and Rick

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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2005, 12:26:59 am »
Oh, what a sweet, happy face Zima has! She is adorable and the slipper look made me chuckle!

I'm so glad your neighbor is taking better care of his puppy.  He is probably the type of jerk who has to bluster before he thinks.  Then later on, he probably thought about what you said and took it to heart.

I'm glad it's all worked out well.


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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2005, 12:42:09 am »
i'm gonna thread jack but...

my downstairs neighbor won't stop complaing about 'noise'... cuz there's too much 'thumpin' around. so my landlord called on friday, and told me i better 'crate my dogs', then the neighbor told me i need to stop wearing 'flopping slippers' in the apt..

last i checked, i paid rent just like everyone else (and a friggin $400 'pet deposit'... i'm only 135#, i walk relatively normally, all the units have full hardwood floors. not sure what the lady is expecting from me? maybe i need to buy some pink bunny slippers?  ???

tonyc, I can sympathize with your situation. We lived in an apartment for 4 years, not with dogs, but with an active toddler. It was impossible to please the downstairs people, they could hear us breath. The situation came to a head when they complained that they could hear us at night (Extracurricula r activities) because the bed squeaked. We told the manager too bad, we were't changing our sex lives to keep peace!
We moved out into a garden level apartment as soon as our lease was up, and ultimately into a house.
Check the legalities, but I think you can make an acceptable amount of noise during normal peoples awake time---Say 7am to 11pm, and they can't do a whole lot about it. Different towns have different noise ordenences. After all, you pay your rent, and it's not your fault that the construction of the building carries sound.


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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2005, 12:55:43 am »
wow! I can't believe someone has enough time on their hands to complain about the sounds of slippers! For heaven's sake!

We're landlords, and when our tenants call and make these types of complaints about other tenants, we just laugh! We always tell people that they are grown-ups, and they should be able to mediate their own situations. Just because we own the property doesn't mean that we are their mommies and daddies, or kindergarten teachers or whatever. And we always tell them that if its a big enough problem, the police are always available to them.  ;D

Tony, I think that you should buy the bunny slippers and send the lady the bill. ;D

Dakotasmom, I truly believe that it takes a village, and that people need to feel responsible for everything that goes on in that village. By that I mean that its awesome that you helped that guy out with his puppy and made a difference. I think that even if he was offended at first, actions such as yours really go a long way toward strengthening a neighborhood. At some point, maybe he'll ask you to dog-sit or something. Not that you want to jump at the opportunity to dog-sit a 14 week old lab, but it just creates stronger ties. If you're looking out for his baby, he'll be looking out for yours, too. Ya know what I mean?

BTW, Jade is GORGEOUS! The more Leons I see the more I want one!


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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2005, 09:59:16 pm »
I have some sad news about this little baby that the neighbor had.

We have no actual proof, but the neighbors have put stories together and come to the conclusion that he has killed this puppy.

Since I had my talk with the neighbor he has not said any more to me. I asked him last week as he made his last trip to the house if he was moving and all he said was, "Yep".

I have not seen the puppy for a couple of weeks but thought it was due to them moving. Then I heard today that he had asked someone about how he could kill the puppy because he could not take it to where he was moving to. He did tell one of the neighbors that she was dead.

All the neighbors feel that he beat the dog to death and threw her in the garbage.

I am so sick over this and I hope he does not show his face in our neighborhood ever again. Something told me to puppy nap this little girl when I had the chance. All he would have had to do was drop her in my yard and we would have made sure to find her a good home.

Offline shangrila

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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2005, 10:49:49 pm »
 Hopefully karma will kick this scumbag in the butt >:(
RIP former BPO


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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2005, 11:20:39 pm »
I wish we had some proof of what he did so we could go after him!

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2005, 11:33:24 pm »
Oh that is horrible!!  It is too bad there is not proof, and I hope he does not even think about getting any future pets.

The only think I can think of to say is take comfort in the fact he is leaving your neighborhood and you won't have to deal with him anymore.

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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2005, 11:34:26 pm »
Oh please let there be reincarnation and let him come back as his own dog!!! >:(

Offline Good Hope

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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2005, 08:30:53 am »
You definately need to report it, even with no evidence. If this guy could do this to a dog... think of the potential for what he could to a child...

Please try.



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Re: Frustated with neighbor
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2005, 10:52:27 am »
Pray for his sake that he doesn't land in my nieghborhood. In Chicago we KNOW where to hide the body.