Author Topic: New family member  (Read 1154 times)

Offline ZooCrew

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New family member
« on: January 07, 2006, 08:05:29 pm »
Sorry, he's not of the canine sort.  But I'm lovin' this new addition to our family.  He's not a for sure thing yet........... ......but since I haven't been told to bring him back home yet, and I see his owner at least once a week, I'm thinking this is a permanent situation.

His name is Pasta.  He is/was one of my client's pets found as a stray by his other pet sitter.  She originally asked me if I wanted him, but my other cockatiel doesn't like to share her space, and I couldn't afford to buy a new cage.  So, she gave him to her client........ ....who later hired me.  Pasta stayed over Thanksgiving, and again over Christmas.  They just got a new puppy and don't want to deal with training the puppy to be nice or train the bird (he's a little hand shy, and will need some work).  They've never owned a bird before, so they had no clue what to feed or anything.  He asked if I wanted him, and would include the cage and accessories.  I said yes, but he needed to convince his daughter as she was attached to Pasta.

He's very sweet, and can sing up a storm.  Its such a nice change from my other cockatiel, who, being a female can only squawk and scream.  He knows how to catcall, can do the "charge!" trumpet call, a grandfather clock chime, a phone ringing with answering machine (took me awhile to figure out what the warbled human voice was supposed to be), and I'm teaching him the Andy Griffith tune.  I think he's quite young, probably under a year old, as his crest and tail feathers don't seem to have grown in all the way yet........... ..although he could just have sparse feathers.    He has a leg ring, so I think he may have come from a breeder, as most owners don't tag their birds.  When I get a definite answer if he's mine or not, I will take him to the vet to get checked out and have it removed.




Lacy.......... no attention to the bald spots on her shoulders.  She has OCD and is now bald there, along with some other places.

Preening Pasta

Offline brandon

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Re: New family member
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 08:35:45 pm »
Congrats on the new family member Zoo, they're cute. We have 5 birds here and love them (most of the times, except when they are being bad :) )

“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: New family member
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 10:19:53 pm »
Lacy started feather plucking about 10-11 yrs ago after my sis got a bird and we put them in the same cage.  She hated the other bird, and used to pick on him when he tried to snuggle (turned out later to be a female, but I'll call her a him b/c it makes it easier to tell the story.   :)  )  He put up with it at first b/c he was a baby when we got him, but as he got older, he started chasing her away from the food and perches.

Sooo she started plucking feathers.  I took her with me when I got my own place a few years later, but by that time she had been doing it for awhile, and continued doing it.  I haven't heard her squawk from pulling a feather out in a long time, so maybe she's stopped, but she is permanently bald on her shoulders, under her wings, her legs (she now has chicken legs), her butt, and parts of her back.  I guess the good thing is the only place you can really see it is her shoulders.  Everywhere else is not visible unless you know where to look.