Author Topic: He Barks all night long in his crate????  (Read 4442 times)

Offline IZ

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He Barks all night long in his crate????
« on: January 11, 2006, 08:40:27 am »
As many of you know Iz was recently sick and is still recovering from Hook Worm. BUT - we have a new dilemma. He barks non-stop in his crate at night. Last night I gave him his bedtime snack (part of the new diet) in his crate in case he needed to be reminded that the crate was a good place. He barked for 30 minutes and pooped (probably my fault for missing the signals). We slept until 2 AM - he had to go out - when back in his crate - he wouldn't stop barking. In order to get some sleep - I put him in the kitchen. He's quiet in there for 1.5 - 2 hour intervals - but then barks - and when taken out - really does pee.
Ideally I want him sleeping in the crate - he's too young to be in the kitchen alone at night (15 weeks).
We could move the crate - BUT there are times he really needs to go and I'm afraid we won't hear him if we move it and he really needs to go out.
Also - at times in the morning - or during the day, if I need to do things in the other parts of the house - I put him in the kitchen. He has now started barking and barking unless I am in there with him.
HELP - I'm exhausted.
Jennifer - IZ's Mom

"I like my daddy better".  -Iz

Offline Fumble

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 08:52:00 am »
ooh first i've gotta say iz's picture is sooo cute!! i love the little white paws!! give him a squdge for me and fumblE!  :)

i found that crate training with fumble took a VERY long time!  but he finally got it!  do you crate him throughout the day at all??  what i did was put him in the crate (it's in my bedroom) while i was in the room.  oh and i made sure that i let him out before i put him in! that way i knew he didn't have to go! because with fumble if you let him out, he will pee!  no matter what!  okay back to the crate.  i would put him in there while i made my bed or folded some laundry.  then take him out, be sure not to praise him because then they associate that it's a good thing to get out.  while in my room i slowly worked up from 5 minutes to 10 minute intervals.  believe me fumble CRIED and cried!!  but i just ignored it, and kept to what i was doing.  then after i did the 10 minutes a few times i started to leave the room, but not the house.  just leave the room.  that's when he got used to it the most, he started to associate it as his house! 
at night, was very difficult.  i remember the first night i put him in there, kept the door open and slept right outside his door in a sleeping bag, just because i was in such dire need of sleep!  ;) he soon started to get the idea that nighttime was sleeping time... and the next night i shut the door, and he cried, but i ignored it.  when i first started i remember letting him out 4 times in a night!  oh i remember those days and don't know how i did it and still survived throughout the day!!  iz is 15 weeks??  it took fumble till about 16 weeks to really get a good nights sleep through the night.  it will happen with iz!! maybe try to put his food in his crate?? i think i heard not to do that, but then someone else told me to.. so i did it, and fumble really started to think it was his haven!
i don't know if any of that made sense!  i read a lot of books and stuff, and found crate training to be very difficult for me as well. because the crying and barking are so difficult! because i felt like i was doing something wrong!  but i knew that in order for him to be safe, it was the best option, especially at nighttime!  good luck with it! and i hope that you've got a good coffee machine to help you through those morningS!  ;) it will get betteR!  ;D
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


Offline goldenlovingknitter

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 09:04:29 am »
TRUST ME-LOL- I feel your pain! :)  We are currently trying to get Ace to calm down and not cry all the time when he is in his crate.  He just wants out to play most of the time, but sometimes he has to use the bathroom.  So the first time he cries we get him to go outside, but if he cries again after just going outside we know he just wants to play.  :)  Everyone helped me find a solution to our problem with a blanket placed over the crate.  He hasn't cried since *except this morning 5mintues before my alarm went off*  When we first got him we tried everything and he got better, but then he got worse again.  So I came here and took a mixture of suggestions and found what worked for us. :)  We're all really happy and rested! 

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2006, 09:50:25 am »
Hi Jenn,

Winslow took very well to his crate, we are now starting to let him sleep out of it and be loose in the house on short out of house trips. Small set back yesterday, he got one of my Wife's shoes  :o So he is back in the crate while we aren't there for sure again.

Since IZ has had all the bowel and tummy issues time in the crate may be a little harder for you, he knows he can't get out if he feels yucky so he probably doesn't like the confinement.

2 things to try, move the crate to the kitchen as IZ seems comfortable there he may be more comfortable there in his crate. Also get a blanket and cover 3 sides of the crate, it makes the crate more "den like" he may be more comfortable in "his Den"

Lastly you need to ignore the crying,  :-[ IT IS HARD to do, but the little fella is smart!! he knows "when I cry mommy comes running."

He will keep it up as it works. He will cry longer and longer as you ignore him so maybe plan some errands out of the house so the torture isn't as bad.  When you get home, go put your coat away, unpack what you bought turn on the TV then let IZ out. go back to your tasks so IZ associates the crate with normal activity. Like mentioned earlier, don't praise him when he is let out just say hello and pet him then go back to chores. He will catch on that the crate is his place and it is no big deal to be in there.

Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad

Offline IZ

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 09:57:24 am »
Thank you - we did all of that in the beginning. He has been a whiner a few times during the night to go out. This is different - he now just BARKS and doesn't stop. And he barks when in the kitchen (LIKE RIGHT NOW) because he wants me there. We tried a sheet over the crate - it did nothing.
He was recently very sick - threw up in the crate a few times, had diareha etc... I'm wondering if he now has "issues" with being in the crate because of that???
I expect toget up once or twice during the night for him - every 30 minutes is INSANE
Jennifer - IZ's Mom

"I like my daddy better".  -Iz

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 09:59:11 am »

One other thing I forgot. Do you talk to his Breeder? If you can get a small cloth or T-shirt that has been with his mother you can put that with IZ in the crate, also throw one of yours in there too, nothing better than having the smell of his mommies in his den.
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad

Offline greek4

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2006, 10:13:01 am »
The biggest thing to remember, never, ever for any reason let him out if he is crying.  He learns that if I cry I get out.  It was the one thing I struggled with but my guys have learned, if you really want out, don't cry.  But then again his tummy issue might warrant honest have to go potty cries. 

Maybe you should line the cage with newspaper with an small sleeping area so if he really has to go, he can otherwise he stays in there until you chose to get him out.  When Maia had a upset tummy (worms at about 4 months)  she pooped in her cage on the paper then was embarrassed about it but she didn't bark because she already knew it wouldn't get her out.  (Granted, I felt bad for her about it, but she is no worse for wear now and she is good in her crate).

Maia also has the blaket over the top and one side and her cage is in a corner on the other two sides.  She loves her den, which is in the cool unfinished part of the basement.  She has some music to jam to and Rocco in his cage where she can see him during the day.  At night, it's only Maia down there because I am scared some kind of monster will get me so Rocco sleeps free in my room so he can scare all the new and strange noises away.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline Fumble

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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2006, 05:20:32 pm »

One other thing I forgot. Do you talk to his Breeder? If you can get a small cloth or T-shirt that has been with his mother you can put that with IZ in the crate, also throw one of yours in there too, nothing better than having the smell of his mommies in his den.

fumble had his own blanket that had his mom's and his brothers and sisters scent on it.  we took it the day we went to go pick him up from the breeder.  he used to be soo attached to it!  now he's grown out of it, but it was definately good to have as a support system in the crate!
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
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Re: He Barks all night long in his crate????
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2006, 07:29:23 pm »
This is just a random guess....but maybe he doesn't feel well?  Could the meds be upsetting his stomach?  I'd wait to do any kind of training until he's back to 100%. 

With Chester, (we got him at 12 weeks) I just kept him next to our bed...with the toy he brought home with him from his breeder.  I had to get up with 2 - 3 times a night and by about 20 weeks he was fine.  I never used a crate, but did have baby gates to confine him to wherever I was. That way I could watch for his signal that he needed to go out.  Chester is our fourth Newf and I used a crate one night with our very first Newf, Otis.  They all just seemed to need to be with us.  A pat on the back in the  middle of the night is usually all it took to get them back to sleep.   I know lots of people swear by crates, but it just didn't work for us. ;D

I hope you get some sleep soon!  I do know what it's like!!! ;)