Author Topic: A girl was raped at my high school!  (Read 4473 times)

Offline dober_gurl

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A girl was raped at my high school!
« on: January 12, 2006, 12:15:52 pm »
and I was there that day too! Scary to think that could happen in my school! :o

A MCHS(my high school) student reported she was raped at the school on Tuesday by a male she could describe only as having "dirty blond hair". The attack wasn't reported to MC police until 24 hours after it allegedly happened. Accompanied by her mother, the girl reported the incident to a high school administrator Wednesday. On thursday, Asst. Superintendent Carla Iacona said school officials are working with police in the investigation, adding that school officials are anzious to get the incident resolved. When asked what precautions the school system is taking to protect students in the hallways. Iacona said the school "will continue to use sercurity cameras and police that are assigned to be at the school." According to police, the girl told them she stayed after class on Tuesday to practice for Jazz Band, which convened around 2:45 pm and lasted about an hour. She said that after practice, she was in the hallway bent over her backpack when an unknown male approached her from behind and put a hand over her eyes. She told police the attacker directed her to an unknown room where she was forced to remove her jeans and underwear and then to kneel. The girl told police she tried to resist but the attacker was too strong for her. Police said the girl told them the assault continued for almost 10 minutes before the attacker left. After dressing, the girl told police she left the room and headed toward the gym where she met up with a friend. Police said that when they asked her why she had not reported the attack sooner, the girl said she was afraid the man would do something to her if she had. According to Lt. Tom How, commander of the MCPD's Detective Bureau, a rape kit has been administered and personal items have been collected.
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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 12:19:13 pm »
That's sad that someone so young had that happen to her.

YOU just be careful!!!  It's a big scarey world out there. 

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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 12:34:50 pm »
Disgusting... poor girl!  When I hear these stories I get so sick.  All sex offenders should be shot, they ruin people's lives but then get off with a slap on the wrist.  So many of them do it again too.  This is why I make sure Sarah carries pepper spray or some sort of protection when I'm not with her in San Francisco and why I have a gun in the house.  She knows to fight back and be an unpleasant victim because they are most likely going to kill you and your only chance is fight back. 

We get these scumbag door to door salesmen (no offense to anybody who does that for a living) who frequently come to our house selling crap and I worry about the times Sarah is there alone.  Recently, here in the Bay Area, a 90 year old woman was raped and murdered by a magazine subscription salesman who forced his way into her house after she answered the door.  He was a registered sex offender and this company sent him to people's private residences, regardless of his criminal record.  That kind of irresponsibili ty makes me so PISSED!  There's certain lines you don't cross in modern society and once you do, there's no going back and you need to be cut out like a Cancer.
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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 12:37:25 pm »
Got to agree!!!! Newf!

Offline chaos270

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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 12:41:30 pm »
I feel so bad for her, it's a girls worst nightmare.  Be careful.

That's why I'm always with someone I trust when walking around school and when I stayed after in high school I always made sure I wasn't alone especially with one teacher I had, I made my friend Mike stay with me while I made up a lab.  Just remember to stay with friends until this guy is caught.
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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2006, 01:28:40 pm »
I agree completely. Until there is some resolution, stay in a group. You are safer there than on your own.

Offline shangrila

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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2006, 01:48:26 pm »
Megan that is very scary. I hope that they find the man who did this and take action to make your school safer. In the meantime, I think that you should find out if there are any self defence classes in your area that you and your friends can sign up for. I would also have your mom suggest to the school board that the school offer self defense classes to help prevent terrible things like this.
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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2006, 02:04:40 pm »
You have my deepest sympathy, all I can suggest is always be with someone, tell people where you are going and if you change your mind text a friend or family, whatever you do make sure someone knows where you are and carry what protection the law allows.

I am currently going through and trying to come to terms with the rape of a close family member, it isn't easy, you end up changing locks, not letting them out of your site and worrying all the time you dont know where they are or if they are back late.

The B%!*!"D that did it has been released on Bail by the UK courts his only condition that he does not come near the village where we live. I've actually handed all my guns to a friend for the time being rather than risk the Police taking them from me in case I sort the matter out myself.

Its a poor do when the victims seem to be the ones at fault.
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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 03:29:24 pm »
I agree completely. Until there is some resolution, stay in a group

Even AFTER it's resolved, you should STAY in groups!

