Author Topic: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy  (Read 3540 times)

Offline my3dogs

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Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« on: December 13, 2005, 07:40:58 am »
I've been dealing with seizures since late summer.   Newly diagnosed and NOT happy with the neurologist I was seeing.   Yesterday I met with a new neurologist who specialized in epilepsy.
The new doctor is SOOOOOOO much better than the other guy.    100 times better.   
Hubby also said he felt so much better after we left the appointment with her.
She started off by asking me to tell my story from the beginning.  She said she
had the other doctor's notes but that she wanted to get the story from me
herself. (I liked that a lot)
As I started telling her about the early incidents and first EEG she asked if I felt comfortable with the diagnosis.   I told her the truth....that I am having a hard time believing it.   
She said, "I'm going to take the next 10 minutes and go over your EEGs.  I am not just a
neurologist.  I studied 2 additional years in epilepsy so reading EEG results is one of my specialties.  It could be that the eeg shows nothing special or it could show something."    (I liked this a lot too)
She was gone for 10 min.   Hubby told me that he always hopes the best for me but not to get my hopes up too high. It was good that he helped keep my feet on the ground. It was a long 10 minutes for me.  She came back and said that it's definitely seizure activity.  She explained that a normal eeg should look like the letter M written over and over.   My eeg line has triangle points popping up.   That is the seizure activity.  (I liked that she explained this clearly and helpfully)
She really listened to me about facts & d we formed a plan TOGETHER.   
I'm doubling my med today.   In one week I will have blood work done.  The
following week I call to get the lab results and we will adjust the med accordingly.
If this med doesn't work we will try another. 
She provided me with so much good information.  100 times more than the prior doctor. 
She gave me a pamphlet and wrote down the type of seizures I am having and the
location in my brain.   She gave me a copy of this 400+ page book on epilepsy.
Overall it was GREAT. 
Of course I wish she would have said the eegs were fine and it was all a big mistake but you can't have everything.   She's really nice.   
I'm so so so so so glad I switched. 
Just wanted to share my good news.

"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline The Brindle Pack

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 10:28:18 am »
Wendy - I'm so glad that you have found not only a doctor that you are comfortable with but also one that will take the time to be involved.  Each case of epilepsy is different and will be treated differently.  It is imperative that you work together to find out what works best for YOU.  Sounds like this is a perfect match.


Offline my3dogs

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2005, 05:04:09 pm »
BPO people always come through.   ;D
You are all so wonderful.
I was bursting with this news that has nothing to do with dogs.
I post it here and it's met with encouragement and joy.
You people ROCK!!!!
.....and that's not just the meds talking.

"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 05:21:57 pm »
Wendy, that is awesome.  This doctor really sounds like she is on your side, and is someone that you can work with.  A good doctor makes such a difference...
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Offline mindex

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2005, 10:18:49 pm »
I just happened to see your post.  I wanted to let you know that having epilepsy is not the end of the world.  I have been dealing with it since I was 14 ( I am 25 now). If the seizures can be controlled it really doesn't effect your life much at all. 
 Strangely, after I started having seizures, my yellow lab also did.  I don't know what kind of seizures you are having but remember, and I saw this on a bus "Epliepsy is what you have, not who you are" Keep your head up.  There are always people here for you.

Offline Jessdryden

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2005, 10:48:57 pm »
I am so glad to hear that you found a good doctor that you like.  She sounds very thoughtful and compassionate.  Glad to hear some good news!  Yay! :)

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2005, 02:01:46 pm »
Hi Wendy, I can only begin to understand how you must feel. My only experience with siezures was with Kiya 3 weeks ago, it scared me so much. A doctor you feel you can have faith in means so much and to feel your going in the right direction is great. Good luck to you.

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2005, 02:45:11 pm »
I am so impressed with your new neurologist! That's going to make all the difference in the world to you!

On a side note: have you noticed if your dogs seem to "sense" your seizures coming on before you do? I've seen a lot of programs about dogs that do this because the sense the subtle changes in their humans.
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Offline my3dogs

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Re: Some good news RE:me and epilepsy
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2005, 10:55:47 pm »
I am so impressed with your new neurologist! That's going to make all the difference in the world to you!

On a side note: have you noticed if your dogs seem to "sense" your seizures coming on before you do? I've seen a lot of programs about dogs that do this because the sense the subtle changes in their humans.

I've read articles about this too.   Fascinating, isn't it?   
As for my dogs.....ummm.  Unless bologna was dropping from my fingertips they pretty much sleep through anything.   We've often joked that if any of them were trained to be seeing eye dogs the poor blind person would wonder why they were always in front of the fridge. 

"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks