Author Topic: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!  (Read 4795 times)

Offline mrpuppy

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chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« on: December 25, 2005, 05:37:06 pm »
I nearly killed my newfoundland,bear,accidentally by feeding him chocolate chip cookies about 4 months ago,chocolate contains a chemical called theobromide which can cause them to go into shock and die within minutes!!!the closer you get to bakeing chocolate,the higher the concentration of theobromide,and chocolate chip cookies are baked!!!,I am posting this so hopefully nobody else has to go through the nightmare I went through!!!
bear,14 month old newfie,140 pounds (estimated)

Offline Anky

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2005, 05:48:32 pm »
I nearly killed my newfoundland,bear,accidentally by feeding him chocolate chip cookies about 4 months ago,chocolate contains a chemical called theobromide which can cause them to go into shock and die within minutes!!!the closer you get to bakeing chocolate,the higher the concentration of theobromide,and chocolate chip cookies are baked!!!,I am posting this so hopefully nobody else has to go through the nightmare I went through!!!

Mr Puppy, I put this on your other thread but I wanted to make sure you saw it.  :)

It doesn't have to do with the fact that the chocolate is baked.  It has to do with the concentration of Cocoa.  ie:  Bakers Chocolate has a VERY high concentration of cocoa (And not much else, hence the bitter taste).  I found a chart I had book marked.

List of 4 items

. White chocolate: 200 ounces per pound of body weight. It takes
250 pounds of white chocolate to cause signs of poisoning in a 20-pound dog,125 pounds for a 10-pound dog.

. Milk chocolate: 1 ounce per pound of body weight. Approximately
one pound of milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound dog; one-half pound for a 10-pound dog. The average chocolate bar contains 2 to 3 ounces of milk chocolate. It would take 2-3 candy bars to poison a 10 pound dog. Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxic level.

. Sweet cocoa: 0.3 ounces per pound of body weight. One-third of
a pound of sweet cocoa is toxic to a 20-pound dog; 1/6 pound for a 10-pound dog.

. Baking chocolate: 0.1 ounce per pound body weight. Two
one-ounce squares of bakers' chocolate is toxic to a 20-pound dog; one ounce for a 10-pound dog. list end

(Take from )

We once had a 40 pound Cocka poo that ate 15 pounds of Hershey Kisses (Wrappers included) and did nothing but puke them up the next day.  My little tubbo Hobo ate about 2 pounds of fudge (And a paper plate) and had the runs in a bad way.  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't suggest feeding chocolate on a constant basis, but it isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was when I was growing up. 
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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2005, 07:23:40 pm »
I promise to post pictures of bear if I ever learn how to make this handheld video camera work and send the film through my firewire port into my computer!no instructions!but to get back to the chocolate chip cookies,I think you should be very leery of believeing anything!!!! you read on the internet from a supposed expert!!!!! i.e. newfies don't bark,ha,ha, newfies as a protection dog are rated as low to non-existant,ha ha ha ha ha,just let somebody break into your house or threaten you in any way, and they'll be verrrry!!! sorry they read that!!! I could post some very good true stories about that,they happened to me,a woman friend brought over an unopened package of chocolate chip cookies several months ago,we proceeded to eat them and bear got about  half the package,about a half hour later, he was laying at the foot of my bed and I knew instantly something very bad was wrong just by the way he held his head on his paws,he proceeded to stagger up,it took everything he had!!! to make it to his feet,and proceeded to stagger down the corridor,first running into one wall, than the other,when he stood still in the frontroom,his hind leg would sloooowly begin to collapse under under him and I thought he was going to collapse but he managed to make it to the couch and sit down,his breatheing was so laboured you could hear it from the other end of the house! his heart was beating so hard you could seeit hitting his ribcage from several feet away,this happened about 2 O'clock in the morning,absolutely no chance of getting him to a vet here,he was fine by the next morning,if a little weak,and made a total recovery,he ate only half a package of chocolate chip cookies and he weighed 125 than,so beware of believing what you read on the internet!!!,or what a vet tells you!as I doubt anybody really knows!!!but what I am telling you is what actually happened to me!!!!!so beware!!!!,pardon the long post,by the way, does anybody have any newfie protection stories to post,II think that would be a verrrt!!! interesting thread!!!!
bear,14 month old newfie,140 pounds (estimated)

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2005, 03:21:38 pm »
I am so sorry to hear about your doggy being sick, it is really really nervwrecking having to deal with, our dogs being not well.