This makes me SO ANGRY I'm nauseated.  This should NOT have happened!

WHY DOES ANYONE THINK SCHOOLS ARE SAFE?  It's about the biggest lie we tell ourselves as a society--it's just not true! >:( >:(

I won't get into the list of assaults, sexual and otherwise, that I was privy to as a teacher.  Suffice it to say that even at the most remote, rural school that I taught in, not a month went by when something bad didn't happen. 

Teaching in Los Angeles--it was almost daily. 

Grown women are taught in self defense classes to stay in groups or pairs in public.  Why in the world do parents not teach their children this about school?  True, it's rarely a stranger assault like this one--students are usually attacked by fellow students.   

And this school should be taking a MUCH more serious approach to security, if I were the PTA president, I'd be on the prinicpal's desk this morning screaming about additional police, because clearly, WHAT THEY HAD WASN'T ENOUGH! 

I'm going to make a radical suggestion, Megan.   

If you have a Girl's Association at your high school, you need to get the officers to call a meeting, and the GA needs to petition the school and the district for women's self defense training to be made available after school or at lunches for all interested women--not just students, but teachers and staff.  Get GA to sponsor fundraising activities to help with the costs.  You can do lunchtime/bake sales, holiday deliveries, etc. 

If you don't have a Girl's Association at your high school, then you should use this tragedy to GET ONE STARTED.

One school I taught at had a GA from the time it opened, and over the years that GA sponsored all kinds of things, some serious like the self defense classes, a  24 hour crisis phone line, blood drives, women's shelter donation drives and breast cancer runners. They also sponsored lots of fun stuff, like ladies' choice dances, and Secret Santa Xmases for needy families, and Battle of the Sexes spirit rallies (complete with trophy that got painted pink or blue, depending on who won each semester.)  There was almost NEVER a day that the GA at that school didn't have at least one table set up in the hallways at lunchtime, selling homemade cookies and snacks (think carrots and celery for dieting girls!)  to raise $$$ for the stuff they were sponsoring.  Some of their other fundraisers included 'Secret Admirer' lolly-grams (a lollypop with a message attached delivered on Friday Mornings during announcements for a quarter--the lollys cost like, 2 cents in a huge tub!) and the ever popular summer car washes.  Dues were a dollar a year, and every female in the school could belong, including teachers and staff.  Each year, they elect a governing board of 4 member teachers/staff members and 2 student reps from each class, as well as a general Pres/Vice/Sec/Treasurer who can be from any class; the principal was the only unelected member of the board.  It's not a politically correct thing to promote, a girls' only club, but they can be a powerful force for good in a school. 

Devastating things happen all the time, and too often they're just left to fester and hurt.  Don't let that happen here.  Use the fear and anger you and the rest of the girls are feeling because this happened so close to you to get started.  You do NOT have to be powerless. Get those defense classes--it's tragic that women need to know this stuff, but we do.  Even if you have to start a GA from scratch to get them, it's a way to make a terrible, unspeakable thing into a chance to keep it from happening to someone else.  It might even help the victim here to feel a little safer coming back to school if she knew that her classmates are committed to making sure something is being done, and God knows she'll need that. 

And DON'T go anywhere alone, Megan.  Not even to the bathroom, and if your teachers scoff at you, just tell them "Excuse me, there was a RAPE down the hall, remember?  I'm not going alone."   Just because he ran off doesn't mean he won't come back.  It took 4 separate incidents over nearly a month before they finally caught a flasher that was going into girls restrooms and locker rooms in one Salt Lake City district I taught in.  Don't be paranoid of everyone you see, but keep yourself and other safe by being together--please, please, PLEASE!

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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2006, 03:35:10 pm »
Please be safe, When I was in university and would walk alone back to my dorm, I would walk with my keys in my hands and one key inbetween my fingers. that was one way of protecting myself, oh and kicking them you know where, and also punching in the temple that really hurts too.I hope they catch this creep and put him in jail fast!!

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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2006, 11:58:51 pm »
That is seriously sick. She needs some counselling in the very least.

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Re: A girl was raped at my high school!
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2006, 11:47:50 am »
It sounds like she has a really problems and needs counselling.  Could be a cry for help from another direction!  Poor thing!   :(