Author Topic: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!  (Read 16556 times)

Offline brandon

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2005, 01:37:11 pm »
Signed it, thats just wrong.
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Offline Carolyn

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2005, 02:41:54 pm »
I saw a story once about "asiatic" fur..guess what that is. NEVER NEVER buy asiatic fur. A lot of those furry animal figures you see are made of that & collars on jackets.

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2005, 03:30:47 pm »
Signed it, that is just lame.  In this day and age, with all the synthetics that are available, there is no reason for fur coats to still be made.
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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2005, 04:06:33 pm »
Signed it, that is just lame.  In this day and age, with all the synthetics that are available, there is no reason for fur coats to still be made.

I totally agree with you, why use fur at all???? I can see why it was used during the cave age, they simply had to use it to not freeze to death. Now well there is material that is actually much warmer, much more practical and does not involve killing animals. Me personally would never wear anything with real fur. Now I am worried though, since they according to the article, sometimes call the dog and cat fur faux fur. So much today have the little bits and pieces of fur, purses, jackets, boots, you name it. After this I think I will have a very hard time buying anything with "faux" fur since I feel it is hard to really really be sure what it really is.

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Offline Senghe

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2005, 05:10:57 pm »
Marit - synthetic faux fur has come a long way, but after feeling an item, it's pretty obvious when someting is made from real fur. For starters, if you part the fur, you can easily tell real skin from a fabric base in one glance. I think a lot of people are happy to delude themselves if they like an item enough and then plead ignorance afterwards. If we don't buy it, they can't sell it.

I just don't see any practical need in this day and age to kill an animal purely for it's fur. Even in the wilds of Russia where synthetic garments are not affordable, they usually eat the animals they wear.

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2005, 05:15:36 pm »
Yeah I guess you are right, the faux fur that is on Jennifers jacket and Malins purse, now when I went to check it, it is definately faux, no way that stuff is real, puhhhh now I feel better  :) Thanks

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Offline Scootergirl

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2005, 05:51:47 pm »
I would sign this, but I just don't know how helpful online petitions are. Do they really make an impact? How do they verify the "signatures" are legit? Can't you just make up a whole bunch of names and sign something 100 times and invalidate the petition.

Sorry to be a Negative Nellie, but I just don't trust the whole online petition thing. Can someone shed some light on this for me?
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Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2005, 05:59:54 pm »
I know what you mean, I sign them because I am pretty sure they cant hurt.

As you well know by now (sounding like a broken record lol) I worked with animal rights in Sweden, when there were issues like this. The bigger questions that need law bills, the best and most effective way (only my opinion) is to have a large, powerful org. that works not only in rescue but also have a lobbying section. I am sure that is going on aswell. I have sent an email to an old contact and hope to get some kind of answer soon.

But like I said,  I sign petitions because hopefully it does make a difference and it can not do any harm.

My two cents worth  ;)

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2005, 09:02:35 pm »
I agree with Marit.  I don't usually sign on-line petitions (or really any petitions) but this is so clearly WRONG that I had NO hesitation.  Maybe the powers that be in Europe don't care that 100,000 or more people thing it's a horrifying thought but maybe, just maybe someone will notice and it may make a difference!  The only fur I want to own is already being worn by Chester, Cowboy and our two crazy cats!!!

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2006, 07:33:26 pm »
This is the joy of living in the E.U. Once upon a time this trade was stopped in the UK because the type of fur used in clothing had to be specified. Who would buy a coat labled dog or cat fur? Then along came the EU and for the sake of standardisatio n stopped this practice - apparently our standards were too high for the rest of europe. Its nice being ruled by ubelected bueraucrats, honest ;D

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Offline Sami142

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Re: !!!! This is something we all should sign!!!
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2006, 10:16:43 pm »
I signed...Hope that it helps in some way.

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