After having read how actually little choc. he ate, my thoughts are spinning a bit. What already has been said here, about how much choc. a dog usually would have to eat to get sick from it, is something I have heard from several vets too so I really dont think it is just something that is being said on internet. I wouldnt feed my dogs choc either, but having kids and dogs well sometimes the dogs get stuff to eat they shouldnt because someone left it somewhere and forgot about it lol.

Im thinking that maybe Bear is "hyper sensetive" the same way certain dogs and people for that matter get sick from things most dont.

I am glad to hear he is all well now. Poor Bear just wanted a few choc chip cookies  :D

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2005, 03:29:27 pm »
Bear might have had an allergic reaction to something else in the cookies.  Pre packaged cookies have a LOT of preservatives, that many dogs can't handle.  Also Bear's symptoms are the opposite of Theobromide poisoning, which makes me think it could be something else.  A dog having a reaction to Theobromide gets hyper and spastic, not lethargic and dopey like you said Bear was.  I hope he's OK now.  :)
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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2005, 04:51:28 pm »
bear made a complete,rapid recovery,however one of his early health problems was, i'm allwayyyys petting him and one day I began feeling several raised bumps on his back, about the size of a nickol,this alarmed me to say the least,I saw potential hotspots,about a week later,he was behind me on the couch,just gazing at me with those indescribeably human like eyes,I know all newfie owners will know what I mean! ha, when I suddenly noticed the skin over his right eye suddenly puffed out slightly and turned bright!!!red,within 20 minutes his eye was swelled comepletely shut!we rushed him to the vet,it turned out to be hives,it was early spring,the vet said he was either allergic to an inhalant or most likely his dogfood,she put us on some verrrry! expensive hypoallergenic dogfood gave him a shot and a 3 day supply of steroids, all the hives vanished by that night and have never recurred,we feed him the super enriched diamond dog food,it was recommended to me by the most knowledgeable breeder I have ever spoken to,linda volk at beach-nut newfies,she has bred newfies for 35 years,it's cheap,they love it, and it's very!! good for newfies, but I think you can only get it at feedmills,not sure,eventually I realized it wasn't the dogfood and put him back on diamond super enriched dogfood,and theres never been a further recurrance of  hives,so you're right and an astute observation!,he doe's have a history of allergy!
bear,14 month old newfie,140 pounds (estimated)

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2005, 05:53:46 pm »
Glad to hear that everything turned out well for you and your Bear Mr. Puppy. And yes, I totally know what you mean with those "human eyes" that look at you.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2005, 11:20:14 am »
When Spotakiss was 6 months old he broke into my tuperware container of a dozen chocolate chip cookies and he was ok.

Offline Lucysdad

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 03:34:56 am »
I'm very pleased to hear everbodies dog is OK but this is still very worrisome, I'd feel much better about the whole thing if all those Bad Bad chocolate chip cookies were gathered up and sent over here straight away. I'll take full responsiblity for seeing to it that no dogs will ever be put at risk by those cookies again......... ......
Lucy's Dad (Gene)

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Re: chocolate chip cookies are deadly!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2006, 09:43:34 pm »
This really has nothing to do with chocolate, but i was just reading this when i discovered you feed Diamond too! i LOVE this food and practically swear by it-my (extremely mal-nurished) dog gained 20 pounds on that food, when even solid gold wouldn't get his weight up. i love this food, and i strongly recomend it to anyone that has a dog with weight problems.

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